Subject: Miss P (Pumpkin)
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Post at 8-3-2013 22:56  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #160 misspumpkin's post

What is this?
CCTV pics from your customers with RA 100?
or what?

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misspumpkin   8-3-2013 23:27  Acceptance  +1   It's what I was wearing yesterday . Pay attention sweetie
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Post at 8-3-2013 23:33  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #160 misspumpkin's post

thx, I try.
You take care too baby!
Wishing you a beautiful night!

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misspumpkin   9-3-2013 04:18  Acceptance  +1   Thanks sweetie , you have a good one to.
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Post at 9-3-2013 01:17  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by misspumpkin at 8-3-2013 19:48
legatus is a ABC who tried to visit me but was refused due to rudeness, and tried to call me and messaged me then came up so I know what he looks like on CCTV.

Ok lets do it this way if you saw me then you can tell me what I was wearing I will post here with a high reading so the mods can tell

Hmmmm... just curious, how do you know legatus is a ABC if he never went inside your room? Did he contact you here, by phone, by email beforehand and tell you he was from USA?
... when you said he was "rude", what did he do/say to you?

Posting a photo isn't really evidence, as you could have just changed your clothes (as stated above),
and also when someone takes a photo, the time and date is stamped on it...
for example; if you took a photo on the 1st of February 2013 of, let's say a 'bottle of water'...
and if you were then to edit the file in Photoshop, and paste a different image ontop of the bottle of water,
the metadata (time and date) on the file would still be the same, but the photo itself would be entirely different...

[ Last edited by  lijianhua at 9-3-2013 01:19 ]

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anon_bear   13-3-2013 01:19  Acceptance  +1   reasonable questions. good attitude for a punter
JosefK   9-3-2013 04:55  Acceptance  -1   bad attitude
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Post at 9-3-2013 03:02  Profile P.M. 
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Jesus christ, this is getting out of hand.  Just let the girl be already.

She's already somewhat apologized for her racist rant.  Get over it.  She's a horny chik with a hot bod who likes to be fucked.  What else do you guys want from her?  Welcome her to the site, get her to post some more pics of her perfect titties.  I'm all for it, who cares for all this lame ass banter.  I hate when guys on this board get their panties in a bunch.  Stop acting like a bunch of uptight pansies.  

Some of you guys gave your number to a wg, and is now mad that she contacted you... fucking hell, if you don't want a wg to contact you, don't give your number out, it's pretty simple.  It's not up to a working girl to protect your home life.  There are unwritten rules in this game, be smart and you won't get caught up in it.

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Gente30   23-12-2020 13:21  Acceptance  +1   
hakkaboy   18-6-2013 03:26  Acceptance  +1   Agree
anon_bear   13-3-2013 01:21  Acceptance  +2   AGREE! now, let all energy be focused on getting boob pics!!!
Alwaysfuun   11-3-2013 12:09  Acceptance  +1   
rasak   10-3-2013 14:49  Acceptance  +1   Favorable
kaleu   9-3-2013 15:01  Acceptance  +1   YES!!
ramont   9-3-2013 13:33  Acceptance  +8   Exactly!
JosefK   9-3-2013 11:47  Acceptance  +1   agree
vc09   9-3-2013 11:39  Acceptance  +3   So obvious!
misspumpkin   9-3-2013 08:45  Acceptance  +1   yea , good points
wander   9-3-2013 08:28  Acceptance  +1   No Shit! I agree..
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Post at 9-3-2013 06:09  Profile P.M. 
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I still smell bullshit

Why is it that when a "BRO" posts something its instantly believed never questioned , but if a WG posts its pulled down ridiculed and picked to pieces???

Why is it when I dare criticize or compare men/Johns I'm a racist and a nut job , but if a " "BRO" criticizes compares a woman/WG he's a
"BRO" . I have read a lot of the posts/reports and many of the things are degrading and treating the girl like an object, and some are just
untrue. When the same was done to the " BROS " a few howled like dogs. I find it humorous that the " BROS " that bitched the most
about my racist rant are the worst offenders themselves.

If you look at the people that have tried me they have said that I'm ok and nice, the only people that criticize me do it from a distance.

lijianhua, by your own admission often visit CC and other buildings with your " BROS " to check the girls out . I'm well antiquated with
the type of person that has nothing better to do than hassle whores with his buddies. All you do is belittle and judge people. you get your
self busy hating/judging others because your too afraid to spend a moment alone and self reflect.

lijianhua, you have been so quick to call me a liar, so happy to pull me down at every chance. When I have offered you the chance to
prove me wrong or to allow me to give evidence of what I have said you fall silent and find other things pick on.

lijianhua, you say that my claim that a girl was hurt is crap. I offer you the chance to come to my room when I'm there and I will show you
the CCTV footage of what happened . the offer is open but I doubt your would do it . THIS OFFER IS OPEN TO ALL.

lijianhua, lets discuss your previous claims on this site that a WG gave you a STD and your inability to prove it. Also when she gave proof
that she was clean you did nothing to apologise.Lets also talk about the many claims you have made your self on this site. You actually
claimed that a WG in CC told you that when a man refused to pay 6 Triad came from nowhere and beat him.I find this  strange as no WG would
ever talk about Triad activity if she has a brain, and CC is one of the few that has no triad..  I could pull many of your claims on this
site down but I have better things to do

I could go toe to toe with you all day everyday, but I have a life. I could fight this battle of wits and intellect with you, but as a lady I wont
attack an unarmed man.

Now if you want to pull this down and nit pick and insult me go for it, or you could just chill. Or even just visit me sit and talk to me no
charge. Get to know me and connect with a person.

To everybody else that has had to read this rant I'm sorry but I had just had enough of this constant pulling down.

[ Last edited by  misspumpkin at 9-3-2013 06:10 ]

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Pinkpuffy69   13-3-2019 15:00  Acceptance  +3   True I'm racist.
anon_bear   13-3-2013 01:25  Acceptance  +2   good points! thanks! im starting to really enjoy your posts!
mxq   11-3-2013 00:23  Acceptance  +3   Cool
lijianhua   9-3-2013 23:26  Acceptance  -1   who do you get to write your reports?
ramont   9-3-2013 13:35  Acceptance  +1   some valid points
vc09   9-3-2013 11:43  Acceptance  +3   Well written, as always
bohica   9-3-2013 10:07  Acceptance  +4   Points well taken!!!!
Thai-delight   9-3-2013 09:15  Acceptance  +1   I am of the opinion lijiahuan hates women and gets his kicks from knocking them down them there and trying to harm their ...
wander   9-3-2013 08:31  Acceptance  +2   Cheers. I hear ya.
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Post at 9-3-2013 07:41  Profile P.M. 
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regarding legatus

legatus SMS me and was rather rude from the get go . The timing and topics of his contact with me coincides with the timing and topics that
he posted about me here. so I figure that the rude sms is coming from legatus. I can give proof in picture form if needed. so on the 5th I get more sms from this
number the more I reject him he gets more rude. he's using common American terms and nouns. about 6:30 on the 5th a young Chinese man rings the bell when
I open the door he tries to rush in. I stop him ask him in Chinese ( canto ) what he wants and state the price. he says " I cant speak Chinese ". I reject him
as he just seems to pushy to get in and I'm already edgy. 5min later I get more sms from this number asking why I reject him. BINGO join the dots this is legatus.
Then this clown says he visited me and posts a vague few lines.

I have nothing to gain by disproving him other than for truth sake its self. Others have posted reports of their encounters with me and I don't
go crying because its their opinion and its what's sites for. Even kakas post that I'm a grumpy door slamming local bitch with rice on my lip I
wont fight against. Its his opinion and based what actually happened.

But I will call bullshit when and where its found. and I always give reason and proof.

[ Last edited by  misspumpkin at 9-3-2013 07:45 ]
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Post at 9-3-2013 08:26  Profile P.M. 
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I really do want to participate

I really do want to participate , but what is the point if everything I say will be pulled down. if I'm constantly being attacked, called a liar and having my motives questioned why bother.
If all I'm doing here is defending my previous statements or trying to disprove slander its a waste of my time, and all I'm doing is feeding the trolls. I would really like to answer some of the
polite questions that have been put me, but cant. I also have some questions that I would like to ask the BROS .

This might be a shock for you boys but the opinions and points of view of a WG will at times be in stark contrast to that of a punter. Even dare I say offensive I'm only responsible for what I say not
for what you understand.

love and peace

Miss Pumpkin

Just for twiceAweek I have included a picture of me with a banana so he can see the difference.... kisses twiceAweek you can bring your banana to me any time.

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Pinkpuffy69   13-3-2019 15:03  Acceptance  +3   Hehe funny
anon_bear   13-3-2013 01:31  Acceptance  +2   wow, nice view! thanks for the pic! BROS, its time to bury the hatchet!!!
rasak   10-3-2013 14:51  Acceptance  +1   
obe   9-3-2013 19:07  Acceptance  +6   Nice banana!
DArtagnan   9-3-2013 18:21  Acceptance  +8   now that's a nice pic!!
inbkk   9-3-2013 15:02  Acceptance  +2   Reminds me of the Frank Zappa song: I want to be a womans bicycle saddle.
scootermonger   9-3-2013 14:17  Acceptance  +4   love the tits
ramont   9-3-2013 13:36  Acceptance  +8   Can you peel that?
Thai-delight   9-3-2013 12:56  Acceptance  +3   Never has banana looked so inviting
bohica   9-3-2013 10:13  Acceptance  +5   Love the natural props!!
wander   9-3-2013 08:33  Acceptance  +1   Hehe. Well played, maam.
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Post at 9-3-2013 08:39  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #167 misspumpkin's post

Cool you chose to stick around and keep chatting, MissP.  You have "balls" as we would say.

I, for one, tended to agree with you that we (the Bros) were being needlessly harsh on you - and was dissappointed to see it.

Anyway, go ahead and ask your questions!  I would suggest starting a new thread in either the "Talk is Cheap" section or the "Questions and Answers" section.  Put this thread, and all its baggage to rest.  

Now that we have been introduced, in a fashion, I think you might find it a bit more welcoming.

By the way...  I saw one face pick of you somewhere here.  I think we've played together before.  (I could be wrong).  You ever enjoy the Wanchai bars, or LKF?

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misspumpkin   9-3-2013 08:47  Acceptance  +1   Thanks, never in Wan chi, LKF perhaps.
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Post at 9-3-2013 09:46  Profile P.M. 
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The moderators of this forum and perhaps the majority of the membership here takes pride in setting this forum apart from other like forums by doing our best to ensure that what's been reported and discussed carries a reasonable amount of credibility. If you spend a bit more time reading past threads you will find that we do not take averything for granted, bros are challanged when they say something that does not sound right or feel right and they are given the chance to explain themselves ... and you will also find many bros (even very senior bros) who are found to be dishonest or who are here on this forum with their agendas have been called out, reprimanded or even banned ... but bros here can and do express their own opinions which depending on which side of the coin you're on you agree or disagree with.

I have given everyone a summery - in post #139, of what happened with your recent participation in this thread, it is based on my opinion and some facts of what has transpired so far ... and based on this I hope you understand why I have my doubts on everything you say ... however I do believe some things you say are credible and honest and it is for this reason that you are allowed to continue participating here. I'll be very honest with you, I still have difficulty in comprehending your level of English - a level I believe that is on par or even better then some native speakers, the structure of how you write and the jargons you add shows - to me at least, that your education level is not of any local Chinese schools. I really hope that we are reading what you actually write and not of any ghost writer (I'm not asking for proof, just letting you understand my line of thinking)

I hope to put my calling you a banana to rest by giving you my reason for calling you so ...

I don't see Chinese cause your wangs and your minds are too small, your constant self protective thinking makes your look like children.You think that just because you can offer cash I must look on you like a god? you barter and bargain like we are objects and ask us to smile at you....

whenever I see anyone of one race saying something like what you said above of your own race, and along with what you said about never doing Chinese punters (which isn't not exactly true, is it ?) I will call that person the necessary name be it banana, coconut, O cookie whatever ... it is just me and my belief ... I hope you understand just like I'm trying to understand you

I will continue to use my judgement to hearing what you say but as I said before you are welcome to participate here providing you do not advertise yourself blatantly, I'm sure you can carry a thick skin and shouldn't be overly sensitive to what others say ... just defend yourself if what they say is made up and bros here will judge for themselves

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doghead   9-3-2013 16:33  Acceptance  +2   Maybe she is HK's very own "Annabel Chong"
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Post at 9-3-2013 12:54  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #169 twiceAweek's post

Rather than all this back and forth exchange about her level of English, why not just pay her a visit or organise another bro to do so? If miss P is interested in proving that she is the real deal, she shouldn't mind writing sth for you in person. Just a thought.

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ramont   9-3-2013 13:38  Acceptance  +8   Willing to go if I'm sponsored $$$
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Post at 9-3-2013 13:50  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #170 Thai-delight's post

I'll be in HK in a couple of weeks.  I will be happy to verify her English skills.  Well, that is if I am a credible enough source.  

I will just consider the fee an investment in global peace.

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Thai-delight   9-3-2013 16:37  Acceptance  +2   Sounds good
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Post at 9-3-2013 14:06  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #170 Thai-delight's post

As you well know i used to do field investigations and resonance for the forum but now no more
If another bro wants to be my guest ...

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Thai-delight   9-3-2013 16:44  Acceptance  +1   with your 20 inch cock and super muscular body, you might get a freebie :)
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Post at 9-3-2013 14:20  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #167 misspumpkin's post

I think miss pumpkin should write reverse reports.  Or do her own " idle chat ".

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DArtagnan   9-3-2013 18:24  Acceptance  +3   agree
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Post at 9-3-2013 15:15  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by misspumpkin at 9-3-2013 06:09
I could fight this battle of wits and intellect with you, but as a lady I wont attack an unarmed man.

This is the best line I have heard in a while.  The English level does concern me somewhat, but let me ask everyone...

Have you heard anyone in HK with this level of English that would spend their time ghostwriting for a WG?  The grammar is really spot on, which gives me the most pause.  But if anyone is going to put in this much effort, and has this level o access to MissP, then I guess I don't really care.

Thanks for your continued posting MissP!

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Thai-delight   9-3-2013 16:41  Acceptance  +1   That was also my favourite line
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Post at 9-3-2013 16:39  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #171 jake.houston's post

Sounds good. Think up a difficult question such as her thoughts on some important social issue (nothing connected to bananas) and give her 20 minutes to write it.

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homer168   10-3-2013 10:03  Acceptance  +1   TD - thats called Liberal Studies in HKDSE
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Post at 9-3-2013 16:47  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #174 kaleu's post

I concur.

Her English level should not be an issue as there are many known cases of well-educated women enjoying careers in pornography, escorting, wg-work, non-socially accepted roles for educated women, etc all over the world.

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Gente30   23-12-2020 13:34  Acceptance  +1   
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Post at 10-3-2013 22:45  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by misspumpkin at 9-3-2013 06:09
All you do is belittle and judge people. you get your self busy hating/judging others because your too afraid to spend a moment alone and self reflect.

Originally posted by misspumpkin at 18-2-2013 19:27
I don't see Chinese cause your wangs and your minds are too small, your constant self protective thinking makes your look like children.

if that's true... then I guess you are no better than me?
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Post at 10-3-2013 23:11  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #177 lijianhua's post

Some general advice..... always trying to get the last word tends to make one look childish and petty.  Especially on an internet forum.

Get over it, let it go.  We appreciate your intel, we appreciate your advice, but we don't appreciate immature back and forth banter.  This website is for grown folks.  

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ramont   11-3-2013 09:41  Acceptance  +1   Bingo!
inbkk   10-3-2013 23:21  Acceptance  +2   yeah peace and love now, is a good idea
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Post at 11-3-2013 00:05  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #167 misspumpkin's post

Hi sweetie, thx for ur sexy banana - pic.
A question beside all this bam bam, boom boom.

Your last hour on planet earth has come,
after you must go to heaven, paradise or what ever place you like.
For ur last hour you have to choose between three men:
One will give you a perfect DATY licking.
The other will give you a perfect pussy pounding.
And the last will give you a perfect anal pounding.
Which man would you choose and why?
Or what will be your answer?

I hope no one is offended by my question
Peace and love

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misspumpkin   11-3-2013 00:37  Acceptance  +1   wow good question let me think.
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Post at 11-3-2013 00:37  Profile P.M. 
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Feeding the trolls haven't heard that for a long time...

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