Subject: Period blood fuck with Mira in Fuji 2/F

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Post at 22-8-2015 00:23  Profile P.M. 
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Period blood fuck with Mira in Fuji 2/F

Yesterday I went to Mira on Fuji building 2/F.  Nice looking Russian girl.  As usual I took shower myself and then went to her bed.  She was hot and I started to lick her nipples and she gave me CBJ.  Then I fucked her and saw her horny look from the mirror.  As I fucked her harder, I saw some blood coming from her pussy and went to her bed.  Obviously she is not a virgin and it was her period day.  As I punted her harder, blood leaked out more which gave me even more sensation.  I had this kind of experience twice including this time.  I pulled out my penis and looked at her pussy, man it was with a bit of blood.  Nice experience and if you want to try her blooded pussy, go punt her hard in these two days.  See if you can pump out some more blood from her little pussy.  I felt like I was fucking a russian virgin and own her.  

I want to go punt her pussy again today but i am in China trip.  too bad.  Hope you bro have good punt her blood pussy and share excellent experience with her period blood punt.

[ Last edited by  Porschelover at 22-8-2015 00:25 ]

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bigswingingdik   22-8-2015 04:22  Karma  +1   
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Post at 22-8-2015 04:23  Profile P.M. 
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Kudos for you for enjoying period fun but it usually grosses me out esp with wg.
Kinky King
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Post at 22-8-2015 06:26  Profile P.M. 
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Same here: no blood for me.

Had a HE massage recently where the girl refused to take off her panties. Turns out she was on her period. Still confused why they can't be upfront about these things here.

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