Subject: Transit visa crackdown - less time in market for Chinese WGs in HK and Macau
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Post at 11-5-2014 10:02  Profile P.M. 
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Transit visa crackdown - less time in market for Chinese WGs in HK and Macau

Bros, over the last week CCTV did a special report on the many mainlanders who are abusing the so-called "transit visa" scheme that allows Chinese to come to HK and Macau if they have a visa for a third country (like Thailand). It is assumed that they are only going to HK or Macau as a transit point for this other country. By entering using this system, they are allowed to stay for 7 days. Of course, most of the time the person never goes to the other country and only uses the other country's visa for the purposes of entering HK or Macau. I believe this is why CCTV did a special on the abuse of this scheme.

The HK and Macau media have been talking about this a lot (seemingly more in Chinese language media). I read an article where in Macau they are proposing to institute a crackdown beginning in July. What they're saying is they might reduce the number of days that a person can stay from 7 days today, to only 3-5 days in the future. Why is this important? Because I believe most (if not all) WGs in HK and Macau use the transit visa to enter. So, in the future it is possible that our favorite Chinese WGs can only stay in HK and Macau for just 3-5 days before they have to fly to Thailand/Vietnam/etc.

Based on conversations I've had with WGs over the years, it seems like your average PRC WG (at least in Macau) only spends about 15 days or so working during a one-month period, while the rest of the time is spent reloading on visas, traveling to Thailand, having their period, etc. I wonder if this new crackdown means that they'll be spending even less time working. Following this news, most of the WGs I know are, indeed, aware of this impending crackdown and are not too happy about it (although I don't think anybody quite understands the eventual ramifications or how long the crackdown will last).

More Thaiand and Vietnamese WGs?
My theory: if it turns out that PRC WGs can't spend enough time in market, and given the laws of supply and demand (less PRC WGs mean there isn't enough WG supply to meet the unending punter demand), perhaps we'll see more Thai and Vietnamese WGs in the market to fill the gap. Thoughts?

Mods - feel free to relocate this post if you think it belongs elsewhere. I was hesitant to put in WG info & intelligence thread as I suspect most Macau punters don't view it regularly.

Recent Ratings
wander   24-5-2014 14:35  Acceptance  +5   Good Intel. Sad news!
ggherkin   11-5-2014 10:19  Karma  +4   Good info. Moving to news since it isn't a report.
Bobo1974   11-5-2014 10:10  Karma  +3   Good intel. Someone need to close down that annoying CCTV!!!
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Post at 11-5-2014 10:12  Profile P.M. 
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Its true about using Macau as a transit point. Many WG I know only stayed in Macau for 9 days and they have to check in for an hour or so at Zhuhai and back to Macau. Some others actually used the airline ticket to flew all the way to Thailand for half day and back.
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Post at 11-5-2014 10:20  Profile P.M. 
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h0mer - I think your theory is correct. The non-PRC girls (Viet, Indo, etc.) seem to only need to do visa runs annually.

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Post at 11-5-2014 11:11  Profile P.M. 
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hmmm this makes sense

I was talking with a PRC sauna girl and she was telling me how she was there for 7 days then she had to goto thailand, then she would come back. and she was always talking about how she always has to goto thailand.

this is some lame news indeed.
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Post at 11-5-2014 13:34  Profile P.M. 
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There are some new restrictions that have recently been announced as to the exit ports for Chinese nationals with visas for certain countries.

These restrictions include a prohibition on exit via Macau and Hong Kong for some destinations, a requirement for an air ticket to the country for which a visa is held and the length of time and airlines that apply at these two places.

When  I find the reference again (Chinese government website) I will post same.

Also the Hong Kong authorities have been more 'alert' to mainland girls coming into Hong Kong following the crackdown on the mainland.

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Post at 12-5-2014 08:17  Profile P.M. 
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This is bad, our punting options are getting ever limited thanks to Chinese government interference. I thought losing DG/CP was bad enough, now our limited options of HK/Macau are getting squeezed. A move to cut transit times to 3-5 days could be a tipping point for WG coming to Macau/HK to work, as the several days of lost income could make it not worthwhile for these WG's to visit at all, and we could see a drastic fall in number of mainland WG's coming to HK.

I hope this is not part of a big trend in China/HK/Macau to eliminate and drive this activity underground. Not sure if it would be such a good idea to have so many Chinese men with pent-up libido who have used saunas as a avenue for release, especially given the gender imbalance on the mainland.

Find it hard to fathom why the Chinese government is so persistent in persecuting 'yellow', the PRC government isn't exactly a model of moral terpitude.

[ Last edited by  pooner at 12-5-2014 08:23 ]
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Post at 12-5-2014 23:23  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 pooner's post

"Find it hard to fathom why the Chinese government is so persistent in persecuting 'yellow', the PRC government isn't exactly a model of moral terpitude."

Yeah, it seems more like 'Do as I say, not as I do'
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Post at 13-5-2014 18:16  Profile P.M. 
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My opinion

Seems the number of freelance WG has been reducing in numbers lately. Most bars, Lions, D2, Bellini and Cubic are showing very few girls lately. If they cut back on the 15 stay for PRC girls it could make matters worse. The future outlook for Macau is uncertain. I'm hoping I'm wrong and gaming and WGs go hand in hand in an upward trend
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Post at 24-5-2014 08:26  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 h0merjfong's post

Thanks Homer Jfong,

It seems to get more and more Depressing as I read these Threads!  1st DG and Now Macau and Hong Kong Too!  

Dam I wish they spent more time on policing other areas of the Law!!! Look at those Terror attacks and Corruption Id wish they allocate more time and concentrate and Prioritize what's more important!

They should Look at China's economy, inflation, and building better ties with the neighboring countries than focus on petty issues like Visa restrictions!  This Sucks!

Where are these poor girls going to make a few extra bucks for a rainy day?  I'm sure many girls get exploited by the managers and bosses at the factories and they don't even get compensation! At least with this they are Happy and so are the Clients!

I hope that they come to their senses, this is outrageous.  This will affect the Chinese economies everywhere from the Hotels to the local cafes, next on the list would be the Hong Kong stock exchange.  Lower profits means stock prices will plunge and the entire Chinese economy will feel the ramifications.

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