"Some 70 percent said they were continuing to go to prostitutes during the pandemic,
although two-thirds said they were cutting back on their visits."
...and that is lucky....because they are also part of the economy...and helped many of us stay "sane"
(ok, that has to be ...defined at least for me
I will not push the envelope to call myself a patriot or raise the flag of "Civic Duty" BUT...
...when considering the IRREVERSIBLE DAMAGES that occurred in Wanchai bars ...VERY OFTEN SELF-INFLICTED,
it's lucky that those ladies were not more impacted economically and were smarter.
The "Mind Your Own Business" culture proved suicidal for many sectors.
Wanchai or LKF bars behaved in rather dumb way...each assuming they were the "smarter one" and would be the "survivor"
...waiting for others to collapse...
instead of tackling the matter proactively together as early as say may - june 2020,
they were sitting on the hands instead of collectively THINKING (weird word) and
as an industry proposing some ACTION PLANS to the Government.
Yes sure, they were all smarter than the average. Pretty much obvious thinking math for 10sec.
Of course, that would have not enabled foreign "tourists" ...and businessmen to keep coming
and it would have not saved the HK Rugby 7's, but they would have been better off...instead of totally crippled for some.
I realized last month that FINALLY (Nov 2021) JB has installed a transparent screen hanging from the ceiling
to separate the band from the dance floor.
I think I suggested JUST THAT to them in ...July 2020...and people running that shop are not exactly stupid.
No need to be a "Rocket Scientist", whatever Shania Twain thinks
to understand that singers + loudspeakers increase diffusion of AIRBORN virus.
At Taboo, in july 2020, the band was SO LOUD, screaming their lungs out
, that if ever ONE patron was infected....then maybe 1/3 of them would share the same faith.
So stupid!
When vaccines were available in march, between bars owners and staff, it was moronic...everybody waiting
...while the LeaveHomeSafe App was a clear sign of the obvious coming (and me preparing accordingly for summer with (legal) LeaveHomeStealth).
I pretty much lost it when one well-known "figure" there ...who with a picture, needle in arm, on her FB page would have triggered massive vaccination
in Wanchai, her (no allergy / precondition whatsoever) reply was "I have to be in a good state of mind for this" Seriously?
That was moronic for HER, her work and ...her family as bread earner!
As we know here "GodIsDead"
...but some in Wanchai believed he would save them without vaccine while their families in the Phils,
without vaccines, got crippled. Insane.
While Wanchai local friends (I helped some) were wondering about vaccination,
I discovered Jasmine got shot as soon as possible (same week as I),
so we were back on (sometimes with...guest) ...in hotel (where they were spraying and cleaning like maniacs) during afternoons as a starter.
So those ladies took it much more seriously (for their clients, themselves and their families) than the Wanchai crowds
...that was just just hoping for the best
....but MASK ON during aerobics is plain stupid
How much is the marginal probability of infection lowered wearing a mask then? ZERO %..unless you wear a HAZMAT suit as a starter.
Risk management is not about avoiding risks.
Obvious "thinking" is so obsolete nowadays.
What a world!
Grumpy dinosaur