Originally posted by cactuss at 14-9-2012 10:20
No I didnt assume
yes you did: you assumed others would end up in the same position as you, specifically in the situation of considering whether or not to pour brake fluid onto her car AFTER having keyed it. Your assumption is that others would have keyed the car in the first place.
And it very clearly STILL is your assumption, since you go on about everything she did to you that justifies YOUR behaviour.
I asked if you wouldve done the same thing if you were in the same position.
Sorry bro, no, I still wouldn't have keyed her car, not even on the basis of how much she stole and the ways she deceived and used you. And therefore I would never have ended up wondering whether I should go and buy brake fluid for the sole purpose of dissolving the paint off her car ...
Oh and I didn't call you immature ... do you think I should have??
Actually I called your assumption idiotic, and your behaviour cowardly and vindictive, which is something else altogether.
Cowardly, because you harm her car when she is not looking and she won't even know who did it
Vindictive, because you are trying to justify wanting to cause her pain by blaming your actions on her
Bro: you asked for our opinion. You got it.