Originally posted by AsnDragon at 23-5-2012 13:38
I don't know. I think it's the whole wanting to save the girl syndrome. Watching too many western films about how we want to help the underdog, the girl in need. Wanting to be their knight and shining ...
What you describe is actually the bane of too many long term mongers IMHO.
The Mongering Blahs.
Seen too many, done way too many and .... all comes to naught!
For you're always trying to get that one great pop, and then a greater one and.... and one just ends up all confused and feeling empty in the end. This is the reason why anytime I do feel "something" with any one, I'd always go full blast and pursue and enjoy all the sweetness and light...and even drama. I'd let it run its course and chalk it all up to a wonderful experience in the end.
I've in the past even found myself wondering what the heck I was doing...and wondering what the heck that gal is doing bobbing her head up and down on me> That's how jaded one can get with serial mongering IMHO!! I mean - a fabulous looking gal giving me a fabulous blow job and I was instead wondering what's it all about?? How pathetic - right?
The only cure for the Mongering Blahs - either abstention/blue balls till you cain't stand it OR go into longer term romances!
SEAN - Just my own POV and druthers!