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Post at 27-7-2023 22:39  Profile P.M. 
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Eye contact

Eye contact while doing it..

Is it important for you?
Well i just realised that it's one of the most important thing for me.. i just can't be aroused if there's no or only a few eye contacts.
I met a girl 2 days ago and omg.. she was looking at me the whole time, deep into me eyes with a nice smile.. i was so excited

People are aroused by differents things, ex: moaning etc. But my thing is really the way the girl look at me while were doing it.

What about you?

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chunkibutt   8-8-2023 15:10  Acceptance  +2   
forceholy   1-8-2023 08:38  Acceptance  +2   
boscitc   29-7-2023 13:38  Acceptance  +8   
Gqrich69   29-7-2023 08:29  Acceptance  +1   
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Post at 28-7-2023 15:14  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 gentlemanne's post

It also makes a WORLD of difference with blowjobs. I don't need LOCKED-ON eye contact the whole time, but I hate eye-avoidant blowjobs. Like "i'm just trying to get through this part..." As many bros have pointed out on the forum, a girl who LOVES dick makes the best BJs, and when she loves it you can tell, and she looks to you either for approval or to see your reaction to her skills.

Recent Ratings
liveabroad9   29-10-2023 01:05  Acceptance  +3   YES!
frollics1   9-8-2023 08:11  Acceptance  +4   never make eye contact while eating a banana
chunkibutt   8-8-2023 15:10  Acceptance  +2   
Susanlixxx   29-7-2023 10:30  Acceptance  +4   During bbbj and mish, deep eye contact works
Gqrich69   29-7-2023 08:29  Acceptance  +1   
HK_Legend   29-7-2023 04:57  Acceptance  +8   
sexyloser   28-7-2023 22:08  Acceptance  +2   One of my fav BJ's the girl only looks at me on upstroke and focus on dick on the downstroke and that's fine for me.
gentlemanne   28-7-2023 21:44  Acceptance  +1   Totally agree!
Rayguy   28-7-2023 21:15  Acceptance  +5   
Mister   28-7-2023 17:41  Acceptance  +2   True

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