Subject: [Beijing] Spa nightmare
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Post at 18-7-2022 19:29  Profile P.M. 
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[Beijing] Spa nightmare

Date & Time of Session: July 18th, 2022
Location: Wangjing, but other locations exist
Name:  ???
Nationality & Language: Chinese
Age: early 30s
Face: 2.5/5 - ok, a little heavy on the makeup
Body: 2/5 - She had a nice pair, body was plumpish
Skill: 1/5 - Useless
Service: 1/5 - Not much
GFE: 3/5 - I'm being generous, but she made effort to communicate and kept asking if i was comfortable
PSE: 1/5 - terrible
Price & Session Length:  5000RMB/1 Shot
Repeat: OH HELL NO!!!

So the other i found an ad for a kinda spa place that had theme rooms, for different kinds of roleplay experiences. Seemed like it could be fun, the prices mentioned were 1-3000. So i added the contacts on qq and gave it a go. I was sent to a location not near wangjing and when i got there they had a women aka 'the receptionist' call me and find me out on the street to go to their place. But when she found me it was 'uh oh foreigner' and she said no.

So that was that, i headed into a shop to get a drink then get a car home, but then the woman i was speaking to on qq said she was sorry and said i could go to another location in wangjing. I was like ok, sure. So off i go about 30 mins later i arrive. Im on the street and the same procedure as before and a woman leads me to their location. I enter a room that's fairly dark, no windows and such. And i get escorted to a room and i am handed over to another women, but the two women start asking how much i want to pay, 1000 or 3000. I ask the difference and this is where it all goes to shit.

They keep telling me its the service i want, with no indication what happens with the 1000 service or 3000 service. I decide to go all in and do 3000. Then one of the women leave. The woman with me then asks for 100000.  I fucked up

I got hit with a scam i haven't met since 2016. It's these 'high end' spas. or that's how they think of themselves, they bait you and then once you've made the first payment they offer a membership or card that you can use again with them, like paying upfront for future use. If they honor that i have no idea. I refuse and ask for money back like the idiot i am and theres no way they will give me back the 3000, what am i going to do? Go to the police? She kinda hints that there won't be any service but then offers me 7000, i say no. she says you can come again and not have to pay since you already paid. I say no. She then says these women are 'models', how overstating she is.... She then says for 2000 i can have one. I'm now just dumb as shit but if for a penny in for a pound. I pay.

She leaves and two women enter, one is absolute dog shit, the other looks ok at best. I chose the later.

So we go through the usual, undress and wash. the room as an adjacent bathroom. It's nothing like in the pics but it's ok. I ask about the themes mentioned in the ad and she basically ignores me about it.

I'm on the bed and she get to work. She start rubbing her body on mine and plays with me for a bit. I get hard and she caps me straight away and then lies down on the bed and lets get going. But after about 4 mins he has me stop, she looks somewhat uncomfortable. She has me lay down and just brings out lube and splats in on me starts the worst hj in history. And the whole she saying 'quick quick'.

Also she wont get fully naked, i didn't any scars and she wasn't fat and she wouldn't take off her panties so i could play with her.

I take over the hj and pop and then it's clean up and go. She wanted to take photos with me and i said no and tried to make sure she didn't get one, but she or one of the others might have i don't know.

So learn from my mistake gentlemen if it just gets confusing, and they're not clear what you're getting for your money, walk away.

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burgundy25   19-7-2022 21:10  Karma  +3   Compensation k’s, sorry to hear mate
kgb2005   18-7-2022 19:48  Acceptance  +3   
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Post at 18-7-2022 19:54  Profile P.M. 
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Had a very similar situation before, on pictures it was a very nice spa, but after like half an hour of a good massage, girl offered me more "options", then manager came in and told me that if you want to have "more" you should make 会员卡 which starts from 10k to 20k , if not you'll just finish massage and go back home hahaha....
Things are getting more expensive in Beijing, we all understand it, but wouldn't it be more effective to have more customers on the regular basis rather than just a few money bags...
I miss that good old Beijing..... Literally nothing to enjoy here....

[ Last edited by  kgb2005 at 18-7-2022 19:55 ]

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fbi5555   27-7-2022 17:58  Acceptance  +1   
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Post at 19-7-2022 13:25  Profile P.M. 
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Not really, it's because you guys can't read Chinese.
I've literally been swimming in pussy.
There are so many girls from 500 - 1200 range.

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fbi5555   27-7-2022 17:58  Acceptance  +1   
kgb2005   21-7-2022 20:05  Acceptance  +3   I can read and speak Chinese pretty good, but unfortunately can't become a "sailor", bad luck..
zhude10   20-7-2022 08:41  Karma  +3   

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Post at 29-8-2022 18:09  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 birthdayboy1999's post

A real bad experience,But I think you don't understand Chinese culture

[ Last edited by  CarolRZ2 at 29-8-2022 18:10 ]

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