Subject: Bangkok - Thermae Cafe Report
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Post at 15-10-2024 13:36  Profile P.M. 
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Bangkok - Thermae Cafe Report

Date & Time of Session: Feb 2024
Loc: Thermae
Nationality and language: Thai, OK english
Age: 28
Face:  3/5
Body:  3/5
Skill: 4/5
Service: 4.5/5
GFE: 4.5/5
Price & Session Length: 3000 1 shots, 60 min
Repeat: Yes

One night after some entertainment at Soi Cowboy, (FYI there is one club which has a 1st floor that has fully naked girls dancing on tables around which you can sit. Not many go go bars have fully naked girls), decided to walk to thermae since ive never been there before. On entering, they ask you to buy a drink and I got myself a beer and started walking around the place checking out all the options available. The place was packed with many asians around. Finally laid my eyes on one girl who had a considerable boob volume. Approached her and asked for her rate and she said 3K for 1 hour and 1 shot. Checked if she has natural boobs and shaved pussy, which she confirmed and I decided to pick her.

On reaching our room, got into the shower together and engaged in some LFK. Once dried up, headed to the bed and I straight dove in for DATY and enjoyed it . She then returned the favour with a BBBJ and after that, Dom on and she hopped on for a good round of cowgirl. Flipped her over for miss and then . Laid down and cuddled for a while. Since language was a problem, just let my hands do the talking while lying down.

Cleaned up and she left. WIR - definitely. Enjoyed the session. Maybe an overnight session next time.

Recent Ratings
abcock   17-10-2024 08:10  Karma  +2   Can you share the name of the place ? Going to BKK next month
Esp88   16-10-2024 22:32  Acceptance  +1   
sito1337   16-10-2024 12:08  Karma  +3   Did you use up full hour or did she leave early?
JackTheBat   16-10-2024 10:10  Karma  +13   
kalvinhobbs   15-10-2024 19:01  Karma  +8   
Vuka   15-10-2024 15:42  Karma  +5   
Skepti10   15-10-2024 15:27  Karma  +5   
dundu   15-10-2024 15:26  Karma  +2   
vinnie07   15-10-2024 15:16  Karma  +2   Soi Cowboy. Try Baccarra. From the first floor you can look up to the pant-less ladies dancing on the second floor...
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UID 307268
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Post at 15-10-2024 17:48  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 bangkokhunter's post

@vinnie07 Yes been to Baccarra few times. But they r not panties less. The one I was talking about, they r butt naked and there r multiple small tables each with a pole where a girl each would be dancing naked. So get a more close up view of the sweet stuff

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