Subject: April [Coatbridge, Scotland]
soundwave (SuppaJizzaFighter2)
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Post at 20-5-2017 16:58  Profile P.M. 
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April [Coatbridge, Scotland]

After my experience punting in HK went pretty well.  I decided to take the plunge and try out some local talent in near my home town.  I looked up and did a little browse and found April.  She seemed nice, so I called her up and booked an appointment.  I meet her at her place, which was quite discreet.  We chatted a little, got showered then got to it.  I don't think she is into Asian's that much as she was like a deadfish the entire time.

Recent Ratings
blast77   26-5-2017 11:44  Karma  +4   Excellent
jeffzeke   26-5-2017 07:17  Karma  +6   huh, a dead fish, sorry to hear.
Kortaro   25-5-2017 12:27  Karma  +4   
batman108   21-5-2017 14:35  Karma  +5   Awesome and thanks
jake.houston   21-5-2017 08:31  Karma  +6   I didn't think guys from Scotland fucked girls in Scotland? Expand on those details next time. Thanks.
nyctohkvacation   21-5-2017 06:47  Karma  +4   
JJJ37   21-5-2017 00:33  Karma  +3   
UncleDad   20-5-2017 23:31  Karma  +1   Was really hoping for a good story from Scotland .... Guess we'll have to wait.
stinkyfeet   20-5-2017 22:17  Karma  +1   Try using the forums review template. It makes reviews easier to read and write.
Kinky King
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Post at 25-5-2017 12:30  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 soundwave's post

I have heard that alot of working girls in the UK tend to be deadfish mainly due to the locals not really expecting much in terms of service and often only look for a quick pump and dump rather than an experience.

Thou there will be the rare gem occasionally they seem to be far and few between.

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