Subject: Trouble finding the right wife

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Post at 22-9-2013 06:57  Profile P.M. 
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Trouble finding the right wife

Hi bros,

I'm Asian, migrated to western country when I was young and live there since with regular trips back to mainland. As such, I am exposed and open to Chinese and western values. The thing is, i'm having trouble finding the right wife. My preference is obviously my own race, to fulfil my own duty of acquiring a woman of my own race that I have put upon my self (yes others may not have this value but I am talking about myself). Recently, after I recently broke up with my Chinese gf I found out she has started dating a white man. I was totally   at this. I thought we would get back together as we have broken up before and gotten back together. But this time... I do not think even if she comes begging to me I would ever take her back. Ok if we broke up and she dated a Chinese guy, while we are apart, and I wanted to get back with her I would do so at all costs. But now in my head things are totally different. I never imagined this and I can not at all imagine (you know what). It hurts me so much I cannot type it. I can never take her back. In fact, my next partner I am insecure if she has had a white bf before. In fact, where I live it is not Uncommon that everytime you go out you see an Indian/Pakistani type of man with Chinese girls holding hand in hand walking down the street.

All this leads to marriage.. Probably I will look to china to find a nice good wife. But last time I was there, you know saw men from all over the world there and not just for prostitution - I mean living and working there with a Chinese wife or trying to get one. I do not have problems with this but I have NEVER I repeat NEVERR to date seen a white man who works in China (really for the economic growth) with his white wife and white family there. It will only be men with their Chinese wifes. Only this type of man!

I want to add, I have seen the behaviour of the white guy dating with my ex. He has a real sense of arrogance about him that makes him feel superior or something. I can imagine the respect he gives to a woman when hes havin sex with an Asian girl compared to the level of respect he gives when having sex with a white girl. I seen this in Porn as well. See white man/Asian girl porn and the guy is totally different to white man/white girl porn. Does anybody know what i'm talkin about? I bet you do.

Many western men are seduced by the flattery and the fawning that Asian women are only to eager to lavish on them. A controlled study on preference was done in a bar in which one Asian man tried to pick up a Asian woman or one of the four friends she was with, but none of the women would talk to him. After a frustrating attempt the Asian man left the bar. A western man, who was slightly overweight and bald, was sent in to the bar to see if he could have any luck. When he approached the women's table he was welcomed heartily and asked to sit down. He wound up leaving the bar with one of the women 30 minutes later. This study demonstrated the reverse racism that is prevalent in Chinese society.

Without going in to statistic of left over men due to these problems and the infamous 1 child policy, but I hope and wander if other bros are going through the same thing I am? Never thought I would be in this position where selection can be against me. I feel really alone. But, I sense I am not.

[ Last edited by  beautifulasian at 22-9-2013 07:28 ]
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Post at 22-9-2013 07:59  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 beautifulasian's post

You need help !  already told you many times in your past lives in this forum … seek help before your rage gets out of hand !!!

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