Subject: sweet pussy nectar
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Post at 23-11-2012 14:32  Profile P.M. 
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sweet pussy nectar

was  gettin hot and heavy with my date at her place
one thing led to another and before i know it she was going down on lb
next she beckoned me to follow her to the bedroom and made me lust for more
while she slipped into the bathroom for a few seconds and then jumped straight in bed with me

time to show my appreciation and down i went on her wet puss...
it was great for a good minute before i tasted something unfamiliar from a pussy but yet yummy
damn does bacteria taste sweet? as my tongue got slower my brain got faster and started workin on a smooth exit up north
she sensed somethin amiss and asked wad's wrong? you are not your ususal self... did your mouth and tongue went lame?!?!?

i was like a deer in headlight and for a second i spoke the truth...
i said "er your pussy taste sweet tonite....???"
she laughed and said she spread organic honey in her pussy when she dashed into the bathroom silly boy!!!

wow wad a treat i thought to myself and dive straight in again
as i swirled my tongue around i was thinking about champagne and chocolate next time....yummy....

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JckJr   23-11-2012 19:28  Acceptance  -5   DON'T!!
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 23-11-2012 16:56  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 triplehorn's post

Why the fuck you have to post your nonsense twice? ... light=%2Btriplehorn

Looking at all your past posts, you are nothing but a Spammer.

Get off the forum.

Retired from pussy arena….Uncle 9


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