Everything discussed so far is from the seller's point of view - which is how 141, 168 etc are setup. They make money from the ladies advertising fees.
How about looking at this from the user's point of view.
How many of you are willing to contribute reviews/$ to a website exclusively setup to compile *REAL* reviews of the HK ladies?
What if the full reviews are available to 'members' only. Casual browsers will only get to see 'summaries' of the reviews.
To be a member - one has to contribute at least one review a month; or pay a nominal fee....
The value of course to anyone seriously considering spending money is the money they save from wasting $ on bad experiences.
And for those who are just *curious* and want to read good 'juicy' reviews - hey just a small fee is not too much to ask is it?
So if you think you would do it - that my friends is a business plan.
PS This is how the most successful website of this sort in the US has operated over the past 8 years.