Subject: And now for something completely different, with Pics
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Post at 26-1-2014 07:01  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #260 b-man's post

I went out with a diffferent gal the other nite (I'll post some pics later - a 27 year-old, big-titted model (yay!) but I had no idea if she was a pure civvie or not.

Anyway, I tried my get-down-to-business line after a nice couple hours together, "So one gal asked me to take her to a hotel and pay her afterwards". Exactly as I had used before but it went nowhere this time.  I still couldn't tell if she was up for it or not. Hmmm.

We say our goodbyes with a light kiss.

We text and she says she really enjoyed herself. I decide to take a risk and go for it -- ask her to joinm in a room for a nice "donation". Oooops.

Pissed off.  "I am not a hooker!  I am not flattered by your intent.  Etc. Etc".

Yeah, it coulda went either way. Guess dating her anymore is a bust. Hehe. I apologize sweetly and wish her luck.

And here's where it gets interesting:  an hour passes andd she sms's back. "you know, you could have just asked me for dinner on Monday". (??!!). She still wants to go out with me? (unpaid, of course) Really?  After I confessed to fucking hookers, suggested she was one,  and hoped she was one????  Interesting.

So we're going out Monday.  Mainly because I am curious as hell now!  Should be a fun conversation at the very least......, and maybe, just maybe, she really wants to "get her freak on" and realized I am good candidate to help her do so.

We'll see!
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Post at 26-1-2014 09:55  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #261 wander's post

I take a slightly different tact if I'm with a girl that has not yet made her intent clear.  

I tell the girl about a WYP date where I had to drop by my hotel with a date to drop off my luggage before we headed out for the night.

I tell her I asked my date to remain in the car while I checked in and dropped off my luggage.  I then tell her while dropping my luggage in the room my phone rings and it is my date asking if she can use my bathroom because she doesn't like using the hotel lobby restroom.

I tell her that she gets in the room, goes into the bathroom and I sit on the bed and turn on the television.  After about 15 minuted the date comes out and she is totally naked.  (This is a totally true story by the way)

The girl almost always ask what happened next.  So I say, well, I am a guy.  

It seems to break the ice about sex and WYP dates.  I've never mentioned sex and then paying after, it always just happens I guess.

However, the odds are always in your favor if they are on WYP to begin with.

Sounds like your gal is testing her limits, maybe you can help her with her stretching.


“I believe that sex is one of the most beautiful, natural, wholesome things that money can buy.”
― Steve Martin
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Post at 26-1-2014 15:57  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #262 jake.houston's post

Hehe.  Good one. I might use it!  

Same idea, different approach -- discuss a different Gal that ended with the result we hoped for. Good strategy in general. Sometimes it works, sometimes not.

I am intrigued precisely because of this. She KNOWS what I want and (now) what I am willing to do to get it (pay). Yet that abhors her.

Yet....  Here she is asking me to take her out again. Hehe.

PS:  I've googled her.  All she said was true -- plenty of modeling credits, a couple TV ads..., alll exactly as she decribed.  Hmmmm, damn!  I just realized something...., she might actually be a civvie looking for something real.  Shit!  Haha. Damn.

This won't go far.

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DArtagnan   28-1-2014 19:58  Acceptance  +1   my batwhiskers are also saying she wants a real relationship ...
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Post at 27-1-2014 00:05  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #263 wander's post

This is my standard message to make contact.  I would say that it is an open invitation to the semi-pros to make their intentions known and it typically makes the civvie ask more questions.  Not perfect, but I'm putting it out there in case it works for someone.

This is (insert Your Handle Here) from WYP.  Thanks for sending me an offer*.  *(Modify to match your specific circumstance)

So, I am in (Insert City Here) starting (Insert your arrival day, if traveling. I always am) until (Insert departure date).  Do you have any open time this week?  If so, I would love to get together and get to know you.

Let me know what you are looking for from WYP.  Feel free to be open and direct, I've been on WYP for a while and I have found that everyone has different expectations from the site.  So let me know.  I'm interested!

That's it, my foundation for interaction with the WYP girls.  It has been very effective in identifying my best targets with little time wasting.

I have a WYP girl from Dallas that I have now been seeing for almost 10 months.  We just took a trip to Vegas together.  I covered all her expenses and other than that, didn't give her a cent for the time.  She is now fully into a FWB thing.  When she needs something, she asks, and if it is possible, I help her out.  Her requests have always been very reasonable.  On the Vegas trip she decided she wanted to try anal for the first time.  Not my thing, but I as always was a gentleman and never fail to respond to the request of a lady.


“I believe that sex is one of the most beautiful, natural, wholesome things that money can buy.”
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Post at 28-1-2014 11:57  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #264 jake.houston's post

I've been following this thread for a few months and final decided to give it a try to change things up.

You guys are definately more experienced. I've been on a handful of dates (like 4); and only one of the turned out to result in my desired ending. Basically we did desert on the first date, and then on the second date she suggested we goto a hot tub place. She was a ocollege student looking for a mentor and a friend, so this was totally FWB in the making. But the sorry thing is that after the hot tub date, she text me and told me that she was very guilty and felt terrible about the whole thing, let's not talk about it ever again, etc etc etc.

What I have is that a lot of the girls on WYP are actually looking to date first, then benefits later. In fact, I have had chicks tell me they are "the best money can buy" when it comes to platonic relationships. Er..that's cool, but no thanks in this case.

I will have to incorporate these last few replies to be even more direct than I think I am already.
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Post at 28-1-2014 12:19  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #265 narutoki's post

First, I gotta ask, what is a "hottub place"?  I got no idea. A Spa?

What was she guilty about?  Did you screw?  Or just go somewhere somewhat "sensual" and then NOT screw?  

I don't quite understand.

Anyway, yeah... This isn't a sure thing. It can be tricky (part of the fun, though).  TIP:  make your OWN profile as obvious as you can without going foul of WYP rules.

I just finished a a WYP date.  I shouldn't have bothered because I wasn't really into it tonite and forgot all about it. Anyway, I was not as "engaging" as usual, and though she is rather frickn hot I just couldnt build any enthusiasm. In spite of that she mentions, half-way thru, that her last date turned into a nice "Arrangement" (her word) and she's hoping for a new one.  Clearly an invitation.

So, my profile was enough for her to feel confident suggesting this.

But I wasn't there. I bailed on her quickly. I am sure she wonders why!  Haha.
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Post at 28-1-2014 13:55  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #266 wander's post

Quick Addendum....

I am back in my hotel.  Chillin.., rather tired actually.  My WYP date from earlier this evening (above) txts.  "Ummm, are we done?"

So a bunch of back and forth sms's occurs, and it is now entirely about how much!  Yep, she'll fuck me.., just get the dollars right!  Wow, I thought I had pretty much blown that one!

Now, of course, here is where I go really south.  I cant barter for flesh.  Feels wrong.  I have a budget, a price.  I cant barter.  If a gal feels she's worth $500 than who am I to say she's not?  I don't barter. I simple tell her she's worth every dime, but beyond my grasp.  Good luck, baby.

So, we'll see how this ultimately turns out.
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Post at 28-1-2014 13:58  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #267 wander's post

Kinda doing a "live report" here.  She just dropped her demands and agreed to come over (with her dog??!!??).

Anyway...., guess her dog is going to watch her get fucked!  haha.

Oh, and here is what she looks like.  Shall I?

[ Last edited by  wander at 28-1-2014 14:18 ]

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doghead   29-1-2014 14:05  Karma  +1   haha, I think u may regret it...she may not turn out to be a sex fiend at all despite her hotness.
sbs23   29-1-2014 04:12  Karma  +1   
bohica   29-1-2014 03:19  Karma  +3   Sounds very kinky
narutoki   28-1-2014 15:37  Acceptance  +1   Wow Very Nice!
rwong   28-1-2014 15:07  Karma  +2   Have a fun bang bro
jsmithj88   28-1-2014 14:51  Karma  +3   kdfhbkbsbsss yess
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Post at 28-1-2014 15:49  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #268 wander's post


Hot tub place s basically a spa place where 1-4 (usually the max number is 4) can go to have a private hot tub room. It can range from pretty nasty to fairly upscale; but many of them are also known as hourly spas where high school or college kids to go f_ck. They usually have a private room with a sauna or steam room, private shower area, plus a hot tub/jacuzzi.

I think my date, super sweet 22 yo girl, was guilty because she had not thought that she was going to give into her own bodily needs. She started it by asking/letting me massage her feet in the tub, and then played with my balls through my swimming trunks, before pulling them them down give me a little bit of a yank. We ended it with mutual oral.    But I guess she just didn't feel it after I dropped her back off at her house, which is too bad.

Here is an example of a nicer place:

[ Last edited by  narutoki at 28-1-2014 16:23 ]

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doghead   29-1-2014 14:11  Karma  +1   Hmm, I thought those places were where they gays hanged out.
wander   28-1-2014 17:21  Acceptance  +3   Ahhh I see. Huh. Sorta got to 3rd base and then gone! Ouch! That hurts!
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Post at 28-1-2014 17:15  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #269 narutoki's post

So, she just left.  

Mmmm, it started, once she arrived to my room, rather business like.  

But it didnt end that way

I learned, to my massive surprise, that she's a squirter!!!!  Fook me!  Maybe only the 4th or 5th one I have met in my entire punting career! Now, a funny thing about squirters is that they tend to be embarrassed about it (initially).  Man, I love it.  I was going down on her when it started, and I just kept at her till she went over the fickn moon!    Soaked the bed.  Hot!  Making a gal cum like that IS fun!!!  They want your cock sooo much at that point.  Damn.., that was fun.

But.., those pretty titties  in the pics are fake and hard as rock.    (Really??!  I was sure they were real!  Damn).

And yes, she brought her stupid little dog   (who thankfully was good and shut the fuck up while we did our thing).  

By the time we finished her business mood was gone.  Had a really nice, cuddly chat.  Lovely and sweet.  Nothing better than a gal after she's orgasmed.

We agreed to $300.  

Worth it?  I am not sure.  Fun?   Absolutely.

[ Last edited by  wander at 28-1-2014 17:16 ]

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jetsetting2much   4-2-2014 07:48  Karma  +3   Nice. Gigi's on my Dates list too. Got to get to LA soon!
Frenchexpat   29-1-2014 13:16  Karma  +3   Nice! You should have aimed at the dog when she squirted!! ;)
bohica   29-1-2014 03:21  Karma  +6   Squirter points!!!
greypath   28-1-2014 20:41  Karma  +3   I bet you beat her at tennis too! He He
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Post at 28-1-2014 20:07  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #269 narutoki's post

interesting ... actually I've had some girls bail unexpectedly after an unconsummated heavy petting session, enough to wonder if that's the issue here ... once he gets to pussy contact, a real gentleman takes her all the way

otherwise the feeling of arousal gets mixed up with frustration and her puritanical conditioning kicks in

anyone else noticed the pattern, or is it just me?  

Of course, after you f**k a girl right, she loves you regardless of what her original intention, upbringing, or social context may be.

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jake.houston   30-1-2014 13:22  Karma  +1   Double word score: Puritanical
wander   28-1-2014 23:47  Acceptance  +1   Interesting theory. Possible I suppose. Unfulfilled lust turned to shame or something. huh

Hear Ye!  The Mayor has spoken!
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Post at 30-1-2014 03:31  Profile P.M. 
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So I have signed up for this site since I will be traveling a lot this year and so far it's seems like it could be a good source of company.  I am looking for some advice for my profile.  I know the old saying that honesty is the best policy, but do you think it matters what you put in the relationship status?  Ie how many of the girls care if you are in an open relationship versus being single?  Or divorced or has children?
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Post at 30-1-2014 03:57  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #272 AmerInHK's post

For what you are after (casual sex, paid sex) it wont really matter - in fact, you DON'T want to attract the gals that are looking for something serious.  You want them to reject you as they will just be a waste of a time/money if you go on a date anyway.

So yeah.., tell them you have kids (if you do) and are married (if you are) and the wrong gals (ie:  those that are looking for a real relationship) will filter themselves out.
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Post at 30-1-2014 18:32  Profile P.M. 
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I just signed up for this site after reading about it on here.

I travel a lot, and am currently in the netherlands.

someone already have experience in the netherlands using this site?

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Post at 31-1-2014 09:47  Profile P.M. 
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So my trip to HK is coming up and I have been looking for willing partners there. I have 6 lovely ladies lined up to meet me. All from none from WYP. Had no takers from WYP. I have been whatsapping them for about 2 weeks now and have already agreed a price for 3 of them to spend the night with me. Between HK$1500-4000 per night.

It's going to be a good trip!
If any brothers are around between 10th Feb and 2nd Mar maybe we can have a drink and exchange stories?

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jake.houston   31-1-2014 13:26  Karma  +6   Try DateinAsia, it is loaded.
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Post at 1-2-2014 15:40  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #275 geek's post

Ummm, we're bros here, but  you really expect us to go thru 6 links and find a gal for you?  

Christ. Dude.... We don't spend that much effort finding our own gals.  Not a cool request.

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wolfy187   2-2-2014 21:51  Karma  +2   me too out of boredom...
jake.houston   2-2-2014 14:05  Karma  +1   I went through them, always interested in what is on offer.
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Post at 2-2-2014 07:53  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #276 wander's post

No no. I was just linking the ladies who I have contacted. That's all. I am doing fine on my own. Ha ha.

Thanks brother.

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wander   2-2-2014 15:48  Karma  +2   Cool. Good luck! Tell us how it goes...
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Post at 1-5-2014 22:44  Profile P.M. 
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First I would like to apologise for taking so long to report back on my adventures. Had a pretty successful couple of weeks in HK meeting 2/3 ladies which is not bad. In one of my previous posts I listed six lovely ladies who I had made contact with about meeting in HK. The first 2 made initial contact but then stopped for unknown reasons. The third lady, Cloris, I hooked up with once. Funny story which I will get back to. Forth lady on the list asked for a lot of $$, she was pretty but out of my price range. Not that I could not pay, just that I did not want to. Fifth lady, Uny, started her period the day before we were supposed to meet and I did not get round to meeting her which is a bloody shame as she was easily the best looking and youngest of the lot. Finally the last on the list which turned out to be one of the best experiences I have had in all my punting life. No joke, it is just I felt we connected on a level which I have not done with anyone for a very long time. Also she has an amazing body and is pretty wild in bed.

So, Cloris. we agreed to meet in the lobby of the Shangri La, Kowloon. She was over an hour late and as I sent a final text saying not to bother when a plainly dressed girl next door type walks in. I recognise her right away. She walks towards me a would not stop saying sorry.We introduced ourselves and I suggest going out for dinner. We dine in a Japanese skewer place nearby, really good if anyone is interested. We talk about many things and she is very knowledgable, infact she is probably better read than I am and I have a Masters in Economics. After dinner we stroll back to the hotel and have a drink at the lobby and talk some more about why we are both usiing the site.
I suggest we head up to the room. In the room we admire the views across the bay to HK Island and we kiss. She was not very experienced I feel and I give her some pointers. We undress and have a shower, seperately. We kiss some more on the bed and I go down on her. She seems to enjoy this a lot and says she came but who knows. I get the favour returned for a bit, definately inexperienced here but i do not say anything. On with the cap and I go in missionary. After a few minutes I feel she is getting really wet, even my balls feel the wetness. I suggest she rides me and low and behold she is bleeding like the Niagra Falls. The bed is covered in blood and we both freak out. Towels are used to wipe and cover the bed but it is fucked. We both laugh about this and decide that she would finish me off with a blowjob. I was staying there another night which was not good. She stayed the night and I got another blowjob in the morning after a breakfast buffet. Total damage HK$5000.

Cherry, my angel. No idea where to start TBH. Met at the lobby of the W hotel. Very nice BTW. We planned a day trip to Macau first but I could not find any decent rooms there as it was Valentines weekend so had to come back to HK. Lovely trip there. Had a seriously good time exporing the city and getting to know her. On the ferry back we talked about some personal things and I felt some sort of connection starting to develop with this lady.
Back in the room we showered, seperately again. Hoped into bed, covers on. We kissed. It was so gentle, so inexperienced, like a first kiss when you were a teenager. I looked at her and she was blushing, her face was red like a rose petal. She looked so damned cute. I had a strange moment now where I really liked this girl and did not want to ruin it by fucking her. I genuinely wanted to see her again. So, I told her just that. If me sleeping with her meant she would probably not want to see me again then I would rather not do it. Luckily, she replied that if she did not want to do it then she would be naked here with me. So, we did it. It was slow and gentle. She moaned and it was so cute again. I wish I can discribe it. We sleep and have a breakfast buffet and do it again before checking out.
We go our seperate ways but agree to meet for dinner. We talk about many things over dinner and I drive her home. I borrowed my brothers car. We set another date to meet again.
I book a room at the  Shangri La again, and take her to the same Japanese restaurant. Where one of the waitresses said she recognised me from the other night. I freak out and said she must be mistaken. She replies perhaps. I think I get away with that. Ha ha.
Back in the room it is more of the same. This time though she lets me go down on her. She said she only tried it once with a previous BF. I am down there for a good while and damn she gets so wet, I am drowning in her juices. She comes and tells me she had never had that feeling before! Did I just make a 24yo cum for the first time? I dont really believe her. She then returns the favour also stating she had only done it once before with her ex. Felt like it was true, completely lacked experience. Had to tell her to watch her teeth. We do it again and it was even better than the first time. She was holding me so tightly, like she did not want to let go in missionary. I suggested doggy, she had not done that before again. Damn she is inexperienced. It felt like the perfect GFE. We do it another time before getting some sleep and again in the morning after breakfast. What is it with buffets in HK?

We meet again a couple more time during my stay in toal she spent around 10 nights with me. We had agreed in a price per night but she never asked me for any money. She came to the airport to see me off and I gave her HK$15000 in cash. She was surprised. It was what we agreed I had to remind her. I am totally smitten with this girl.

I have been back in the UK for a while now and we still whatsapp and skype each other everyday. We have told each other that we both like each other a lot and would like to continue this as a normal relationship. Thing is she lives in HK and I live in the UK. There is not much chance that either of us will move.

Anyway, a couple of days ago, she told me that she loved me! I didn't know how to respond. She got a bit annoyed that I didn't say it back but I told that I wasn't going to say it for the sake of saying it. I think she understood what I meant.

I am not sure what to do brothers?! I like this girl a lot but the likely hood of it going anywhere is pretty slim. I go to HK perhaps 2/3 times a year max. I don't want to lie to her but don't want to lose her neither. What should I do? I am also not 100% convinced that she loves me. She told she had 2 previous BF, both of which were assholes. I was also her first from the SA website. I am no gentleman but I think I am a nice guy. I think she is just a bit niave about what love actually is?

What do my brothers think of the situation? What should I do?

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halfclover   16-6-2014 05:55  Karma  +6   A perfect punt (IMHO anyway), those 'connected' experiences are so good but don't take it to the next step.
ggherkin   2-5-2014 08:18  Karma  +4   Remember, we don't pay them to have sex. We pay them to go away afterward.
wander   2-5-2014 02:43  Karma  +5   Thx for the updates. Wow... that got heavy quick. Careful.
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Post at 2-5-2014 02:57  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #278 geek's post

Glad you has such a great time!  And yeah... the WYP website works great, right?

Now then... about Cherry.

I have no doubt the two of you connected.  The chemistry was there.  So damn great, right?

You were together a total of two nites?  Did I get that right?  Awfully quick for anyone to say such words so quickly.  But.... a possible sugardaddy bonus for her from time-to-time if she hooks you?  I cant help but think that a request for "help" (cash) will be coming down the skypes at some point.  No woman, and no situation, is exactly the same, But:  I think you played it right.  You didnt say "You love her" back and I suggest you dont.  Tell her you think she's great but that's it.  You'll see her, hopefully, when you return to HK.  Nothing more.

Keep one thing solidly in mind:  you DON'T know her at all yet.  Meeting over a couple days when you are at your best, and she is at her best -- both trying hard to make a great nite of it -- is not indicative of how either of you really are day-to-day.  

Maybe I am being just a bit of a jaded punter -- and you know I love getting into these intense WG-romances myself.  But long-distance ones are all-but-impossible in the best of circumstances.  Little joy, plenty of frustration.  Put your energy into to a gal close to you.  Much better return on your cash, emotions, and brain-power.

Good luck, Bro.

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geek   2-5-2014 06:05  Karma  +1   We spent 10 nights together and a lot of time during the day in between too.
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Post at 2-5-2014 06:17  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #279 wander's post

All of the ladies were from the seeking arrangement website. I am starting to use thw WYP site now I am back in the UK. Not much to report so far though.

It's strange because she didn't ask me for any money when we had agreed upon it before meeting. I really like it when there is a connection. It makes everything more special. Call me soppy but I like a genuine GFE in and out of the bedroom.

We are still talking and skypeing pretty much daily and I have a trip planned in a few months time. Will probably have a serious talk with her before I leave but not before I have had my fun. Ha ha. You are right though, we hardly know each other. We were both on our best behaviour during the time together. We don't know what our bad habbits are etc. Although, if she can put up with my rediculously loud snoring she can probably put up with anything I do. Ha ha.

I'll just let it play out and see what happens. It feels nice though, this feeling. I think Wander will understand. Feels like when I first met my ex wife. Ha ha. Feeling nostalgic now...

Thanks for the advice brother Wander.

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wander   2-5-2014 06:51  Karma  +3   Yep - I understand perfectly well. Nothing better than it. Good luck, Bro.

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