Subject: [USA] [New York] Brooklyn Wechat Scam?
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Post at 5-5-2016 13:09  Profile P.M. 
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[USA] [New York] Brooklyn Wechat Scam?

Brothers who use wechat to scavenge the "discover nearby by" feature in New York, be careful there seems to be some kind of scam/trap going on

Most of the girls that usually add me on Wechat are Chinese 'working' females  if I want to have fun or the Brooklyn 8th ave joints that been rapidly popular lately.  I decided to answer one back thinking "why the hell not?" I messaged an add back asking how much? "200 for 3 hours outcall".  I immediately said okay, what is the location?  The address she gave was located on 86th street and 4th ave.  those that don't live in the area, its a very busy street with no spa in site and that should've been my first red flag

I drove around the area and messaged her back that I've arrived.  5-10 mins later, I received a message to please take a picture of the area and surroundings.  Fair enough thinking she wants to make sure I'm really there then says "I'm parking".  I complied and sent the photo then get a strange message asking if I see a locate Duane Reade (convenience store).  

As the messages go back & forth, her messages will be Chinese in one message then English in another (red flag #2) (I told her I can't read Chinese before).  But here's the final straw that made me drive away immediately - "Please go to Duane Read to purchase a $200 iTunes Gift Card" I asked "Why" and then theres silence for 15 mins.  I quickly drove away and thankfully didnt take any picture of myself or added her as a contact.

Fellas - has anyone experience this before? I can't seem to think why anyone would ask for an itunes giftcard if she was real?  Be careful out there boys

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mustBBBJ   9-5-2016 22:53  Karma  +1   get her back, buy google play instead!
JJJ37   8-5-2016 23:41  Acceptance  +6   
MothToAFlame   7-5-2016 16:08  Karma  +2   Yep, several instances of the same scam reported on this site
john1958   5-5-2016 17:41  Karma  +3   Good warning
jetsetting2much   5-5-2016 14:45  Acceptance  +2   Definite scam. Rampant in Asia. Novice punters beware.
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Post at 5-5-2016 17:40  Profile P.M. 
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Wechat iphone

I had one yesterday in Auckland, girl off wechat, meet at a store, then buy in itunes card, was across the road and said not till I see you and poof gone. Don't know what the scam is but clearly is one with wechat. Maybe a senior bro can enlighten us how it works? First time I've had this on wechat the rest have been genuine working girls.

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MothToAFlame   7-5-2016 16:09  Karma  +1   Easy, they bank the credit from your gift card then disappear
jetsetting2much (Tally-ho!)
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Post at 6-5-2016 10:27  Profile P.M. 
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The scam is they'll request the iTunes/Gift/Money card code "in advance" from you for ______________<--"insert creative, borderline believable reason" and once you've handed it over, you're blocked from any further contact.  See ya, sucka!

doghead (dog)
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Post at 7-5-2016 15:29  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 atmos's post

To save yourself the time wasted looking for that place to meet, I just go on google map and research the address. Last one I was told to go to an address in Flushing that was literally across from the Duane Reade on Roosevelt and Main Street so I knew it was too fishy and possible scam.
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Post at 7-5-2016 23:16  Profile P.M. 
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Same thing happen to me around 86th st, She say $200 for 2 hours unlimited shots.. She give me a address for Rite I say you want me to go there and buy you $200 gift card and take a picture of the number and wechat it to you..  No response after that and she deleted me right after that.. Lol

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MothToAFlame   7-5-2016 23:30  Acceptance  +3   Favorable
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Post at 8-5-2016 03:17  Profile P.M. 
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This scam is written on this forum every few months.  I think it should be stickied.
Kinky King
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Post at 8-5-2016 13:46  Profile P.M. 
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now that this trick is exposed, wonder what new trick the scammers will come up soon
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Post at 9-5-2016 00:15  Profile P.M. 
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these people.  they ruined it for the freelancers.  pretty much all the wechats that have one single are FAKE.  I doont even bother with the single ones anymore .
doghead (dog)
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Post at 9-5-2016 14:42  Profile P.M. 
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A Chinese-language North America massage site even has a report describing this scam in detail complete with screenshots of the wechat chats.

I have enclosed one of their screenshots from that site.

Translation :

Dude : You said at the doorway(s) of 7-11? Lots of People...

Girl - Chat Bubble 1 : How would I know whether or not you are a cop looking (fishing) to arrest me?

Girl - Chat Bubble 2 : For safety's sake, I cannot accept take the chance to accept your cash.

Girl - Chat Bubble 3 : You should go to 7-11 to buy a $300 value I-Tunes card for me.

Girl - Chat Bubble 4 : Then you can give me the I-Tunes instead of you paying me in cash.

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