Subject: Miss P (Pumpkin)
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Post at 19-6-2013 01:08  Profile P.M. 
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Enjoy her gentlemen, she's a gem

Originally posted by misspumpkin at 18-6-2013 05:43 PM

I seriously doubt that it was an unsolicited attack. You probably tried to bargain, asked a stupid question or was rude your self. I actually think you missed or skipped most of the pages or you jus ...

When I discovered her hijack of the thread yesterday and read through part of her rant (I finished reading the entire thing, as well as her separate Q&A, after writing my piece yesterday), I was surprised to discover that she won so many of you over with her "refreshing" feisty attitude.  I guess I'm different than many of you...when I go see an SP, I want a GFE or hell, even a PSE.  But I certainly don't want to be attacked and belittled by a feisty bitch.  

Maybe it's just me, but I'd really love to see some reviews of her.  Maybe she's different in the sack, but methinks her bitchiness can't be contained.  But then again, if a guy is looking for a dominatrix experience, maybe pumpkin's for them.

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misspumpkin   19-6-2013 02:38  Acceptance  -1   Still no proof , all you got is words .... and you call me the bitch.
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Post at 19-6-2013 09:24  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #201 Ranger's post


being on the forum a few years, it's patently clear that a lot of reports made here are suspect ... either pursuing a hidden agenda or maybe some other concern ... and the value of the board is the way postings are challenged and given an opportunity to provide corroboration.  Most of the time a girl can't defend herself against criticism, and it's all to the good that a negative report needs a higher standard of proof than a positive one.  

I think she gave you a good opportunity to make good and a good forfeit if you're right that she really did treat you badly.  If you don't like her invitation, you can come up with a suggestion of your own.  

But instead of addressing her directly, or presenting facts, you're trying to appeal to the crowd and whip up a frenzy of approval for your criticism ...

not a good look bro

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gwailoplayer   19-6-2013 20:36  Acceptance  +2   well stated summation of his strategy, seeking to win on emotion not merit

Hear Ye!  The Mayor has spoken!
Frenchexpat (Faites chier la vache)
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Post at 19-6-2013 09:50  Profile P.M. 
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What a refreshing thread.
I concur with bro Dartagnan, either you have proof or you dont. If you dont, too bad but then no need to try and call for the forum to go against her. Am not saying your right or wrong Ranger, am just saying you cant accuse someone without proof.

MissP seems quite an Alfa lady and yes, that certainly would not be to the liking of some bros on the forum but this is where the beauty of things lies, there is enough choice and diversity for everyone here.

MissP, got a question from you. Seems that you girls exchange phone numbers of the bad punters is that correct? Do you do that on a global scale or just among a few friends? Global scale would make someone think twice before being nasty with a wg.

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Post at 19-6-2013 11:16  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #201 Ranger's post

Her attitude may be "refreshing" to you but in some parts of the world there are women who speak up. You will be happier if you can learn to accept that.
With respect, I just cannot understand your comments: when a girl participated in an open forum, she "hijacked" the thread. If you look at the title of this thread, it is called "Miss P (Pumpkin)". She can't hijack the thread that is dedicated to her, can she? When a girl speaks her mind, she is called a bitch. What's the logic?
I am one of the guys who has been "won over". I was brought up as a feminist, and I honestly think there should be more girls like her in the world, especially in this town. Miss P is a strong woman. She is merciless to people who disrespected her but can be very sweet to those who treat her as equal. Why do you think people who respect women are all after dominatrix? Why do you see women in this industry as either bitch or dominatrix, and their values are solely judged by their performance "in the sack"? Can I judge you as a person entirely based on your performance in bed, sir?
I do not know Miss P and am not likely to meet her. She does not like local Chinese and men with small dicks. I am both. Even so, I do not feel threatened by her at all. I respect her choice and enjoy reading her funny and witty remarks here. I do not feel inferior or intimidated. Being Chinese and an owner of a small penis are just my biological facts. I have other qualities that make me unique. With respect, maybe you should also try and leave your comfort zone and embrace Miss P, and other women, as real complex human beings and not labels or objects.

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Mister   21-6-2013 03:31  Acceptance  +3   Original
Intenseslacker   20-6-2013 00:40  Acceptance  +4   Well put.
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Post at 20-6-2013 10:24  Profile P.M. 
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I like Miss P

I have seen miss P's ad on CL for long time tho I haven't met her. She maybe not your type and be realistic that a WG won't be like a movie star who has the prettiest face.  However, we should accept different people with different taste to a girl. I personally appreciate miss P's being so bold to be real here and frankly saying what she wants to. She has guts to face you guys' judgement even some are kinda against her with unfair comments but at least she is still here without worrying which maybe losing potential customers from such a tough "debate"

I have read thro the thread and I appreciate her being upfront. I like her attitude and I don't think it's rude being straight and get to the point. But you guys keep saying her a "bitch" that's unfair.  If you see another thread in " talk is cheap" she still keep entertaining us with all the answers we curious abt a WG.

I am not a native English speaker - so bear with me to what is not written perfectly. On other hand, I appreciate Miss P's perfect English. Like bro Josefk, I enjoy reading her notes. She seems a clever girl   Good luck to Miss P
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Post at 17-9-2014 11:11  Profile P.M. 
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Hello all!

its been a very long time since I've posted. i hope some of you remember me, because I certainly remember you all and the lovely ladies we associate with! For any of those interested, I left HK and moved back stateside. I'm glad to be back now for a short visit though and I'm trying to pack in as many visits to the local WGs as I can! I just figured such a long absence warranted some kind of re-introduction/explanation. Anyway, on to the meat of my post...

When I was last in HK there were rumors going around that CC was being closed and the WGs were moving/being moved out. From what I remember, this is where the lovely miss pumpkin was setup as her incall spot. Now, it was well documented that she charged more if you contacted her through CL as opposed to stumbling upon her in CC. (god save me from the wrath of pumpkin if she happens to be reading this and is as feisty as she used to be). What I'm getting at is this: where can I find her now days? I just got a menu off of CL and so expensive! I remember her incall walkup being about 300-350, but I got quoted many times that. Now, it's high time I pay pumpkin a visit, but I can't bring myself to willingly pay more $ just because I happened to contact her via CL.

Where is the beautiful miss pumpkin stationed these days?


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misspumpkin   2-11-2014 11:40  Acceptance  +1   350 ! you have me confused with yo mama
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Post at 17-9-2014 22:52  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #206 anon_bear's post

As you can see by the date on the previous post, this train left the station. She's still around on CL, but hasn't really participated on the forum for a while. Good luck.

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misspumpkin   2-11-2014 11:38  Acceptance  +1   all aboard the bitch train
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Post at 18-9-2014 10:35  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by anon_bear at 17-9-2014 11:11
I remember her incall walkup being about 300-350

hmmm... when she was at CC, her price had always been HK$450-500.
unless she had been over-charging me all those times I visited her~!

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misspumpkin   2-11-2014 10:46  Acceptance  +1   yes KAKA a report!!!!!
Mister   18-9-2014 12:30  Acceptance  +3   Did you actually sample her wares? If so, we want a report!

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Post at 2-11-2014 11:36  Profile P.M. 
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please clarify KaKa

Question time for KaKa.

Your early comments of me said I was a sour faced , rice on lip ,  door slamming bitch. Did you have a change of heart sweeti ? or you just truly find rice on
the lip sexy ? Doesn't really add up you would pay money to be with something that was so ugly and nasty.

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Thai-delight   2-11-2014 18:19  Acceptance  +3   touche lol

I am the great pumpkin, and twiceAweek  is my bitch
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Post at 2-11-2014 11:42  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Frenchexpat at 19-6-2013 09:50
What a refreshing thread.
I concur with bro Dartagnan, either you have proof or you dont. If you dont, too bad but then no need to try and call for the forum to go against her. Am not saying your righ ...

its with in the walk up girls in hk

I am the great pumpkin, and twiceAweek  is my bitch
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Post at 3-11-2014 15:15  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by misspumpkin at 2-11-2014 11:36
Question time for KaKa.

Your early comments of me said I was a sour faced , rice on lip ,  door slamming bitch. Did you have a change of heart sweeti ? or you just truly find rice on
the lip sexy ?  ...

Tits > Rice

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Petay_1283   4-11-2014 15:22  Acceptance  +1   Talk about taking a long time to reply... Lol
Thai-delight   3-11-2014 17:08  Acceptance  +1   True true :)

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Post at 7-11-2015 15:25  Profile P.M. 
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Experiences with Miss P

I just wanted to share my experiences with Miss Pumkin. I have met with her a few times over the last 18 months or so (apologies for not writing these episodes up but I'm new to the forum.) I have always found her engaging and personable although business like. I have a thing for anal and she is about the best provider there is in Hong Kong. No fuss or palarva, straight to it. The bbj in the shower is great, the bbj with lots of spit similar and any position is fine. A few shots and a massage for less than 2000HK (as compared to the prices quoted on Backpage) seems fair enough. As a non-Chinese speaker I am loathe to book with a non-English speaker which is the norm on 141 although the prices are cheaper.  When her place was busy she even stumped up for the Victoria.
People can only go by their own experience, but mine has been uniformly excellent with Miss P.
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Post at 5-3-2019 20:27  Profile P.M. 
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I had a good experience with her a few years ago when I lived in Hong Kong.
Now that Craigslist is down has anyone seen her around?

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aurufc   6-3-2019 11:24  Acceptance  +1   Pls don't bump such an old thread. Start a new one with link to the thread if you have a query
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Post at 9-3-2019 18:26  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #37 misspumpkin's post

where do you advertise?  We met a few times and I can't find your contact info
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Post at 12-3-2019 17:20  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #213 Bisexual6969's post

thanks for throwing it up I would like to know how to contact her too, cheers!
Service was indeed not bad, pro, but good.
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Post at 23-12-2020 11:04  Profile P.M. 
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Any recent interaction?

I messaged her recently and fixed up a session well in advance. On the day, I got very strange responses (am taking a nap) and while I asked for directions several times before hand, I did not get these. After a longish wait, I finally left. No response to the messages and no explanation as to what happened.

I don’t think I am venturing again until someone tells me she is a specialist provider and worth the trouble.

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siufah   23-12-2020 13:59  Acceptance  +2   She's actually in pornhub
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Post at 23-12-2020 14:00  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #216 test74's post

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alphonzehk   23-12-2020 20:13  Acceptance  +1   Yikes, BBFS with punter in one video. Avoid avoid avoid
ramont   23-12-2020 19:19  Acceptance  +1   Aside from the big tits, pretty glad I never took a chance on her
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Post at 23-12-2020 21:47  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #217 siufah's post

I just looked at the video. FF through most of it. Looks like the guy is wearing a Dom.  Not bbfs.

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alphonzehk   24-12-2020 11:29  Acceptance  +1   Go check her other vids on PornHub. One is BBFS with punter.
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Post at 24-12-2020 14:45  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #217 siufah's post

Yes - She shared these with me as well.

Big titties agreed but not a lot more, imo. My issue is the lack of reliability.
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Post at 29-12-2020 17:18  Profile P.M. 
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Back when she was active (If she ever stop being active), she had us all talking about her for months. I understand she even got herself a login so she could communicate with punters directly.

Keep on Mongering

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