Subject: Better Than Google Maps (But No Photos)
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Post at 29-6-2019 13:39  Profile P.M. 
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Better Than Google Maps (But No Photos)

I have found (and I have seen this at least mentioned in one old post) that Centamap located at this URL: is faster and has a great street number view of every address in HK and seems excellent with its search. So you can see in a second that 139 Temple is in a block with Pak Hoi north and Saigon south.

Just type in an address in the search box to the right of a crosshair symbol (red cross inside a circle)

I tried 310 Portland as an example and immediately a reference to 310-312 Portland popped up. Click that link and the building appears with a crosshair showing it. So you don't need to be 100% accurate on the address. It pops up nearest matches.

Also all the MTR exits are shown. There is a link to Google street view on the map view plus if you're interested real estate sales figures for every property in HK so it seems.

Like Google you can zoom and move the map around with your mouse but it is more responsive than Google and has more readable street names without having to zoom around to find at what zoom the street name finally appears. And in both English and Chinese. I find Google sometimes has only the Chinese name.

[ Last edited by  rickyricardo at 29-6-2019 13:42 ]

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Tennder   7-8-2019 14:30  Acceptance  +1   
zeebee   3-7-2019 00:47  Acceptance  +1   
batman108   2-7-2019 10:38  Acceptance  +3   awesome and thanks

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