Subject: Shanghai Word of Warning
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Post at 10-8-2023 01:35  Profile P.M. 
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Shanghai Word of Warning

Hi gents,

Already over a year ago I posted about a good street for services in northern Jing An District:  You can check this report to understand the lay of the land and the places I mention here have already been reviewed in that post.

Well, I revisited the area recently for the first time since post-covid normality resumed and want to share a jarring experience.  I arrived around 3 in the afternoon to hit up a couple of my regular spots.  Walking from the metro station I passed many storefronts which previously hosted shady enterprises, but now all were leased out with nice signage and legitimate businesses.  It even made me happy to see the area improving.  Behind the street-facing buildings, the older buildings have been demolished and are already being rebuilt with more modern ones.

Anyways, a few more blocks down the road I came to my usual haunts and found that they still operated - not all the dirty business has been replaced yet.  I went to the $100 handjob shop first so I'd be able to last longer for my simulated sex session at stop #2.  All new faces in the HJ outlet but the lady was happy to serve me.  She said she would make it much more comfortable for me if I gave her an extra $100 secret tip.  I asked if she had FS and she said no way.  I agreed out of curiosity, but turns out all she did was rub her tits on LB and catbath the nips and do a fake catbath on groin area (really, you think I can't tell that's your chin and not your tongue??).  The previous staff there had given me breast access and catbath within the $100 price and no tip so not much value added.

Within five minutes of cumming, I was already a couple doors down at my favourite simulated sex shop.  All old friends there and I was warmly welcomed back and rushed into a room.  I agreed to 4 ladies after having to plead for a long time that I couldn't accept a fifth (I'm just one man!).  Price was the standard $200 each.  It was just like old times, two hands up the cooters of 2 busty aunties (always so wet, they must flood themselves with lube) while I suck one's nipples, one giving me CB, while another would mount me for a sliding simulated sex ride with LB between her ass and hand.  As convincing as ever, really have to remind myself that I am not in her since when she climbs on it looks just like she is shoving LB into her pussy.  Had them rotate a couple times and they always washed my hands and LB with wetwipes in between.  Lasted a good long time thanks to my pregaming and finally had an intense shot while the oldest and ugliest (yet my favourite) of them bounced on LB.  Paid up and headed out as they rushed to attend to another customer.

Here is where the unfortunate part begins.  After leaving and walking about two minutes in the direction of the metro station, in a more isolated area, a guy stopped his electric scooter next to the sidewalk and shouted at me something.  I turned around and it seemed like he was asking me if I had paid.  He started walking alongside me and I thought he was maybe sent by the ladies to collect some more money - I thought I may have made an honest mistake in my payment, or could he be a tout for a cheaper outlet telling me I shouldn't pay so much, or perhaps another bro trying to research pricepoints...  Soon I realised he wasn't happy with me as he got more hostile in the face of my seeming confusion.  He said to give him a look at my ID card and I'm like fuck no, then he said he wanted to report me to the police for going there.  I asked him if he was a gang member and he said no he is the neighbour and that he never wants to see me come back there.  I told him ok sure man, I'm not from around here (obviously...) and I'm leaving the city soon, you don't have to worry about me coming back.

Then he starts asking me for cash or if I have any cigarettes saying he is calling the police if I don't give him.  I said I don't have RMB just HKD (like who is carrying cash in China now anyway) and showed him my wallet.  He took my $110 HKD (good luck with it bro).  One very confused pedestrian walked by looking at us at this point in our little shouting match.  He also asked if I have my bankcard and I said of course not, then he grabbed my arm and said OK we are going to buy cigarettes.  I said fine if you'll fuck off after and he told me to get on the back of his scooter.  I said no way, I am scared of scooters.  So I walked to a cigarette store while he slowly followed me on his scooter and he told me to buy 2 cartons of Chung Hwa while he waited for me outside.  I asked the price of a carton from the shop clerk and its like 660 RMB so fuck that, I yelled to the scooter guy that he is getting 2 packs not two cartons, he came in and said two cartons again and I asked him if he thinks I'm rich or something.  He went back to his scooter and I bought two packs for like 90 while the shop clerk asked me wtf is going on.  I told him that guy said he saw me doing "yellow" and is now blackmailing me to buy him cigarettes.  The clerk kind of gave a knowing groan.  I handed over the two packs to scooter guy and walked off while he gave one of those tip of the hat salutes to me.

I could have probably fought this guy harder and walked away with less losses, but this was the path of least resistance and I really didn't want any trouble and had to get out of there sooner than later.  I guess it is a typical opportunistic shakedown, but perhaps he is also a real neighbour who cares about the quality of his community and wants some cigarettes on the side.  Unfortunately for my aunties, this means I will not go back there.

Just a long-winded warning for Shanghai bros.  Thanks

Recent Ratings
steriam   19-11-2023 20:46  Karma  +2   
natsumesama   16-9-2023 15:31  Karma  +2   That sucks -
Axel$   15-9-2023 23:14  Karma  +2   Thanks For sharing this with us and letting us be careful
cloudnin9   9-9-2023 15:14  Acceptance  +1   Thanks for the warning!
askyratak   30-8-2023 21:43  Karma  +1   I can only give karma but what the fuck happened
frollics1   30-8-2023 11:27  Karma  +4   sounds like a scam
Keke30900   25-8-2023 22:01  Acceptance  +1   
ZirePhoenix   25-8-2023 00:21  Karma  +2   
hkcats   24-8-2023 08:33  Karma  +1   That sucks, thanks for sharing
gaoxing   24-8-2023 00:10  Karma  +5   I just noticed how your name matches your subject.
pauliearm5115   22-8-2023 19:18  Acceptance  +1   
Jade_moon   20-8-2023 20:37  Acceptance  +1   Should of told him to fuck off he not the police so you don't need to bribe him. If anything you should of call the pol ...
MoboKo   19-8-2023 08:37  Acceptance  +1   
hotjac   16-8-2023 11:48  Karma  +4   Wow - what an episode. Personally, unless he was built like the Hulk. I would have told him to FO ...
austin821   16-8-2023 04:34  Karma  +6   
xiaodidi   14-8-2023 07:12  Karma  +5   Original
Digagz   10-8-2023 21:18  Acceptance  +1   Oh my goodness this is like my second worst nightmare.
SHJohn   10-8-2023 13:10  Karma  +3   What an ass. Glad you got out safe. Hope this doesn't happen more.
cactuss   10-8-2023 12:31  Karma  +5   wow, normally, I would just get a didi straight away once i walk out the shop. Why take the metro?
theworm   10-8-2023 09:24  Karma  +5   brave man you are! good job.
sinofaguo   10-8-2023 02:17  Karma  +5   Tell him he’scnot the police and to stop harassing you. Never admit any wrong doing he can’t prove shit

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Post at 16-8-2023 04:14  Profile P.M. 
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Man this sounds awful, sorry. Why did you give him anything in the first place?

Is shanghai not a good place to to walk around with a nice watch on and trying to find a HJ lol

Never felt this way in GZ or HK.

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Keke30900   25-8-2023 22:02  Acceptance  +1   
ZirePhoenix   25-8-2023 00:20  Acceptance  +1   Prob bad economy
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Post at 25-8-2023 09:03  Profile P.M. 
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This reminds me of a time long ago in Shanghai. For all you oldies take a stroll down memory lane.  Remember Julu Lu? I was leaving one of the bars there when two ladies tried to pick my pocket. One distracted me while the other had her hands inside my coat. I grabbed her hand and the other started to hit me. I was afraid they had a handler nearby so I just left as quickly as I could (also to the metro, by the way). Not relevant to this op's situation,  but it made me think back to a much better time in my life.
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Post at 25-8-2023 14:24  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by goldenpanda at 16-8-2023 04:14
Man this sounds awful, sorry. Why did you give him anything in the first place?

Is shanghai not a good place to to walk around with a nice watch on and trying to find a HJ lol

Never felt this way in GZ or HK...

Actually, there are scams throughout the world :  Fake police, to girls running out of room, rushed bad service, fake money,

bait and switch, sleeping with my wife, real police asking for money, girl drinking tea, eating at restaurant,  

the list goes on and on.

[ Last edited by  Weelock at 25-8-2023 15:06 ]

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Keke30900   25-8-2023 22:02  Acceptance  +1   
Erotic Emperor
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Post at 30-8-2023 11:27  Profile P.M. 
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just a thought!

how far away from the shop was you?  maybe if you had gone back and told them what was going on they may have Dealt with him for you.  as he's going to drive them out of business they may have a few guys to protect the business.

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