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Post at 12-10-2023 21:17  Profile P.M. 
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had to open a new account

For some reason Yandex wouldn't reset my password for previous account, Zbmthethird so had to open a new one and start
again from scratch....happy happy joy joy

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dienw   17-10-2023 23:52  Acceptance  +4   
gg1234   17-10-2023 15:19  Acceptance  +4   
Mandoggy   15-10-2023 15:52  Acceptance  +3   Sorry to hear comrade
HK_Legend   13-10-2023 04:45  Acceptance  +10   Better open 5th, 6th & 7th now, then add them in your profile as Backup accounts like I did for HK_L & L_HK, just in cas ...
booby_lover   12-10-2023 23:06  Acceptance  +1   Will there be a Zbmthefifth?
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Post at 13-10-2023 09:20  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Zbmthe4th's post

Thank you HK Legend, shall look ointo that!

and Booby Lover, Zbmthefifth waits in the shadows!

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booby_lover   13-10-2023 12:32  Acceptance  +1   Restarting accounts after so long must be annoying. Hope you go a lot of action coming up to rebuild it.
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Post at 17-10-2023 22:16  Profile P.M. 
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Managed to rtetrieve access to old account, so zbm the tbhird will continue and this one will go quiet

Recent Ratings
booby_lover   17-10-2023 23:52  Acceptance  +6   Back from the dead like the Jesus Christ of 141.

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