Hi bro, I also don't understand any of the hotel names in Cantonese but the agents always give me the name in English
but they never give addresses. Once you've got the hotel name you can call directory enquiries for the phone number
and then call the hotel for the address and directions.
You're right about the agents' pronunciation. When I first started calling, I often couldn't understand what they were
saying but now I know all the hotels I can usually recognise which hotel they mean. What I used to do was have a list
of all the hotels in that area and when they gave the name I'd run down the list and find the one that sounded most
like what they were saying. I'd then repeat it back to them for confirmation. Sometimes you just need a little patience.
There's one hotel where they don't seem to know the English name - the S.H. in Observatory Road. But then they
always give me the phone number of the hotel - quite efficient.
As long as you stick to TST, you should be OK. Agents in other areas sometimes speak no English at all.