Welcome to the forum !
If you read through this Q & A section you'll find your questions answered in those threads and more.
If you mean the 141 walk up girls (the ones with a building address rather then a hotel) you are expected
to go to that address and knock on her door (provided she has a sign hanging on the door - welcome/please wait
if no sign and no light on top of that door then it usually means she's not in)
Most girls with telephone numbers listed are just recordings but if the girl provides massage service, sometimes they
take bookings.
Most walk up girks do not have pimps and if they did you'll never know.
Almost all hotel girls have agents/pimps and you must go through them in order to visit the girl.
As for tips, really depends on you, if you felt the srevice was good then a $50 tip is OK, if you think you will do
a repeat visit then tip her a little more and she'll remember you for the next time. Some bros here tips
upwards of $200 but that to me is a bit excessive unless the girl is exceptional !!!
Good luck with your mongering and hope to see some reports from you soon !