Subject: Reliable mainland booking agent
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Post at 16-10-2021 05:26  Profile P.M. 
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Reliable mainland booking agent

So I had joined a few groups on telegram for booking girls in the mainland, and after some shitty wastes of time in which I was quoted ridiculous prices or given a girl that I wouldn't want for free (and still at ridiculous prices...) I found an agent that is slightly cheaper and pretty reliable. The prices are still high (around 3k), but apparently that is just the market prices now, and it can't be helped, sadly. However, I have booked three times now, and each time the girl pretty hot and matched the pics. I found the mainland girls now actually photoshop significantly less than the hotel girls in HK which made the booking easier.  

The agent runs a wechat and telegram group in which she shares pics pretty much everyday, and she is honest about which girls she has worked with and which ones she hasn't verified so it would be at your own risk. One of the girls I booked was unverified, but she was fine.  Anyways, she has quite a selection of girls in SZ and is pretty reliable, speaks English, and honest, so I would recommend her if you can stomach the prices and want more than a spa. She told me she can arrange in other cities but I have only been working in SZ this whole time so I cannot testify to that.

Happy to be back in China, and happy to share wechat/telegram if anyone wants!

Recent Ratings
kgb2005   24-11-2021 14:23  Acceptance  +3   
mzheng   24-11-2021 14:10  Acceptance  +1   anyone tried this agent in shanghai?
Girlsbuster   28-10-2021 02:20  Acceptance  +1   Great bro. Pls share wechat to join.
cknc31   22-10-2021 17:51  Karma  +4   li yundi paid 10k in Sanlitun BJ haha
swampy82   20-10-2021 07:58  Karma  +2   Excellent report and find! Please PM me Tg and WeChat contacts.
miamidolphins42   19-10-2021 19:11  Acceptance  +1   Thanks! The link is expired however, you mind reposting a new link?
LarryZ   18-10-2021 12:12  Acceptance  +1   Thanks, can you share wechat?
Hurryhurry025   17-10-2021 01:26  Acceptance  +2   Thanks for sharing. Would love to get that link.
hoodedbandit1   16-10-2021 19:33  Karma  +2   
forceholy   16-10-2021 17:48  Karma  +3   Would love to know if she can book in Beijing
hotjac   16-10-2021 17:07  Karma  +4   Good to know info - please share bothe wc & tg
Icarus   16-10-2021 15:59  Acceptance  +1   3k is expensive but I'll pay it for quality and reliability. Would love the TG link please.
kusturika   16-10-2021 14:30  Karma  +2   Great to know, appreciate a lot if can share her Wechat!
zhude10   16-10-2021 11:31  Karma  +3   Nice work - thanks for this in advance ;)
joverz   16-10-2021 07:49  Karma  +6   3k for one shot? Would love that tg link! thanks!
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Post at 17-10-2021 12:51  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 grankyfranks's post

Here is the telegram link. They do have cheaper than 3k but its just the baseline I guess so its +- a few hundred. Some of the "prettier" girls charge around 5, but I have never tried and lots of the 3s are just as good imo.

Sorry I don't know how to reply under your guyses' comments.

[ Last edited by  grankyfranks at 17-10-2021 18:22 ]
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Post at 22-10-2021 04:47  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 grankyfranks's post

Recent Ratings
liveabroad9   21-1-2022 21:05  Karma  +3   Excellent
hotjac   22-10-2021 18:17  Karma  +3   Super - thanks!
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Post at 23-10-2021 11:55  Profile P.M. 
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Hi, I run this forum and the above link shared by our member is to a nonmember group. This is all explained in Chinese on tg, but not in English, as tg doesn't really support multilanguage well in a group. If you cannot read Chinese and want to know more about the group and become a full member, please msg me on TG (Bunny) and not in the group chat.

Foreigners are not our target customers but I can almost guarantee that we can provide the most competitive prices for foreigners at this quality point, especially in Shenzhen and Guangdong.

*I run the TG group, not this forum...

Recent Ratings
vilden   30-12-2021 15:26  Acceptance  +1   
hotjac   23-10-2021 21:38  Karma  +6   Thanks
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Post at 28-10-2021 11:25  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 grankyfranks's post

I joined the group and seems reliable and with good resources but I haven't tried it yet. Some brother already tried and can share experience??

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