Subject: I know I'm naive as shit, but...
escritic (Just a teddy bear)
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Post at 1-12-2007 19:11  Profile P.M.  Yahoo!
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Reply #20 twiceAweek's post

Alternative solution:

Doing farm animals...

Offering BFE to the chosen ones
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Post at 1-12-2007 22:49  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Siklong69 at 30-11-2007 11:40 PM
Yesss.....they tell me my average dick is huge, that I look far younger than my age.....that I am SOOOOO strong
(li hai)....that I have beautiful eyes.....
Careful your ship doesn't get sunk and keep ...

Whattttt!! Even you??

Seriously speaking, ask them what have you done for me lately?

For me this has been followed by actions... But then again I have fallen flat on my face.
So enjoy and enjoy and enjoy.
Jake (The Snake: King of 141)
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Post at 2-12-2007 00:49  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #14 Siklong69's post

I'm sure it's all true bro.        I don't actually understand a word they're saying but I can tell from
their body language that they adore me. I mean, they suck my dick and even let me fuck them.  
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Post at 2-12-2007 01:15  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by sexysax at 1-12-2007 10:36
good range of opinions and thoughts on the subject.

i agree that i should just accept them of course with a grain of salt.  another side of me is to accept them and think of them as true.  life is sh ...

Maybe you happen to pick the right gals.

I used to have these experiences when I was young but now I get doors slamed in my face coz I'm old, fat and damm ugly.
I don't even have any mirrors in my place as I can't even stand the sight of myself. This also explain why my face is scarred from wet shaving.
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Post at 2-12-2007 03:49  Profile P.M. 
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Bro sexysax,

What they are telling you is mostly true. Even if they are just being nice to get your repeat business or other benefits, like being their BF (back-up financier), they wouldn't make up stuff to lie about when it's easier to just tell the truth. For example, if you're ugly enough to know it yourself, she would be stupid to tell you you're handsome because it would actually have the opposite effect and make you resent her for lying to you. It's easiest to just compliment you on the aspects that are obvious, like lovely eyes, white skin, etc.
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Post at 3-12-2007 12:10  Profile P.M. 
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i agree with the last poster.  i once told one of the girl who said i'm got a large dick (of course in terms of asians) that she was doing her job in saying textbook material.  she told me that everything she says is more than half true because if she said that to a smaller sized wang, the dude probably would've took it as an insult cause he probably figured out he was below average when he showered in a sauana previously.  plus, sometimes its not easy to lie blantly like that.

and for the record, some of these girls praise me without looking at me in the eye.  i guess u can kinda tell who's being truthful or not.  anyway, for 380, i think its a good shrink therapy session for me.  boosts my ego for a couple of hours!
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Post at 3-12-2007 17:28  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 sexysax's post

There is a little truth to what they say, the girls are quite appreciative if you're even the least bit normal. Simple things like you not having stinky or smoker's breath is already a big plus for them. That's because these girls also service senile men as well as the handicapped and disabled. On top of that, some people out there are really ugly and have some really small dicks.

If you've ever been to a sauna before, you'll know. So if a 6 foot tall fairly handsome man walks in and has a decent sized dick, they're already very happy.

But of course, the other bros bring up a good point. The better they treat you and the better you feel, the more likely you are to return again, which means more business for them.
Jake (The Snake: King of 141)
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Post at 3-12-2007 22:48  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by English at 3/12/07 17:28
That's because these girls also service senile men as well as the handicapped and disabled....

I'm not quite senile yet, but when I visited Coffee, I was on crutches and she was immediately really
nice to me. But she couldn't have known it was just a temporary injury. I mean, for all she knew, I could
have been a cripple with a withered leg - but she was still so sweet.      
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Post at 3-12-2007 23:04  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #28 Jake's post


Jake - you're a genius !  Hobbling around with crutches - they'll never ask you for an ID check in hotels !

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Post at 3-12-2007 23:19  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #29 twiceAweek's post

Hadn't thought about that.    
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Post at 3-12-2007 23:27  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #30 Jake's post

Now I can imagine dozens of mongers hobbling aroung in these hotels ....
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Post at 4-12-2007 11:14  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #31 twiceAweek's post

with or without masks ?

hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 4-12-2007 14:09  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #28 Jake's post

Funny Jake!!!!!!..............ok " Pok TOng Cheng"(Cantoo)...... If this work for better service......let;s practice froom now on !!!!!

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Post at 4-12-2007 14:44  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #8 sexysax's post

sexysax......... 2 pages of replies all bout the tactics and trades of these WGs.

Ok...back to your original questions.

the answer is YES. (include hotel gals as well)

But for me,this is prohibited in my Hunter's Rule of Commangements.

Once with 141 gal in HK....Dinner after 2 sessions and she want to come home with me....and said the same thing bout looking for a BF and stop this trade. Ok.....that was the first and last I visited her.

Another in overseas...... escort gal. After the session, asked when is her free day. We met for dinner and followed by sex of cos (free of charge). I do not have a car at that time cos it was a Short term Business trip, she drives me around the city. 2nd meeting, we went to another city for the weekend. was supposed to be a sightseeing trip but end up fcuking the whole way.....never make it to the destination.....only as far as to the Motel 5omiles before the city.
Got fed up with her cos too clingy and gold digger but very GFE.
So the following week..........I call her agency for another gal and over to my apartment.
The next day.......I got a slap from the 1st escort gal (she drove over to my apartment) after the 2nd escort gal told her bout me.....

So...there goes some of my real stories......

To your own, if u are comfortable with WG, go ahead. Totally agreed, they can be really GFE, considerate, smart and even loving. But I am the guy who usually think with my heart rather than my brain when I am with a gorgeous Gal............
As what I told the escort gal who slap me "Nothing personal, this is only pleasure (me) and business (her)!!!1"

[ Last edited by  hunter at 4-12-2007 14:51 ]

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Post at 5-12-2007 17:49  Profile P.M. 
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dude, its people like you who give men a bad name.  its people liek you who make pussy so damn inaccessible for the average man to attain without paying or parading the girl with gifts.  Think of're just creating negative reinforments to them.  they open their hearts for that once and you crush them with your iron fist.  i always try to be in good terms with these chicks b4 calling it splits.  i tell them they are too good for me and that i'm too young to marry them and that it was not meant to be.  i came close to not doing so one time and the girl told me she'll never trust a man and fall in love again.  i made a correction and later on split with her in good terms.  and now she probably is with another guy giving her the best loving they can.

see my point?  you gotta look after the other bros out there in getting poo-tang.  if not, she's going to spend her lifetime as an advocate telling her sisters how bad men are and that they should never offer it up to a guy stright up without some 'deposit'
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Post at 5-12-2007 18:16  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #35 sexysax's post

So your concern about these girls' feelings is motivated by your desire for free pussy? And you expect me to tell these girls a load of deceitful bullshit just so some other guy can get laid for free?

You're a real prince sexysax.

孔子曰: 君子不羞于舔屄也
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Post at 5-12-2007 21:41  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #36 Marsupial's post

Bro, I think that 'Saint Marsupial' tag is clouding your judgement. Now you're lecturing a guy for being nice to gals so that
he can get some pussy. That's just the way of the world bro - men are nice to girls so they'll let us fuck them. All sexysax
is saying is let them down easy and try to make the breakup as painless as possible. I would think you'd appreciate that rather
than the ... 'fuck em and leave em' approach of many guys.  He's treating WGs as he would a regular GF - isn't that what
you're always saying we should do? I don't understand your reasoning here.

[ Last edited by  Jake at 5-12-2007 21:43 ]
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Post at 6-12-2007 03:26  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #37 Jake's post

No, he's leading on the WG's, betraying their feelings, taking advantage of their situation, so that he can get some free pussy. It's dishonest, because he knows right from the start that after he tires of them he's going to give them the boot. If that's how you think guys treat GF's, it's because you've been approaching extracurricular sex from the standpoint of a married guy for too long.

You have all these posts debating whether or not a WG can ever really love a guy. If you want to know why the girls have the attitudes they do, just reread this thread. Nobody here is prepared to seriously consider a relationship with a WG. At most they just want to con the girls out a a few free fucks. As soon as the girl begins to hope something may come of it, it's fuck off. Fuck off with flowers is still fuck off.

The WG's are particularly vulnerable to this kind of scam because they have no opportunity for a normal relationship with a guy. They have no contacts outside of the game, and the only guys they meet are clients. So fucking over these girls is particularly easy and therefore particularly ignoble.

Once the girls have been used a few times, and made to feel like fools, they become cynical and afraid of betrayal. The girls have low opinions of the clients precisely because of guys like sexysax.

With WG's, the honest approach IS 'fuck em and leave em', but only after paying so that everybody wins. What sexysax wants is to lead them on, fuck em, not pay em, and then leave em. Which seems the more honest to you? One of the reasons I like the situation here in HK is that it enables me to satisfy my sexual needs without guilt.

People should be nice to others because you should be nice to others, not because you're going to get something out of it. You don't not beat you wife because you don't want to go to prison, you don't beat her because you shouldn't beat her.

I mentioned this in another thread, but once again: I knew this WG who insisted on a token payment even if she saw a guy as a boyfriend outside the game. Her reasoning was that if the guy turned out to be just jerking her around for some free sex, she could always say to herself afterward that because she got payed, it was just work. She chose this method to shield herself from being hurt as had happened many times in her past.

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Post at 6-12-2007 15:57  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Marsupial at 6-12-2007 03:26
No, he's leading on the WG's, betraying their feelings, taking advantage of their situation, so that he can get some free pussy. It's dishonest, because he knows right from the start that after he tir ...

Superb post mate!

I met a WG in Wan Chai (I drunkenly stumbled into Fenwicks not know what it was) and had a one night stand, started seeing each other for a while after that. All the time she was trying to please me with lots of sex..., it's all good but I like her for her so it doesn't matter. Any way I get the impression she expects me to hurt her, she says she's scared to say she likes me etc. Would also note I'm the poorest westurner in HK she was paying everything for me... so make of it what you will. She's gone back to Philli now we still stay in contact.

Personally sex isn't a big deal for me, I've never paid for it either (Im tempted which is why im here haha). Much more into having a GF but I recently split with a 2 year girlfriend I met on my first holiday here so
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Post at 6-12-2007 19:20  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #39 kashinoda's post

You're 21 and  ... 'sex isn't a big deal'? Wow! I guess you're still not over your ex-GF. I remember you told us she
dumped you for an older guy. Time to move on bro and 141 gals are a great place to start.    

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