Yup, it's another bullshit episode in sexpert's looooooong-running, hit series, 'Pulling It off as a Man'. First of all, by way of introduction to those of you without much exposure to sexpert, let me point out that this forum is a major part of the guy's fantasy life, and this isn't the first heroic little vignette we've had of sexpert the stud in action. If you browse back thru the older threads you'll find plenty to laugh about - I know I have my favorites! However, and it pains me to say this, unfortunately for everyone involved, the guy has 0 imagination.
That this is yet another totally bogus bit of posturing is obvious from the scenario. Sexpert wants to show us he's a scrappy man's man, but he can't come up with anything better than the hackneyed NYC traffic altercation. Anyway, shoot the script you've got.
OK, cameras are rolling: sexpert and bad guy both get out of their cars. Now sexpert is the hero here, so it's important that the other guy swings first; and to make sexpert's inevitable triumph all the more satisfying, he has bad guy call him a 'chink'. (This isn't the first time pert has used this script; when he wanted to make a statement about people from Boston, he invented yet another NYC traffic altercation in which a stereotypically snooty Boston woman also used the C word.) Sexpert ducks, counter punches, and wham bam, the rude dude is at sexpert's feet. Mission accomplished is followed by a touching father-son moment with his hero-worshiping, high-fiving boys. The bystanders applaud. Closing music and its a wrap!
This guy is so desperate for your love!
By the way, the idea that NYC pedestrians are going to hang around to give testimony to the police about a simple traffic argument is hilarious.
He called me a "chink" and took a swing at me, I ducked and knocked his ass out with a bolo. It's good to be ambidextrous.
In sexpert's case, the other good thing about being ambidextrous is you can type and jerk-off at the same time.