Subject: It gets better each time with her. Spa in TST
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Post at 6-4-2019 10:41  Profile P.M. 
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It gets better each time with her. Spa in TST

Date & Time of Session: April 4 7pm
Location:  xxx Spa, TST (sorry owner ask me not to disclose as she only gives details to regular customers)
Name:  Yuen Yuen
Nationality: Beijing
Language: Mandarin
Age: early 20s
Face: 5/5
Body:  4/5
Massage skill: 5/5
Skill: 10/5
GFE: 10/5
Price: HKD900 for 60 mins + $100 tip
Repeat: 5 times in 3 weeks with her, my LB needs a rest!

Having seen Yuen Yuen 4 times already the last 2 weeks already, she wechat me that she felt her period is coming so will head across to Shenzhen to rest for a week. I teasingly said how about she recommends one of her good friends at the spa and she got really upset and said 'I thought you only want to see me!'. Anyway this went back and forth for a while as I am sure she has a bit of feelings for me, so I told her I was only kidding and would see her only if she doesn't have her period.

So she wechat me the next morning on the 4th saying no period! The owner also wechat me and said my booking was confirmed with her. She would see me at 7pm after I finish at the office and then will go back to Shenzhen late evening. Sweet girl as she stay behind one more day just for me. No complains there!

It was hard to focus at work as I only kept thinking about her and the session in the evening. We wechat each other throughout the day with silly messages and came 6pm sharp I left office and jumped onto the MTR to TST. As soon as I got there at 7pm, we showered, but the difference this time instead of spending 30 minutes with the massage, we went straight at it and started DFK, she then worked her way down to my LB and the next 10 minutes she kind of tease, sucked and licked then said 'this is for saying you want to see another girl'. She brought me so close to the edge but was torturing me at the same time. I then got up and flipped her with her lying down, it was my turn to eat her out for the next 10 minutes, I felt her moan getting louder as I flicked my tongue around her LS occasionally poking it slightly inside her pussy, her juices tasted sweet as I continue to circulate and lick around as she got louder and kept saying 'I am very itchy there', eventually she came and clasped her thigh against my head as I felt a little squirt of juice shooting onto my mouth. Heaven!

I then got up and we DFk with our own juices in our mouth interlocking, I didn't care as it felt so sexy! She then grab one of the 0.01 I brought and put it on my LB. She then lied down and spread her legs open and told me to 'do her'! This time we only did it in mish but it was totally GFE as we kissed and held each other close as I slowly increased my pace with her legs wrapping around me and her hands holding my head and sometimes scratching my back with her nails, it was pain and pleasure at the same time. We must have been going at it for the next 30 minutes as we were both covered in sweat and she came a couple of times in between.

Having been at it for nearly an hour I still couldn't come but was still rock hard down there, she then lovingly laid beside me with us DFK and she rub her leg up and down my thigh and gave me the sexist hand job to finish off ever. It was not your usual rub and tug but she really wanted me to cum in a good way. After another 10 minutes of this I could feel LB getting to the point of no return, I held her closer and continue to DFK as I shot a massive load. What I mean by massive was it shot up to both our faces as she scream with surprise! She said 'you are so powerful!', I then told her 'it's only you that can make this happen to me'. Which is in a way true as I have not cum this intense in so many years. But the last 5 times in 3 weeks I felt like a teenager again with her (I am nearly 50 BTW). She then collapsed on top of me and we just hugged each other for a few minutes kissing a bit more and said nothing. Then it was back to the showers and unfortunately we had to say our good byes.

I know I can't fall for a working girl as I am married and also it won't result in anything. But every moment spent with her it felt like being with a long lost lover that you feel the chemistry with, and know each others moves without the need to say anything. I can't wait for her to be back after her period as my LB and my wallet needs to take a break!

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ritwik   28-5-2019 18:15  Karma  +4   
gilgamesh982   27-5-2019 19:13  Karma  +4   Excellent
robwong   13-4-2019 18:08  Karma  +2   Favorable
daytripper   10-4-2019 19:55  Karma  +8   Awesome. I know the feeling of falling for a hotty.
Thedarklord   9-4-2019 12:42  Acceptance  +1   Thanks for sharing. Such a tease :)
hk123456   8-4-2019 21:44  Acceptance  +1   Great...Really sad you can't share...If yes, pls pm me her wechat
mchk   8-4-2019 15:15  Karma  +5   Original
batman108   8-4-2019 10:33  Karma  +2   awesome and thanks
ernieb   7-4-2019 22:32  Karma  +5   Thanks I wonder if it’s the same place I go to!
jeffzeke   7-4-2019 11:03  Karma  +8   very nice!
MothToAFlame   7-4-2019 08:18  Karma  +3   Loyalty brings rewards!
cknc31   6-4-2019 23:17  Karma  +3   maybe some clues as to how to find this spa on website directories?
3QOxqK2Liy0t   6-4-2019 14:33  Karma  +2   good
zebra   6-4-2019 14:22  Karma  +5   Happy for you but this is not a report
hotjac   6-4-2019 13:38  Acceptance  +3   Ditto, without even suggesting a pm to say where to go to find such inclusive service its little more than bragging that ...
twiceAweek   6-4-2019 12:52  Karma  +4   Good write up but so unfortunate you can't share address so other bros can try her or the establishment
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Post at 6-4-2019 13:50  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 sentry's post

Sorry not trying to brag but just want to share an amazing experience that's all. In my nearly 20 years of punting experience, this is by far the best I've had. I just thought as I get older my stamina or desire levels with WG would go down, but this girl seems to have reconnected me with my youth and it feels like a second life all over again.

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theworm   6-4-2019 21:56  Karma  +5   keep your head clear bro, don't get too caught up, enjoy the moment
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Post at 7-4-2019 10:49  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 sentry's post

Thanks theworm, I am keeping a clear head and back to the real world as I know I can't fall for her.

To cknc31, I can't give location but they have 2 shops in TST. One is newly decorated as the owner told me she spent close to $500k refurbishing the place. I could tell when I first when to the new shop as it looks like one of the boutique hotels I used to stay before.

All I can say one shop near Observatory Road and the other near Granville Road. I just don't want to see the shop getting raided as the owner and the girls are top notch. Some of my friends go there and they said it is as good as those joints in China before the crackdown.

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MinorInfection   7-4-2019 17:42  Karma  +4   damn, I live right on Obs. Rd... I need to get out more often. Great reviews!
Steveccc   7-4-2019 11:31  Acceptance  +1   Near but not on...... such a teasing report
jeffzeke   7-4-2019 11:07  Karma  +5   good info, thanks!
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Post at 8-4-2019 20:23  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 sentry's post

Have to ask you one thing bro. Were the towels blue in color?
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Post at 11-4-2019 21:28  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 XCalibur's post

Quick update to the bros who has been reading this post.

My girl was in HK yesterday but not because to work, she came down to comfort one of her friends who was distressed with a client experience. So at work I suddenly got a wechat from her asking if I was busy. I told her I was and she suddenly said she is in HK. But I checked with the boss and she was not working. So Yuen Yuen said she is staying at a hotel by herself and asked me to visit her if I am free. So I jumped on the MTR as soon as I finished work and shot straight up to the hotel she was staying.

She even came down to the lobby to pick me up and we were holding hands and kissing as we went up the lift. As soon as we got to the room it was just no talking and very passionate love making with her. I won't go into details of the action except this time I didn't have to pay for the experience and all I did was to talk her out to dinner afterwards. I couldn't stay overnight as I am married so we were both kind of sad but I stay out late with her as long as possible before her friend from the spa turn up to meet with her to stay in her room.

Its kind of sad as we have sort of fallen for each other but she knows I am married and it can't happen. Luckily my parents live in Shenzhen because of their business so from time to time I go up to visit and stay with them. I told Yuen Yuen I will go and see her when she is not working here and she said next time I can stay at her place. I know it is dangerous so I'll play it as it comes from now on and see what happens.

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godisdead   29-5-2019 10:58  Karma  +5   Thanks for the report. You’re playing with fire.
XCalibur   12-4-2019 14:16  Karma  +3   Be careful bro. This is a story I've heard many times. Totally stayed away from any punting till after I got separated.
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Post at 11-4-2019 22:31  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #5 sentry's post

Rather unusual reply to XC's question

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Post at 12-4-2019 15:01  Profile P.M. 
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Literally this month I had a rest with children. Drank sat and wanted the girls called xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx edit  What cool Chicks. We had such a good time.Be sure to meet again and call them

[ Last edited by  aurufc at 14-4-2019 07:48 ]

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JackTheBat   17-4-2019 00:01  Karma  -1   Sink slowly into a giant tar pit, please.
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Post at 12-4-2019 20:29  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 twiceAweek's post

Sorry back to the reply, the towels are not blue. Standard white.
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Post at 12-4-2019 20:35  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 twiceAweek's post

Sorry my head was not thinking straight last night, today it is back to reality and told myself to be careful! I am just treating it for fun this time as I won't sink myself

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Hkballer852   27-4-2019 16:02  Acceptance  +1   I know u said u didn’t want to share as the owner is afraid his place may get raided. But if u do change your mind pls ...
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Post at 4-5-2019 15:50  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #9 sentry's post

HKballer52, their place did get raided but not by the police but a rival spa. Cos their business got too good, the other owner got jealous and paid a couple of people to trash their place. Owner told me who did it and they have been dealt with. They have since reopened but have really been very careful. My girl is in Shenzhen now and I am hooking up with her next week over there before she renews her travel documents to come back to HK.

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Hkballer852   9-5-2019 04:28  Acceptance  +1   Do u think u can PM me? It won’t allow me to send PM. Thanks so much!!
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Post at 27-5-2019 09:26  Profile P.M. 
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can you PM me the name of this spa? Thank you!
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Post at 27-5-2019 16:44  Profile P.M. 
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Can someone who has the owners wechat please PM me? Thank you!

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Hkballer852   27-5-2019 16:45  Acceptance  +1   Can you pls let me know as well? Since OP didn’t respond to me. Thanks!
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Post at 27-5-2019 18:05  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #12 pooner's post

Hey pooner,  I think you can deduct from what the OP has written, he has no intention of telling you … so better to keep calm and poon on
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Post at 27-5-2019 19:14  Profile P.M. 
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Haha thanks twiceaweek. Yes I wandered around Granville and Observatory road all day today trying to find the place but no luck. They are either well hidden / low key or not even on those two streets. Poor form to write reports and not share these places!

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twiceAweek   27-5-2019 22:04  Acceptance  +2   I never consider these as 'reports' … waste of time reading
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Post at 28-5-2019 21:29  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #14 pooner's post

Bros, sorry for being offline and not responding.

I know a lot of you wants the owners wechat but I made a promise to her not to share. She used to advertise her spa here a year ago. But her place has been busted by the police before and also a rival spa sent a couple of triads to smash up their place whilst the girls and punters were there. It scared the shit out of a lot of the girls and punters. Hence the owner moved to a new premise and it is really discreet. Also she said I can only refer to my friends who are local as other non-local punters attract too much attention. Whilst I really want to but a promise is a promise as I want this place to stay open. Sorry!

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mchk   29-5-2019 16:18  Acceptance  +3   I hear Ya. Respect their wishes.
godisdead   29-5-2019 10:59  Karma  +5   Bummer but thanks for the clarification

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