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Post at 12-8-2015 02:06  Profile P.M. 
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mainlanders agitating as hell RANT

It's been a good 4+ years since coming back to HK .  Not too long ago, there were a few mainlanders, they did their thing but not in droves like today.  I never realized how rampant the problem was until this last trip.

I stayed for a few weeks and in such short time I was irked a good amount of times.  I'm going to just rant about them because , just because.

They stink.  Straight up, they fucking stink. Not all of them but a majority of them smell because their clothes never dry.  Smells like piss.  On the elevators, on the trains, on the streets, on the buses... they simply smell. It's very distinct.

Once I was waiting for an elevator.  There was a family of 3 waiting too.  I was there first.  So we're on the 2nd floor going up and the elevator is packed but enough for 1 more easily.  Instead of letting me go, the father blocks the entrance.  I am saying excuse me profusely and he just fucking stands there.  Mind you when 1 of the 4 elevators "dinged" they rushed over to the door first and blocked me.  The door closes and off it goes.  I'm asking him why he didn't let me in.  He said that he didn't know I was going up.  Man o man.  I was like, why the fuck do you think I am standing here?  I asked if he was insane.  His wife and son simply stared at me.  Next elevator up , they went in, I just waited for the next one because I was fucking fuming.

Another time I was getting on the bus.  It was one of those shuttle buses from the hotel.  We're completely full and ready to go.  In comes 8 mainlanders and squats in the isle.  REALLY? LOL  the bus driver says I can't go, I'll get a ticket.  They say don't worry, it's the first stop.  For 5 mins they argued until the driver simply left the bus and waited outside.  I bitched, some vietnamese bitched and the other mainlanders couldn't understand what the problem was.  Eventually they got the message, 20 mins later.  Making every one late.

Ocean park.  Waiting online for the carousal with my nieces.  In comes a grandma, a son, a grandson and a grandaughter barreling from the upper areas.  I'm staring at them cutting people left and right.  They've skipped at least 60 people before reaching me.  I'm like "hell no"  I scream  in mandarin that we're all on line!  Grandma says, "we're on line too!"  steps in front of us and says that's where they are on line! LOL... the fucking nerve.  I say NO, this pretty girl was in front of me and this pretty girl was in back of me, you skipped all the way from the top.  They denied it.  Simply denial makes it fact.  The china girl behind me finally says something and eventually we get them to the back of the line.  This happened again with a group of 20 somethings, casually walking past people as if they had a license to skip.  Again I needed to scream nice and loud.  They got the message and went to the back.

At disney, mainlanders laying down on benches while pregnant women are trying to find a seat.  It's their god given right.  I got up from my shady spot and offered my seat to the prego lady.  She thanked me profusely.  She too was a mainlander.  She said, you're such a good person.  I said no, people are innately good, beasts don't offer seats to pregnant ladies while facing the direction of 2 mainlanders lying down on the benches.  

My cousins told me there were more before. I can't imagine how many more because trying to cross the street in TST was an adventure on it's own.  

My beloved HK. My beloved HK culture.  It's all gone.  

I feel sorry for the locals.  HK is pretty fucked up right now.  I can't imagine living there with the locusts.  It's gotta be hell.  Even places where the MTR doesn't go, there are many of them.  Taking up dim sum seats, spitting everywhere and simply destroying the essence of HK.

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stinkyfeet   24-8-2015 00:41  Acceptance  +3   I guess you havent experienced mainlanders god given child right to shit everywhere haha
Rico   21-8-2015 08:01  Acceptance  +8   I KNOWVWHERE YOU ARE GOING BRO..GRRR..
wander   13-8-2015 08:10  Acceptance  +1   Wow. Not sure...
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Post at 12-8-2015 05:25  Profile P.M. 
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With all due respect...

Most HK locals (perhaps you are one as well) came from families who "just happened"
to be near the Pearl River Delta when the British arrived.

Graced by the light of Western civ, and protected from the depredations of Mao, HK
Chinese prospered while their mainland brethren regressed.  What you perceive to be
rudeness is a direct product of your Western upbringing.  I am not sure your
grandparents would label someone "a beast" if he didn't give up his seat to a
pregnant lady.  Mind you, they also lived in a world without such Western niceties as

There's a thing called noblesse oblige, and perhaps one would be wise to exercise it now
during this transitional decade for the mainland.

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Alwaysfuun   12-8-2015 09:34  Acceptance  +4   I have to side with Priapus on this. I try to remember I am a working guest in Hong Kong. I hear the locals trash the he ...
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Post at 12-8-2015 13:33  Profile P.M. 
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Priapus is right.

My first time to Asia was in the early 70's. Hong Kong was comparable to Zhuhai in the 90s. I saw a teenager taking a dump on the sidewalk. Pretty disgusting to see near Nathan Road in Jordan in the daytime. Taiwan's streets had open sewers running down the sides. Damn did the streets smell a lot back then...and I heard Taiwan was really backwards in the 50s compared to even Canton which was quite cosmopolitan back then.

So every time I hear my HK relatives/friends criticize the mainlanders, I tell them stories of my visit in the 70s. Since China is a large country it will take a bit longer than HK/Singapore/Taiwan for the entire population to get up to western standards of quality of life. There is already a significant sized group of sophisticated mainlanders...I see them traveling all over the world on their own, fitting in with their manners and quality education.

it is just unfortunate for HK that HK usually serves as a typical mainlander's first visit outside of China...first exposure to different standards...different culture...different language...different rules/etiquettes...etc. HK is China's Training Wheels to visiting the outside world. Better to lose face in HK (perceived as a Chinese city by mainlanders) because of a faux pas than to lose it in a 'real' overseas country.

A closing remark : More and more mainlanders think NYC is so backward (old) and dirty compared to the big cities in China. So back-and-forth comparison just doesn't end. Just relax and laugh about it.
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Post at 12-8-2015 15:18  Profile P.M. 
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Ive lived in both multi-cultural cosmopolitan cities and also cities that were very mono-cultural.

There's a comforting certainty about the mono-cultural cities -- everyone drives similarly, behaves similarly - even when you are the foreigner that sticks out, once you've got the hang of it, life just flows.

But the multi-cultural cities - they're chaos.  Stimulating, but eventually fatiguing.

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Post at 12-8-2015 21:31  Profile P.M. 
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If the mainlanders were in America or Europe, would you still say the same?  

HK isn't mainland China so they should abide by their rules.  You know it's BAD when the chinese govt. has to give out handbooks on how to act properly when traveling abroad.  IIRC, some have even been banned from traveling abroad due to their bad behavior.
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Post at 13-8-2015 03:12  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 sexpert's post


I understand where you are coming from with you rant,  
I don't think it is just mainlanders

I've seen some filthy things done on the MTR by mainlanders, not conserned about     the mess they are making or the other people using it.

I have observed foreigners from many countries act in a similar way, everywhere I
travel to

Recently it wat the Russians that have left a lasting impression with other holiday makers, Thankfully the poor strength of the Ruble is helping a bit.

Our cousins from over the pond with there overs size kids and fat wives, love to jump a que, and are never aware of the high volume of there voices, or the amount of room they take up.

Just to finish I can't let the French off, why do they not ever clean there dog mess up?????
I've sat in a cafe eating lunch and watched several people just let there small dog shit on the pavement next to me only to walk off and leave the little land mine on the path for some unsuspecting person to step on.

Sexpert thanks for your post as it did help me get this off my chest,
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Post at 13-8-2015 09:25  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #5 Macau81's post

Just wondering … are you either a supporter or member of the group Hong Kong Indigenous ?  If you are  you should recruit sexpert … he's a redneck of the highest order   
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Post at 13-8-2015 13:59  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 sexpert's post

There was even new article on HK disneyland when it frst opened about mainlanders

1. smoking everywhere and ignoring signs

2.  Spitting in the streets

3.  kids pissing in the bushes

4. Yelling if they don't get their way.

5. In my opinion worst of ALL cutting in line.
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Post at 13-8-2015 15:32  Profile P.M. 
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read somewhere (maybe reddit) that cutting in line is their way of showing dominance
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Post at 13-8-2015 17:40  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Macau81 at 13-8-2015 15:32
read somewhere (maybe reddit) that cutting in line is their way of showing dominance

I can totally believe that.  When I first came to HK (in 2008), I did a bunch of dating in China...  It was a nice way to tour around and have experiences that were far more revealing than the usual tourist stuff.

I dated one woman for 3-4 months who had a very high position in a Guangdong government office... Communist party member...  Graduate education (through her doctorate) paid by the government, with full salary while she was in school.  Expense account...  Whenever we went out for dinner, the bill would magically disappear -- presumably to be picked up by her office slush fund.

One night we went to see a movie.  There was a long line of people waiting to buy tickets.  She marched right up to the front of the line and pushed a few yuan notes to the ticket agent.  I was aghast and ashamed...  We just don't do those things in the US!  I was waiting for some of the people in line to call her down (or maybe slap her one).  No one made a peep...  All I could figure is that if someone has the balls to butt in at the front of the line in China, the last thing you want to do is to accost that person in public...

Have fun, CGP
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Post at 13-8-2015 17:49  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #10 Caligynephiliac's post

She marched right up to the front of the line and pushed a few yuan notes to the ticket agent.  I was aghast and ashamed...  We just don't do those things in the US!

if you really think about it, it does happen in the US but maybe not so open ... eg you go clubbing and one of the first things you do is to slip some money into the bouncer's hands to get in etc etc
doing this openly in the west is frowned upon, but not when its unseen ... no ?

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Caligynephiliac   14-8-2015 00:34  Acceptance  +3   I'm sure it happens, but it's not my style...
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Post at 13-8-2015 21:48  Profile P.M. 
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we know the guy is slipping the door man extra money to get in.

in cali's case, was she giving anything extra?

here's also some fuel for the fire: ... ?type=1&theater
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Post at 13-8-2015 22:27  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #12 Macau81's post

Dont understand what you mean by cali …

Regarding your link, if i remember correctly, i remember subwsys and metros in major cities smelling of piss or whatever … so chinese people are not the only ones who takes the piss out of us !

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Macau81   13-8-2015 23:51  Acceptance  +1   too lazy to spell out Caligynephiliac
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Post at 13-8-2015 23:14  Profile P.M. 
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Once we realize that human notions of "right" and "wrong" are merely rules
facilitating the game of life, you completely understand mainland behaviors.

Do flies queue to take a bite out of a turd?  Swarming is far more efficient than
queueing.  It's just that in first world countries, we have enough leisure time and
money to allow for fair, albeit slower, forms of resource allocation.  Contrast this
with the scarcity of the Chinese experience.  As Ross remarks in the American sitcom
Friends, "if you didn't eat fast, you didn't eat!" when relating his childhood with a
gluttonous older sister.  

As much as the Chinese claim to care about "face", they care about material
acquisition more.  This rapacity is a direct result of the "feast or famine" aspect
of their home circumstances.  It's really a product of their historical inability to innovate
and colonize to feed their vast numbers.  The Chinese have long been known to
be nesting creatures who pursued agricultural subsistence over imperalist ventures.  Blame Confucius.  Really.  It's only now that they're embracing opportunism, albeit

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Caligynephiliac   14-8-2015 00:36  Acceptance  +4   A highly intelligent reply. Bravo!
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Post at 13-8-2015 23:56  Profile P.M. 
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I had some queuing problems earlier too. But to my surprise it was a native HK grandpa. Pushed his grandson in front of me while the others standing back. I told them is this how you educate our future generation? Telling them to skip the queue. Lots more arguments and he said he was queuing next to it as there is no number on the line I was standing. I was wtf. Mtr line only have the car number written on the central line. Everyone knows that. I was like wtf you don't know how to queue for the train ? He insisted calling mtr ppl if I had any problems.  Generally it's not only a china mainland problem. Some native HK ppl aren't showing any courtesy at all. 80-90% just sit there and don't offer the seats to the ppl in need. I think it's more a generation X problem with parents giving them the wrong education. The wrong values.
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Post at 14-8-2015 17:11  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #15 Abalonelover's post

I live in Shenzhen and every day without fail people will jump the queue at the store, MTR, bus stop and even the bank and not think a thing of it.

Three or four times a week I will see children under the age of 5 having a piss in the street even when a public toilet is 100 metres away. Sadly I have seen a few turds as well.

Apparently at the movies it is still OK to answer your phone and talk as loud as you want.

The thing we do need to remember is every culture is different and what we think as wrong may be perfectly fine in another culture.
Having said that in Australia I only need to worry about dog shit on the pavement.

(it is a bit weird how the kiwis fuck sheep though right?)

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Thai-delight   14-8-2015 18:30  Acceptance  +1   haha
cruman999   14-8-2015 17:19  Acceptance  -2   And Aussies shag Kangaroos :)
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Post at 16-8-2015 04:37  Profile P.M. 
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I'm not anti China

When I'm in southern China I can tolerate the minor things. We have fujianese who "don't get it " here in nyc. They are annoying as well but these mainlanders from God knows where in hk Are at a different level of annoying. Perhaps it's the daily bombardment of rude behavior but this, it's seriously a different level. 100 times anything I've ever experienced anywhere, even on the mainland it's not this bad.

My relatives told me there are much less now. I can't imagine any more. They would have fucked up my vacation for sure. They came Damn near close this time around.  

Perhaps my tolerance isn't as good as some of the saints on this board.

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Weelock   16-8-2015 15:14  Acceptance  +3   I forgot to add they are major Litterbugs.
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Post at 21-8-2015 08:08  Profile P.M. 
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I will post my views on the experiences with unpolite fuking lowlife mainlanders when i can be bothered... I have friends and business aquaintances in China and even they are embarrased by those fukers..

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sexpert   24-8-2015 06:54  Acceptance  +6   I've never experienced this on the mainland
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Post at 22-8-2015 23:58  Profile P.M. 
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HK people will just have to educate these mainlanders to get them on a level up and if that means shouting and balling at them, it is what it is and that needs to be done.
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Post at 23-8-2015 23:54  Profile P.M. 
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Kid pees in public, drinks own urine at IFC mall, Hongkongers horrified ... ngkongers-horrified

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Weelock   28-8-2015 15:17  Acceptance  +5   Water sports too Wow....

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