Subject: [Pattaya] Tinder - Pimpiya
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Post at 16-10-2024 00:33  Profile P.M. 
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[Pattaya] Tinder - Pimpiya

Nationality & Language: Thai, Thai and basic English
Age: early 30s
Face: 3/5
Body: 4/5
Skill: 3/5
Service: 4/5
Repeat: Yes

I need to check to see the diff between Skill and Service, but for the actual encounter, I think a 3 overall. Nothing was wrong, but maybe because it was the first time we met (or language barrier), she was on guard? We didn't click as much as I hoped.
Matched on Tinder, exchanged a few messages then switchted to another text messaging app.

Showered separately (which is fine, I prefer that actually), and kissing was allowed, but kind of rushed and mechanical?  But, the hotel we met at was full so she took me to another one on her scooter and then afterwards she gave me a ride back to the place I was staying, so I bumped it up to a 4 for service. She was really nice overall, but like I said, maybe on guard?  Body was great and her reactions seemed realistic enough - not over the top to distract me.  I prefer GFE over anything else, so I'm hoping we can meet again and things will improve a bit there?

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JackTheBat   16-10-2024 10:09  Acceptance  +10   This was a compensated date?
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UID 307434
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Registered 12-9-2024
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Post at 16-10-2024 11:59  Profile P.M. 
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Re: compensated date?

Not a date, just saw her post on Tinder. 2k baht for short time.

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