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Post at 1-8-2012 08:22  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4319 kaleu's post

Indeed wander is right, I used to play a lot of snooker back in the UK. Fairly easy to learn..

Pot a red then try & pot a colour & so on...

When all the reds are potted then you have to pot the colours in a certain order, going from yellow to black. Each colour is worth different amount of points, whoever has the most points at the end wins...

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Post at 1-8-2012 09:27  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Petay_1283 at 1-8-2012 08:22
Fairly easy to learn..

kinda ...

the rules are very easy!  

but playing is very hard ... the pros are totally amazing to watch, the way they not only consistently make pots at amazing distances and angles, but simultaneously make sure the white ball rebounds and ends up in the best place to make the next pot from.  

You need to be quite skilled before you can enjoy it!

Hear Ye!  The Mayor has spoken!
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Post at 2-8-2012 01:58  Profile P.M. 
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Thanks.  I'll look it up, although I will probably stick to the game I know.  It's easier to impress when I actually sink some balls.  LOL...

This reminds me... What sport has the most double entendres?  Very Jr. High School, but still...
My vote is golf.  Ball, shaft, grip, head, hole, bush, trimmed, score, it's endless really.
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Post at 2-8-2012 07:51  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4322 DArtagnan's post

Yeah, my father was a semi-pro, even got on TV once to play...

He used to take me when I was young every week to play. I got fairly good at it but not played for a while now.

'Yes, Madam, I am drunk, but in the morning I shall be sober and you will still be ugly.'
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Post at 2-8-2012 09:18  Profile P.M. 
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Just out of curiosity. Normally when i get into hong kong, i'll purchase one of those prepaid sim card. I dont normally keep the sim card. As my next trip to Hk will be more of a few hours sop over, Would the agent accept calls from an oversea roaming number?
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Post at 2-8-2012 16:41  Profile P.M. 
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They would want to call back or text, so I doubt it.
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Post at 3-8-2012 18:55  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4322 DArtagnan's post

Agree here, Snooker rules are fairly easy to learn, but to be skilful enough to impress girls will take hours and hours and hours of practice.

The bigger table and smaller balls (and more too) makes snooker almost a completely different ballgame compared to pool or billiards.

I enjoy playing both but in different ways as they are quite very different in my opinion.

Monger Safely,
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Post at 3-8-2012 20:50  Profile P.M. 
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I'm at Golden Sauna now. My first time here. Place seems quite dead though quite a number of punters here. No massage ppl pestering me too. Just seems very odd for a Macau sauna. Will ask for a lineup soon and bail of it sucks.
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Post at 4-8-2012 12:09  Profile P.M. 
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I was in a low end hotel in Guangzhou during the Canton Fair. It was almost impossible to find a vacant room with a reasonable rate.  I saw this on the wall and I was wondering what it was. I took a picture.

I asked someone and they said:

1. NO prostitution
2. NO drugs
3. No gambling

I said to myself NO shit....

[ Last edited by  Weelock at 4-8-2012 14:44 ]

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Post at 6-8-2012 13:41  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4307 SEAJ's post

Oh Noooo SEAJ,

Please don't tell me you are leaving this Forum!  I just finally had the chance to log back on, due to my work load and you are leaving !!

Not Brown nosing, but I personally feel that you have been the MOST HELPFUL  and Informative NICE guys on this Forum!  

Life is short! Let's concentrate on the Positives!  I am sure a lot of guys would agree that you MUST NOT leave! and Stay here like one Big Happy Extended Family!
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Post at 6-8-2012 18:38  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4330 mrpo's post

Thanks for your kind words, but apparently quite a few do not share your sentiment and as such I just need to be spending a lot less time here.

This forum IMHO has changed and I surmise that there are probably going to be more changes coming - and rather than be cause of any turmoil, I'd rather just take a back seat; I believe that others here are probably more than well equipped and willing to keep it going.


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sexwstrangers   7-8-2012 06:58  Acceptance  +1   What now?! Time for me to scroll back and see WTF is going on!!!
yazoo   7-8-2012 03:39  Acceptance  +3   Good to see u r still here, even if just lurking................................ ...


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Post at 6-8-2012 20:35  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4331 SEAJ's post

Yeah, seriously don't leave. A number of your posts have been super insightful. And a lot of them were very long, showing that you put in a lot of thought and effort. That's something that is great and much appreciated. Maybe take a break, but do come back!
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Post at 6-8-2012 22:33  Profile P.M. 
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The thing about any forum is that it needs senior members to carry the weight by posting regularly.  With the departure of senior members, newbies won't post much because they don't see anyone else posting.  Mid-level members also start posting less because they feel that their years of contributions aren't appreciated anymore.

Secondly, senior members set the pace for postings.  If the senior members, who regularly post 1,000 word reviews, are gone then the newbies will think that short 100 word reviews will be enough.  In this case the mid-level members need to step up and actually they should already be contributing to show newbies the ropes and also to lessen the workload on the senior members.

Squabbling between members is silly.  Leave the politics at home because like the saying goes, when you argue with someone online then you're both retards.  Just relax and take a back seat instead. Peace and prosperity my brothers.

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Wachovia68   8-8-2012 02:56  Acceptance  +4   Amen brotha!
yazoo   7-8-2012 03:42  Acceptance  +3   Couldn't agree more.
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Post at 7-8-2012 21:43  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4331 SEAJ's post

I have to disagree with your decision to take the back seat.
You have helped many members here and it's a must that you continue to do so.
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Post at 9-8-2012 02:01  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by devilgodspeed at 7-8-2012 21:43
I have to disagree with your decision to take the back seat.
You have helped many members here and it's a must that you continue to do so.

Unforturately, I few others think differently.  They didn't like his opinions, ideas and obectives.

Yes, I also agree, SEAJ has help many members with their quest.  For the others that think differently, I don't think so.
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Post at 11-8-2012 01:23  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4331 SEAJ's post


Take a step back?! You are 30 years old and you are slowing down? not the go-getter I thought you to be young chap!

AsnDragon-- you're young enough to be my kid if I ever had any....
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Post at 11-8-2012 11:17  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4331 SEAJ's post

Hey Sean the Swede!

No need to thank me for kind words, I just speak the Truth!!! As you can c quite a few guys here on the forum already have chimed in to agree with me that you are a EXXXtremely valuable asset to this Forum!

Just look at the SUCCESS, of this thread!  it has 217 pages!!! As far as I know that's one of the Longest Thread's  on the Site, if not the Longest.  Brother, if you are a 30 something dude, you should know that Life is short and time Flies and doesn't stop for you to think.  YOu can't let a few individuals deter you from doing something that has been, very helpful and informatiive to many others!  

Hopefully, if I ever get out to the Far East I can look u up and buy u a few drinks!
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Post at 13-8-2012 09:27  Profile P.M. 
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Ahh SEAj,

Rarely have I seen a more polarizing "black or white" fellow such as you.  Everything is always "your way or the highway".  

Like most Bro's on here, I find you can be incredibly insightful, helpful, knowledgable, and supportive.  And other times you can be insufferably arrogant, stubborn, wrong-headed, and even vicious in your attacks on others.  As insightful as you are, I doubt you see this in yourself.

You dont need to "host" a thread to share your wealth of mongering knowledge here, or to enjoy the brotherhood here.  Frankly, I dont know why you would even want to host a thread...  it seems like work to me!  Being a mod here would absolutely ruin my enjoyment of 141.  (but that's me).

Isn't is possibly for you to just participate?  Like the rest of us?  Another case of "all or nothing"?  

I rarely feel the need to tell a near-30-year-old to grow-up.  But Bro....   you are acting a bit like a child.  Just enjoy participating.
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Post at 13-8-2012 11:55  Profile P.M. 
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It has seemed very quiet around here for a while - not too much to talk about?

How about you wander?  Has your life become less adventurous?
SEAJ (***Call me Sean Sweet Swede***)

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Post at 13-8-2012 13:35  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by wander at 13-8-2012 09:27
Rarely have I seen a more polarizing "black or white" fellow such as you.  Everything is always "your way or the highway".  
Like most Bro's on here, I find you can be incredibly  ...

OK – perhaps time that I should explain a bit better.

What you said is actually precisely just about all the points that made me decide to just take a "back seat" nowadays.

Yes, everything to me is either right or wrong, black or white. That is how it is for me IRL - so why should I compromise when it comes to here? And no, I don’t suffer fools gladly and I do not back away or turn the other cheek; anybody wants to get it on with me – well… yes, I’ll be right there to punch back doubly hard. Why should I have to tolerate ANY wankers?

“….arrogant, stubborn, wrong-headed, and even vicious in your attacks on others…” yes, all that except that –again – to me just about everything is either black or white and when there’s shades of grey (as invariably happens in many things in life) – I just try to narrow it down as much as possible.  And if indeed I had been wrong, I have always readily acknowledged and apologize for such.

“Hosting” a thread? NO – it’s got absolutely nothing to do with my wanting to host a thread or – as you are hinting at – that I want some kind of “glory” or acknowledgement etc.  I just want a thread that is welcoming to newbies, a place where they can go to start their sex141 membership in a more understanding/welcoming atmosphere instead of how it IS/CAN BE in other parts here. If there’s one thing I’m glad about, is that nowadays, it seems that Seniors AND MODS are now more tolerant/friendlier to some of the nonsense posts that do get posted up by newbies - who just do not yet know the culture here. This is and has always been my ONLY agenda here.  And NO, as I have repeatedly stated, I do NOT have ANY wish to be anything more than just a member and what you’re insinuating is a low blow.

To just participate? Not when it’s no longer fun to do so; not when I get threatened to be banned anytime I happen to not agree with the powers-that-be; not when discussions turns to actual name-calling and worse, doing so by innuendos. Yes, I am perhaps a square peg – but sure as hell I am NOT going to try to fit myself into a round hole just to satisfy the powers-that-be. Screw that – it’s just not me and I would rather just NOT participate any more. I am NOT a politician and I do NOT have the finesse to handle anything politically – I just stick to my principles and defend it. And if the “forces” are insurmountable, well I ain’t too damn proud to just walk away and find my own place where I CAN stick to my principles.

Can you or anybody else justify the restrictions on the Idle Chat thread? For it to be singled out for such restrictions? What has participants here done to deserve this? And as for your previous lament that I am single-handedly “destroying” this thread – well, here’s my innuendo to you: do you yourself harbor a desire to take over? Since you’re no longer going to be wandering all over Wanchai? Yes, vicious, yes, out-of-line – but that is precisely how you’ve phrased your own posting, as if I had a hidden agenda or whatever.

Look-it wander, I have no hidden agenda except to just enjoy fun and games here – and the past few months has NOT been fun and games.  And I’m through with shadow boxing with the Mods/seniors; I always pride myself on being a fair fighter and I particularly resent all these under-handed moves. You or anybody else have a problem with me – come right out and say it; discuss it properly and rationally  - and not just come out with stupid innuendos and personal attacks. I mean – Christ – how am I – or anybody - going to handle statements like “I’ll come up with a masterpiece of  Mod’ding when I have time” – and then never actually doing so?  Ridiculous!




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