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Post at 14-9-2012 17:13  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4419 doghead's post

I glanced over what he wrote before he removed the post and my impression was he got the break fluid from the gas station to torch the car ... anyway ... didn't like what I was reading ...

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DArtagnan   14-9-2012 17:25  Acceptance  +1   He did write "burn" but I took it as a chemical burn not a flame burn
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Post at 14-9-2012 17:15  Profile P.M. 
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Lesson learned from today incident:

If you want to kill your wife or your Ex, dont tell anybody.

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Petay_1283   15-9-2012 11:11  Acceptance  +2   What about bosses??
DArtagnan   14-9-2012 17:22  Acceptance  +1   Quite so! Not on this forum anyway ;-)

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Post at 15-9-2012 11:56  Profile P.M. 
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Hi there Y'all!!

No wonder my ears had been burning so often these past few days!  

Its’ a week-end and YES, I HAVE now succumbed ….again… to the pull of the bull…shit! And hope that the Mods and you guys do NOT mind too much my returning to JUST fully explain. First, many thanks to all those guys who’ve contacted me through various means to wish me well/ some of your suggestions to at least check what all has been discussed about SEAJ!!  LOL!  I am very flattered/grateful for all those kind words so expressed…and actually quite flabbergasted that such a small matter as my being banned would give rise to all this back and forth! Amazing!! But check what all has been discussed about SEAJ is exactly what I had just done and….Oh MY!!

OK, I guess I DO owe it to some of you to fully explain my actions/motivation; I hope that you all do NOT mind that once and for all, I write this FOND farewell to you all. It would be a bit inappropriate for me to use the Cantonese phraseology “Good Coming, Good Going” seeing as my “arrival” here had not quite been all that stellar! But I hope that I can convey/that you all will understand that I do want my ending here to be harmonious AND beneficial to this board  - which I do truly care a lot about.

First of all, my MAIN reason for having done what I had done, had  just simply been that I felt that I was spending way,  WAY too much time on this board;  to my own chagrin when I realized that such participation had actually turned into a VERY BAD AND ACTUAL addiction. I was spending too much time on this board, time which I should have/will now use for other more important and meaningful matters in my life.  I had quite a while ago decided that it’s imperative that I MUST stay away – but sadly, all previous attempts on my part to just slowly wean myself off just did NOT work; Like I said, the pull of the Bull…shit here had always been too great a temptation and I figured that once and for all, I just REALLY needed to be banned to successfully stay away.  And this is where I feel I do owe it to some of you to explain now, as my departure had been quite sudden and unexplained.

I will confirm that all that Twice has outlined is precisely what had happened, and my hats off to him for always being the great Mod that he is. He is NOT the bad guy! And it’s actually the discussions I have had with him and the other Mods that made me understand the future direction of the board and had given me the impetus to go ahead and  “Just Do It” (hey – it’s really not that easy to commit suicide let me tell you all!! LOL!! But commit suicide I did and Twice rightly banned me as a consequence). Such discussions had made me realize that the “new direction/rules” for the forum has made this place NOT what I would like to still be a part of and is NOT where I would still be able to enjoy the fun and games that I had been on here for in days past - thus giving rise to my last actions on the board. And I certainly can understand that Twice would want to see the last of me prior to him stepping down as a Mod; he certainly would NOT want to have me as his lasting legacy on his term as a Mod here!! Perfectly understandable as per the explanation he posted up to say Good Bye! Oh Well!!

Having said that though, I don’t think his work is quite finished yet as I see that he still also need to rid the board of other disruptive members – say the guy who’s on here practically to ONLY wait to pounce on each and every errant/misguided post to denigrate the OP, the various obvious ass-lickers, those still here with their own agenda etc etc – just the usual list of riff-raffs on every board!! LOL!

I have nothing against Admin wanting to re-formulate the forum to better serve his aims etc (More power/Good for him!!) – but what I concluded is that the new rules will severely restrict participation of the board to ONLY those whose participation will be for the  SOLE benefit of the advertisers on the DB (News to you SEAJ – that is PRECISELY the reason for this forum!! Jeez!!). Anyway, I see that the under the new rules/direction of the forum, there is hardly any way for a newbie to rise up through the ranks UNLESS he is actively reporting on sessions. But IMHO, some of the best conversations/meaningful/informative discussions had been from those who are NOT just into reporting on sessions; after all, actual sessions/reports of such cannot occupy one’s whole time (where’s the fun and games in THAT?) and it had always been GREAT and refreshing to just get on this board and…idly chat.

It is of course understandable that Admin would want to restrict Idle Chit-Chats which does not directly address his advertisers’ needs, but doing so will severely restrict my ability to just have fun and games on the board …for  such chit chats will most likely/ invariably mainly be participated only by senior members who no longer need/care anymore about posting credits being accumulated or not.  And these Seniors – heck, I’ve said just about anything under the sun in my previous postings – what fun would it be just to re-hash tired old stories with a small (and most likely growing smaller) bunch of seniors who probably will also just be re-hashing their old stories/theories/opinions!  And of course, I am also VERY tired with the petty sniping and sour grapes that my detractors are always so fond of enunciating!

When I did post up reports, It was when there WAS something worthy/notable/unusual to report and not just a Penthouse type tale that is practically de-rigeur on this board!! (And phoooey on those who still maintain that I did not post up reports. I DID post up reports…quite a lot actually!!).  And I just cannot allow myself to now become a mere tool/pawn for other’s purposes/aims and to just meekly “do up reports” just to be able to stay on this forum.  Nah!! Besides the reports I did write up previously, the rest/majority of the time I spent here WAS chatting and relishing the spirit of camaraderie that IMHO is now going to be minimized as a result of the non-crediting  of anything but reports.

How appropriate to name that thread “Talk is Cheap” – actually worthless on this board now!  At least I doubt that there would be much interest from newbies to participate in discussions in the chat sections, knowing full well that he is NOT going to rack up any posting credits. And BTW – the new rules – has it/will it give rise to more - or less - just bullshit reports to rack up the points?  I’m really wondering!!

As to inferences  that I am a disruptive influence on this board, yes, I WILL readily admit that, many times, that had actually been the end result of my perhaps/probably misguided efforts to errr…. make the forum GREATER STLL!. I have no interest to discredit anybody except when IN MY MIND he is being of disservice to the forum.  Apologies if sometimes my sight/target identifying had sometimes been a bit off, but please do note that I do NOT suffer fools gladly and as such, I certainly will not just back away when confronted. Yeah yeah yeah, all good and well but what about the end result - you probably are saying right now!  But if you will KINDLY notice/recall, I had always mostly reacted/retaliate only when first being trespassed on (Good way to put it huh?  LOL!!).  

And I will also add that on quite a few occasions, I had been requested to do such battles for and on behalf of those who were not able to do such battles themselves (and I think most of you will get my meaning!!). It has never been my intention to just be disruptive on the board, and on this point, I DO disagree with Twice that I just cannot help myself.  I CAN help myself – but I will choose each and every time to instead defend myself/own principles when crossed, no matter what the end result would be.

Right is right, wrong is wrong.  Sorry – but hell – don’t worry, no more - as I am now banned anyway!!  LOL!

And BTW – all my previous bleatings about the “Special” status (ouch!) accorded to the Idle Chat thread to be the only thread to NOT be allowed posting credits (which of course really grated on Twice) – at least I see that he’d done right now and NOT allow posting credits for other idle banters/general section equally.  
EQUAL TREATMENT…Yeh, Yeh,  Yeh!!  
But….not really what I was hoping for as being THE solution – No?  Sigh….!
But me-thinks all that have transpired will at least once and for all vindicate all the bros who had participated on the Idle chat thread; vindication from all the unspoken accusations about the implied dastardly deeds we had supposedly been deemed to have committed…and were thus punished for!!

But that I AM considered to be disruptive to the board is just all the more reason for me to want to stop participating - for I have nothing but good feelings for this board and certainly do NOT want to be the cause of it being further curtailed.  And IMHO, this is very likely the future direction of this board as I think that Admin do NOT see that chit chats, fun and games etc is of much use for his purposes of the forum. And of course I have never been shy to express precisely what I think – which in this matter would only serve to piss Admin off all the more!

For those who will still want to participate on this forum – good on you and my best wishes to Y’all; and please do NOT let whatever I had written above to influence you one way or the other.  Like I said, in my case it’s just that I need to stay away from the pull of the bull…shit here!!  Ahhh…such a strong pull!

Thank you all for reading this and for having been a “good mate” to me during my sojourn here – I do appreciate it a LOT!  And as for those who hates me (GOD – how many of you ARE there??!!), please just ignore this posting - for I certainly will not come back on to address your usual trash and vitriol!

Fare thee well bros!

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Tuffbod   24-9-2012 09:48  Acceptance  +3   Take care SEAJ Sifu!
bigswingingdik   20-9-2012 06:24  Acceptance  +2   Best of luck to you. Maybe I'll bump into you in cp. You're not really sw ...
scootermonger   19-9-2012 01:00  Acceptance  +4   +1000k's =) haha. keep in touch ol pal.
bohica   18-9-2012 01:18  Acceptance  +1   SEAJ - U will be missed!!
devilgodspeed   16-9-2012 22:15  Acceptance  +1   Farewell my friend.
wander   15-9-2012 18:21  Acceptance  +1   Aiyaa!!! And on and on and on.
chelu   15-9-2012 12:03  Acceptance  +1   Its been a real slice ;-)
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Post at 15-9-2012 13:12  Profile P.M. 
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SEAJ ... I will let this post stand to give you the chance of saying a final farewell to bros in this forum, I also want to tell you one last time that your continued assumptions about the directions of this forum and that of our Admin is TOTALLY wrong - you assume you know but you really don't !

Good bye and good luck to whatever the future holds for you in other forums ... you will be banned once again and hopefully this will be for the last time

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Post at 15-9-2012 13:35  Profile P.M. 
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Appreciate it - and as I said, I just wanted to explain properly to anybody interested on what all happened/I was thinking ON MY PART to hopefully smooth the way forward for the forum.

Thank you
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Post at 15-9-2012 21:54  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4423 Omigawd's post

Hi bro Seaj,
thx for ur nice Farewell words, i wish you all the best.
Too bad that you're no (can) longer post here.
Your reports, views, opinions, reviews, were not loved by all, but they were always entertaining.
The whole board controversy, just because of a couple virtual karma points?
About fantasy named fucking Rangs and RA´s to pics, where u can see a blurry dick in a pussy?
If you only take the Karma Points minus Posts, then u get another view of this Rank- and RA System.
So, how can this lead to an addiction and to such a dispute in a brotherhood?
Too bad.
On the other hand you're probably right, with the new rules, the board may lose quality, regarding
information about punting at all, history storys, mongering places all over the world, guide maps, friendship chattings, etc.
The future will tell.
Good luck for you bro!
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Post at 18-9-2012 13:46  Profile P.M. 
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Change of topic.

Is it my imagination or there has been a rash of reports written by people who have had bad experiences or in actuality written by people with unrealistic (bordering on fantastical) expectations?

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inbkk   18-9-2012 19:40  Acceptance  +2   Same!
Petay_1283   18-9-2012 19:33  Acceptance  +2   Both I think
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Post at 18-9-2012 19:39  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4427 doghead's post

I have the same imagination.
In the Rest of the World section for example there are a lot reports now without pics, unclear dates,
mediated by mysterious agents, untraceable girls, “reports” without templates and so on.

So what is a good report?
When, Where, Who, What.
If some element is missing, the “report” could then be unusable.
Is the WG traceable? Aka can I find her too?
If not, then the “report” is then definitely unusable (like a fantasy ego report).
Exception is a field (no fuck) report, like a Guide report, but where to post stuff like this now?
Reports with pics are more better. You know how the girl looks like and it is also an evidence
that this report is then real and not maybe a fake!

[ Last edited by  inbkk at 18-9-2012 19:46 ]
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Post at 20-9-2012 13:05  Profile P.M. 
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I have been to many saunas and massage places over the years. From all those sessions I picked up some basic massage techniques that unfortunately last about 10 mins. Are there places in HK to learn how to give a proper massage short of going back to school?

The only solution that I could think that was cost-effective and fun would be to arrange a 'double-fly' session + 1 extra hour at GFS. The 1st girl with the big chest would be my learning dummy (model) on the massage bed. The 2nd girl with the best massage technique would be my 'hands-on' teacher. Hopefully there would be no jealousy on the girls' parts and they would help learn how to give a long, proper massage.

What do you think? Do you think I would be able learn something?
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Post at 20-9-2012 14:00  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4429 doghead's post

actually, being the "dummy" for a student who is being trained by a teacher is a lot of fun, been there ...

If you really want to learn how to do massage, you should sign up for a course - I've seen some advertised on the web ... they'll teach you some anatomy, the difference between good technique and bad, which goes way beyond the moves and the strokes ... I wouldn't expect to learn good massage from a masseuse - most of them seem to have little idea WHY they do what they do, and so few of them go anywhere beyond a canned routine that doesn't change.  You need a massage teacher to learn good massage.  

Of course, topping it all off - maybe after you know the basics - with a session like you describe would be a great way to get the inside scoop: just exactly what it is that turns on a woman, and how and where to touch her for that extra excitement

they won't cover that in the course syllabus

and - yup - bin there too   

PS if I had the leisure time, I'd book a 3-week holiday in Bangkok.  The main temple there has an excellent beginners' course on Thai Massage.  IMHO that's the creme-de-la-creme of massage technique, and well worth learning.

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doghead   21-9-2012 12:43  Acceptance  +6   Wow, u must hav seduced so many civis/sauna girls with ur massage skills.

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Post at 20-9-2012 14:19  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4430 DArtagnan's post

When I was around 16/17 I fancied the pants off one of my sisters friends. I was studying engineering at the time at college & she was studying Beauty Therapy at the same college. She was 21/22, stunning and was also into women as well as men.

You used to always get invited up to their floor for cheap haircuts, massages, manicures everything to help them learn.

I used to always tell my sister I proper fancied this girl. My sisters words were always "She will eat you alive" - man was she right!

Her name was Simone & she was 6'2 of pure filth!!

I went upstairs one time to the infamous (infamous to engineers) 3rd floor for a haircut & massage. We got talking as I got Simone, she picked me cos she knew me.

As she was giving me a massage, she invited me to hers one night so she could practice so I went, we had a few glasses of wine etc & I asked if she could teach me to give a massage, so she did.

We end up pissed as hell & she perofrmed a sexy dance then stripped to a thong & got out various different oils, I almost just watching her dance.

She laid on her stomach & told me what to do, even how to finish her off

The oils she had were even edible so you could lick them off each other

She taught me a trick or two that night. I went home that morning the happiest teenager alive! We never spoke of it again. We saw each other a few years later on a night out & she said she laughed cos every time she saw me after that I always had a big grin on my face when I saw her lol

The guy she is with now looks like the Incredible Hulk. I hope she never tells him!

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wander   25-9-2012 09:24  Acceptance  +2   Haha. Loved your last sentence. Shite! I fucked the Hulks gal!!
doghead   21-9-2012 12:42  Acceptance  +4   I am sure the Hulk can give u a very strong massage. lucky boy!

'Yes, Madam, I am drunk, but in the morning I shall be sober and you will still be ugly.'

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Post at 20-9-2012 15:16  Profile P.M. 
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New here

Just joined forum and want get high reading access! do much reeding and think very hard get reeding access. Impossible? How you people get reeding access? If nothing report (no experience!! just learning no way? Can pay money for reeding access? So many peices need high rating!

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obe   21-9-2012 09:21  Acceptance  -1   A few reports with real pics will help with your RA rating
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Post at 20-9-2012 15:59  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4432 chiesien's post

Welcome to the forum bro.

Simple answer... Contribute..! We all got high RA by sharing our experiences.

I have tried 'thinking very hard' but my head hurts... If it was only that easy many of us geniuses on here would be 'Fucking Legends' by now.

You cannot pay, unless you pay for you know what... Then you can share your experiences with us.

Please read the following for more information:

'Yes, Madam, I am drunk, but in the morning I shall be sober and you will still be ugly.'
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Post at 20-9-2012 16:06  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4432 chiesien's post

Welcome to the forum

first of all, are you registered in this forum under another name ?

second, 90% of the contents in this forum are viewable to newbies - what specifically do you want to see that you say you can't ?

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Petay_1283   20-9-2012 17:05  Acceptance  +1   sigh, i was wondering if he had another ID

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Post at 20-9-2012 17:23  Profile P.M. 
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Thank you for the nice welcome! No - first time on this forum. Member of my local forum where a few bros recommend I join here for Hong Kong information.
I just moved to China and will be going to Hong Kong and I see some reports I cannot go to - not enough rating?

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Petay_1283   20-9-2012 17:27  Acceptance  +1   try reading forum guidelines + the link I sent you above.
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Post at 20-9-2012 23:11  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4435 chiesien's post

you're in China now ?  how are the girls where you are ?

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Post at 21-9-2012 01:28  Profile P.M. 
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Haha! Very confusing actually like other things here. But no much time for girls yet. Very confusing
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Post at 21-9-2012 09:11  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by chiesien at 20-9-2012 15:16
Can pay money for reeding access? ...

well you can't buy RA to the forum

except that - as Petay hinted - you CAN ...

take your money
try a girl you like
write a report

and repeat multiple times ... pretty soon you'll have full RA

and yes, that's what I did.  Actually, that's what almost all the senior members here did to get their seniority: support the forum by giving new reports back to the community

If you want the fast track?  Do all the above, and include some real pictures of the girl, then you get accellerated real fast.

Hear Ye!  The Mayor has spoken!

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Post at 21-9-2012 12:27  Profile P.M. 
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Why deduct?

Why I get deducted point?  I thot that on this thread can ask anything and also just chat? And reporting I cannot do yet as have nothing to report! Here to just first learn not OK?

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hunter   21-9-2012 12:33  Acceptance  +1   I think that bro press the wrong -ve sign. No biggie.
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Post at 22-9-2012 22:01  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by chiesien at 9/20/12 04:23 AM
Thank you for the nice welcome! No - first time on this forum. Member of my local forum where a few bros recommend I join here for Hong Kong information.
I just moved to China and will be going to Hong Kong and I see some reports I cannot go to - not enough rating?

Out of curiosity, where are you originally from? You're not Chinese as you say you just moved to China and English isn't your first language.

What's this local forum where "a few bros recommend" that you join?

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