Subject: FayFay 爪龍根 @ Joyful Spa at TST
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Post at 12-4-2021 14:51  Profile P.M. 
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FayFay 爪龍根 @ Joyful Spa at TST

Location:  Joyful Spa at TST (Ru Yi 閣 - just look for joyful spa on telegram. There are a LOT of photos, of which most if not all real)
Date & Time: Late March 2021
Age: She did confess she's been working in massage parlours for many years - ~35?
Face:  3.5/5 (with a mask on!)
Body:  3.5/5 (still sexy enough but she can't compare with the young hot bods out in the market)
Skill: 4.5/5 (Part 1 is 5/5 and Part 2 3.75/5 - note her "claw dragon" testicles massage)
Service: 4/5 - if you speak canto/mando she's not the phony type but also not off
Price & Session Length: I forgot exactly what was required (probably $1.3k for 90 mins including the testicle massage extra) but including tips $1.6k for 90 mins

Three key features here. Her massage is excellent, the 'claw dragon' 爪龍根testicles massage was COMFORTABLE (and of some effect - placebo?), and while she is not a young lady she is still sexy. If you judge her against young ladies who give decent HJs (or more) then she ain't hot, but if you judge her against those who can give a massage of this calibre I think she's hot enough for me.

I've tried the two Wanchai middle-aged vegi-massage ladies who market themselves to provide the same 'claw dragon'爪龍根 testicles massage. Apparently the testicles massages helps with your performance and god forbid, even helps ameliorate dysfunction. The Wanchai ladies experience was really painful and for me the returns were not enough for me to return to that place. Fay Fay's however is worthwhile. The testicles massage is far gentler and even soothing, and I did notice better performance / recovery a day or two following my visit. If you've tried the Wanchai place with the two veg-middle aged ladies, and you've returned to them, it would be a no-brainer to try Fay Fay.

The biggest problem is she's v afraid of the pandemic, and perhaps the Spa also protects their ladies and lets them wear their mask in the room. Fay did not force me to wear my mask during the massage, but I was too polite to take it off as she was rambling about how dangerous the pandemic was/is. I did eventually take it off as I could not breathe especially when her massage was v thorough and got me sweating. I understand some may need a strong pair of hands for massages, but I believe Fay and handle most and if not, when she steps on your back you'll get what you need.

As for part 2, I would say there is some enthusiasm and she really is quite hot for her age. The mask was such a turn-off and it is hard to over-look this, especially it limits engagement in this part. If you have high expectations / demands for part II I would not choose her for now, and wait until the pandemic dies down. For me personally, I would definitely revisit her regularly for the testicles massage and clearly the knots accumulating on my back every now and then.

[ Last edited by  bigdog173 at 12-4-2021 15:02 ]

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