Subject: "Ambush Lockdown" during the DAY !!!
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Post at 9-2-2022 14:38  Profile P.M. 
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"Ambush Lockdown" during the DAY !!!

to follow up on this previous discussion: ... &extra=page%3D1

THAT (sadly) settles the post    6pm DATY matter: ... till-12pm-tomorrow/

So better avoid 141, nests or isolated, in habitation buildings...(too bad for Phoenix) for married men.

ST hotels sound safer for ..."brunch"

Damned it, I should have shipped wife and maid out of HK (and bribed cat and rabbit)  and offer asylum in my flat to a Hing Loong crew!

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Post at 9-2-2022 15:59  Profile P.M. 
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Get your Hing Loong sistas a nest

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HK_Legend   10-2-2022 09:59  Acceptance  +4   Fuming. Would love to, but with wife + maid in town, might not be easy. :(
nu_omicron   9-2-2022 17:07  Acceptance  +3   
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Post at 9-2-2022 19:19  Profile P.M. 
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Just last night I completed one of my routine visits in one of the "nests" and walked out at 18:05.

I will have to coax some of my regulars out of their cave and spend money for a hotel .

Keep on mongering

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HK_Legend   10-2-2022 09:59  Acceptance  +4   
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Post at 10-2-2022 10:07  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 gwailoplayer's post

“coax some of my regulars out of their cave”
No big deal to organize “Escape from Hing Loong”

If you spend several hours (so worth taxi time) with one, or a pair, in a hotel, they will happily agree.

In April 2021 (when still “a lot” of infections), that’s what I did with 3 of them, alone or in pairs, but end of morning / early afternoon.
When picking them up at HL, I was first happily surprised with the dress codes, matching shoes and bag ...nice class!
(one always with a huge bag equipped for war).

Then the first time I took a pair out, they were surprised that the hotel let us 3 in a room (while it should have been only 2 per room according to FEHD rules), but as they were charging for TWO rooms, that was of course no problem,
especially as they had seen my face since …2011
and from Nov 2020 to Feb 202, I was often coming with a pair of Wanchai bar girls (that had very little business other than me).
So bugging somebody with the VIP Club card and generous tip wise? No way.

So getting them out of their "nest" is no problem;
in fact it would probably change their minds as often they are bored waiting for clients  just watching their camera monitors.

When I took some out of HL around 11am to hotel, then after we often wait for late lunch at Wanthai or less visible Players II (but same food) and
they were clearly happy of the change to their routines...and proved to be very grateful. Great investment.
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Post at 10-2-2022 19:33  Profile P.M. 
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You’re clearly a bigger and nicer man than me. I would not meet them at their cave and take them in a taxi to the hotel, I would simply tell them to come to the hotel and meet me there, come up into the room directly . I also would not take them out to a restaurant after the deed, I’m worried about my SO or friends of hers seeing me out on the town.  

In fact this is my SOP from a very lovely person I met at KP (remember that place?, I spent a lot of time and money there some 15 years ago ) and still see her every month or so even though she has left the business. SHE books the room and I meet her. Of course I’m paying her much more than the average going rate for the 141, her pricing more than a Honey Girl, and it includes the hotel fee (TST and Jordan hotels 4 star are not very expensive these days, given they are mostly empty, we can get a decent room for HKD 4-500) AND she will bring in some very nice take-out after the deed is done for us to snack on. It is a no rushed 3-4 hours of fun, I can stay later if I want but with the SO looking after me I can't come home too late after 10:00pm.

Definitely nice work if you can get it

Keep on mongering

[ Last edited by  gwailoplayer at 10-2-2022 19:37 ]

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HK_Legend   11-2-2022 14:45  Acceptance  +4   
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Post at 11-2-2022 15:19  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #5 gwailoplayer's post

Nicer man?

Not sure. Some would say, rightly, that Attila and Machiavelli were nice guys relative to me ...
A former (lady) colleague (twice) once told me I had a "Thick Skin and a Sick Mind".
I was deligthed to hear that...especially from somebody whose ass I saved several times blocking bullets she would not have, while it was HER job.

I am a paranoid control freak (Born This Way) so it was 100% logical to pick them up at HL with a taxi:
* No risk of misunderstanding / lost in translation about the hotel address,
* Better for me to wait near the taxi stand next to Wing On than...near a ST hotel    Never good for a married man.
* Easier for all, as once the ladies were done with previous guests and ready, they would join me at the taxi easier for me for them there,
* Then out of taxi, walk straight into the hotel via ...the back door.
So just practical.
Also seeing Jasmine elegant lady dressed walking from the other side of Des Voeux Road and waving her hand at me at the taxi stand was
...VERY NICE. I think she enjoyed getting fresh air this way.

In april-may-june when I met the whole gang around 11am onwards, after playing in hotel, it was great time to go for lunch to Wanchai "restaurants"
like JB, Wanthai or Players II where the staff and mid-management knows me (or parts of my life) well and are very nice to me.
They were also curious of the kind of new stunts I would pull. For sure, that was fun for them too. Those were very nice moments.
BO BO's English being 0.000, "Meet me there" was not exactly an option anyway.

When working and committing "crimes" overseas, only 3 of my colleagues knew.
The rest would label me "Dull, boring, party-breaker..."...and the other 3 smiling.
I think there is ONE picture of me on internet. There was ONE video with a ...part of me.
So I was and am pretty much invisible...saved in very specific areas.

So anybody able to recognize me in those places is likely a guy cheating his wife.
Any GF of my wife going there? Unlikely.
A PI checking on me there? If so, I am dead, but what my wife reads seems the perfect opposite of that.
(at some point my father wondered if I was gay Not even close. Just NEED TO KNOW BASIS!)

Once at Escape, it was a close call with a former colleague (who would never guess) hitting at the Thai girl I was finishing my holidays with
...while I was in the bathroom. But where we were I had time to U-turn, leave, SMS her to run away
...while telling her to LEAVE HIM HER PHONE NUMBER;
Then  the day after, using another burner and only SMS I teased the guy until he finally gave up (puzzled, borderline scared) and spent a first evening
with my Thai "friend" taking over where I left for her sake (as he was a very nice guy with a good wallet = perfect for her)

KP? Does not ring any bell. What is that building?

Over time my playgrounds (for 141) were:
Jardine Baazar, Wanchai SKM, Wanchai QRE, Mongkok Pat Chun, PE Kinglands, Wanchai Golden Hill Mansion, Sheung Wan KB,
CWB Percival Street (Siu Siu and Sammi), CWB Phoenix, Sheung Wan HL...but KP ??? Cannot find.

So what you do with that ex-141 seems pretty much how it rolls with my regulars...and it is very nice....just miss badly the A team for now.
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Post at 12-2-2022 13:39  Profile P.M. 
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Given your experience and longevity in this hobby , I'm surprised you are not familiar with KP and 37D, Karaoke joint/brothels in Jordan and YMT, respectively. They were legendary for good service provided by average looking women 35-40+. They're still in business but have been hit badly by the lack of customers and product (China border closed).

You can find them discussed here extensively, perhaps more so prior to 2015

I'm not a well-known person in Hong Kong by any means, but I simply don't want to be seen walking around anywhere in Hong Kong with a lady who is not my wife . I walk around in central during lunch time and see my clients on the street and certain other people who tell me hello and I'm never sure who they are exactly but I know they are probably employees of my client that I have seen in their offices. It's best that I not seen with any females anywhere unless I would be prepared to openly say who they were: wife, mother, sister, work colleague. I really have no business being seen with any other women anywhere, and hope to keep it that way

Keep on mongering

[ Last edited by  gwailoplayer at 12-2-2022 14:53 ]
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Post at 12-2-2022 15:44  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 gwailoplayer's post

Not my areas.
While living on "Kowloon" side now, saved few stunts in Mongkok (when car being serviced (not every week ) nearby...and that is recent, last 10Y),
all my "crimes" were/are committed on HK Island where I lived (moving 9 times) and worked.

The closest I did there (saved going to my tailor in Mody Road) was hunting for Mongolian girls at Holiday Inn, Mody Road.

I am however curious about 2 in KSM (so added to my to-do list after covid crashes)
...while I just noticed most (all?) the KSM MILFs videos are recorded in the same place

Karaoke: Cannot stand singing (while was part-time DJ in a big FM radio in country of birth when 22-23Y).
While several times a colleague (who knew my habits...from JKT) dragged me to MustKara (CWB), where he was clearly VIP,
but between the singing, the whisky or cognac (I was raised on vodka) and the fast-track young Shenzhen
(that is funny because one of my 2 favorites is just there at home now...but is a MILF) girls,
I had really zero interest...

To be fair my Chinese is ~ 0
(so it's kind of achievement to be extremely close to one who does not speak ONE word of English
(Jasmine always found that hilarious while tracking the progresses of the "couple" ))
because, while I tried learning twice the lack of opportunity to practice doomed the effort...and people in HK make it so easy for foreigners.
Now, it sounds like a pity, but too late, and it was never an inconvenience for me.
(If I really have a big Cantonese problem, I call my "fixer", former colleague personnal assistant who would just kill for me)

for sure, I would NEVER walk in Central with a lady that is not my wife. NO PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY there.
(When I walked into a private club with one or pair (on purpose to create "cover" in high risk place)
I had always several layers of answers for What If, What If,...)

When dragged (by colleagues) to LKF I was extra careful not to "look like" all of them (saved 2 in HK) were seeing me in a certain way (boring, dull, ...with the only sin as a heavy vodka drinker)...perfect decoy.

Even with male friends, I would carefully select the LKF bars I would be going to avoid any risk of misinterpretation.

Waiting at Wing On taxi stand, ready to jump in a taxi when the HL lady or ladies showed up was low risk by my risk management standards.
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Post at 12-2-2022 17:57  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 HK_Legend's post

I think the pressure was too much and somebody just ...lost it! ... -situation-worsens/

Considering the standard operating procedure for a (max) 24H Typhoon 8 for which EVERYBODY knows what to do,
I just cannot imagine a "FULL lockdown" (to be defined) for several DAYS or WEEKS (to be of any relevance).

Anyway, ready to SEAL my door for several months (since feb 2020, after SARS training) as long as they don't cut electricity, TV and internet....
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Post at 12-2-2022 21:14  Profile P.M. 
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Think the fine has been increased to $10,000 for offenders. Guess ok to meet one girl in hourly hotel, if you have a threesome and get caught it’s 10k each

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