Originally posted by gundam at 22-11-2008 09:28
Okay, I know this is off topic.
I'm not a great fan of this karma and reading access system. It's frustrating for newcomers and casual vistors to this site to find that the choicest and juciest morse ...
gundam, you're already RA 20 and close to 30 so you must be able to move around the forum reasonably well, and getting to RA20 is dead easy. There is a sense of community with the forum which means sharing by posting useful responses is just plain good manners. I have friends in the forum I previously knew, and new ones made through the forum.
This is my personal opinion but some of the girls I have been with have turned out to be sweeties I have established more long term sexual relationships with. If I post a girl's photo I want to be reasonably certain that not just anybody can view it, not Trolls, and not people who stumble on this site she may not want to have view them either, like her friends or relatives.
There have been posters (Trolls) who have made themselves a nuisance, some have even shown signs of mental deficiency. For me if I want to put an RA level on something I post then I view that as my RIGHT, otherwise if it was totally open some of these "juiciest morsels" you yearn for may never get posted at all, so who is that going to inconvenience?
Now gundam you can make a useful post to the forum by answering Twice's question - "With this new forum format please explain how it would deter people from participation ?"