Subject: Miss P (Pumpkin)
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Post at 6-3-2013 08:54  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #140 legatus's post

Now I'm a bit confused ...

you first SMSed her and then called her but when you asked about her her working at CC she hung up on you ?

then how did she lie to you ?
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Post at 6-3-2013 09:32  Profile P.M. 
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She said she did not then hung up.
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Post at 6-3-2013 10:19  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #142 legatus's post

Ahh, but dont you see???   You dial her using one of her contact identities, then call her out about a different one.  Of course she hung up - she thinks you are fucking with her or something!  (Or have even worse motives).  She has no need to tell you of her various identities while doing this less-than-socially-acceptable-job.  Then come on here and call her a liar.  Well, she is a liar.  But so am I.  I lie constantly about my punting.  I bet you do to.

Anyway, I completely agree her horseshit racist rant has permanently knocked her down many, many pegs in my book.  So I wont defend her...  I am just saying some Bro's here havnt acted properly either - and two wrongs don't make a right!  (A banana, Twice??  Really?)

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DArtagnan   6-3-2013 11:41  Acceptance  +1   yeah
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Post at 6-3-2013 10:22  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #143 wander's post

You should be appointed as the next president of HK WG union......

I feel your stand

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wander   6-3-2013 10:24  Acceptance  +5   Haha. I know, right? Dont know why this one has compelled me to argue. hehe

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Post at 6-3-2013 11:46  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #143 wander's post

Yes a banana but your take on someone being called a banana could be in some ways different from mine
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Post at 6-3-2013 12:44  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #145 twiceAweek's post

Hmmmm... "Yellow on the outside but white on the inside??"  seems eerily similar to a well-known American racist term:  Oreo.  As in the cookie.  "Black on the outside and white on the inside".  Often used against educated black men.  It's never said in an undemeaning way...  racist and nasty to those it might be thrust upon.

Am I wrong?  

Anyway, I respect you Twice.  I have rarely seen a bad call from you.., but maybe with this one?? Not that she is right...  but multiple wrongs dont cancel each other -- just makes everything worse.  And now we've seemed to entirely scared her off.  Too bad.

[ Last edited by  wander at 6-3-2013 12:53 ]
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Post at 6-3-2013 13:14  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #146 wander's post

She wasn't going to participate here anyway ... Being a HG / walk up forum she was trying not get her walk up identity associated with her outcall

As for her being a banana - it was based on what she told us about how she feels about local men vs foreignmen - if that's not a banana i don't know what is !

She's probably having a good laugh about this as she's been monitoring all the conversations and one of these days we''ll hear from her again along with her attitude

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DArtagnan   6-3-2013 15:03  Acceptance  +1   so ... looking at that ... she never had a chance from her first post ... ;-)
wander   6-3-2013 13:34  Acceptance  +1   Cheers. And yes, I am sure she's enjoying our roast.
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Post at 6-3-2013 13:53  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #147 twiceAweek's post

I learned the term Banana is referring to a Chinese who is educated in foreign language (usually people refer to English) but  cant read or write chinese.
Chinese who thinks they are not-chinese.

Yellow outside (westernise) and White inside (chinese).

In any case, i dont see the racism or insult.

Maybe banana means something else to Ms.P / Karen.

Well we can drop it now and move on....

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wander   6-3-2013 14:54  Acceptance  +1   Uhh no. read again, Ya got it backwards.

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Post at 6-3-2013 14:59  Profile P.M. 
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if backward, then the term Banana is not correct in this context or maybe my understanding is wrong or perhaps yours.

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Post at 6-3-2013 15:05  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #148 hunter's post

I heard banana used to mean someone who looks chinese but acts western (e.g. because of having lived abroad)

and CLEARLY there are so many different interpretations actively in the vernacular, that to use it without further clarification is unfair

PS the opposite is an "egg" ... i.e. someone who looks white (caucasian) but acts Chinese (demonstrating chinese cultural values and behaviour)

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hunter   6-3-2013 15:08  Acceptance  +1   different meaning to diff ppl in diff countries/cultures......Banana is one amzing word!! hehe

Hear Ye!  The Mayor has spoken!
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Post at 6-3-2013 15:22  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #149 hunter's post

  you said yellow outside (western) white inside (chinese)
I think like wander said it should be the opposite which he's correct

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hunter   6-3-2013 15:50  Acceptance  +1   OMG....i am worng all this while....
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Post at 6-3-2013 15:51  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #151 twiceAweek's post

Fuck.....WTf!!.....I am really going bananas now!!!

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wander   6-3-2013 15:55  Acceptance  +1   haha. Yeah, but we all know that! Cheers.

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Post at 6-3-2013 16:18  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #143 wander's post

I guess most of the guys responding here have been trying to put her in her place, following her inappropriate comment about their cock size. She acted badly, but some of the replies here have been pretty childish.
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Post at 7-3-2013 18:10  Profile P.M. 
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I have noticed that guys from westernised chinese i.e. bananas tend to have larger penis size's compared with native chinese.

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misspumpkin   8-3-2013 19:50  Acceptance  +1   ooooo you like wang ?
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Post at 7-3-2013 19:58  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #154 cactuss's post

I have noticed that guys from westernised chinese

You 'noticed'? How would you know unless you have been participating in numerous orgies with various guys from around the world?

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ramont   7-3-2013 23:32  Acceptance  +1   so he's THAT GUY in the gym
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Post at 7-3-2013 20:09  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #155 doghead's post

Maybe he sees from them  porn....
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Post at 8-3-2013 14:47  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #156 Thai-delight's post

I noticed her newest CL advert states "No local Chinese or Indian". I guess she agrees with Cactuss too? Or she doesn't want to meet any of her relatives?

[ Last edited by  doghead at 8-3-2013 14:49 ]
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Post at 8-3-2013 17:30  Profile P.M. 
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I visited her yesterday and the service was actually ok. There is a report on the HK walk up section and I would say that I would say that is pretty much spot on. Nothing to write home about. She does have a nice rack on her that is for sure. Attitude is not terrible but you can tell shes not exactly happy.

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anon_bear   8-3-2013 23:05  Acceptance  +1   make a report!!! many would love to read it!
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Post at 8-3-2013 19:14  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #158 legatus's post

You visited her as a walk up in cc ?  are you a foreigner or local ?
How much did she charge ? How much time did she allow ?
Did she have that tat on her stomach ?  was her stomach flat or flabby ?
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Post at 8-3-2013 19:48  Profile P.M. 
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I smell bullshit

Originally posted by legatus at 8-3-2013 17:30
I visited her yesterday and the service was actually ok. There is a report on the HK walk up section and I would say that I would say that is pretty much spot on. Nothing to write home about. She does ...

I highly doubt you did as only had 4 repeat and one new walk up plus  CL clients yesterday ....

legatus is a ABC who tried to visit me but was refused due to rudeness, and tried to call me and messaged me then came up so I know what he looks like on CCTV.

Ok lets do it this way if you saw me then you can tell me what I was wearing I will post here with a high reading so the mods can tell

I normally don't comment on people who post reports about me, but this is bull

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hakkaboy   18-6-2013 03:24  Acceptance  +1   I like the feistiness
DArtagnan   9-3-2013 18:12  Acceptance  +5   tell it the way it is!
doghead   9-3-2013 16:35  Acceptance  +2   Can this be a new trend...having reports validated by providers themselves?
JosefK   9-3-2013 00:26  Acceptance  +1   How cool is that.
wander   8-3-2013 23:27  Acceptance  +1   How does this help? You could just change clothes, right? Lost me.
twiceAweek   8-3-2013 21:53  Acceptance  +5   interesting ...

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