If she was a hooker she'd already have asked you to take her home ...
Sounds to me like she's a genuine girl who
- wants to look demure in front of her friends
- but likes you and wants to f**k you dry
- and wants you to fall in love with her first
Yes, she's probably looking for a long term relationship, and yes, she almost certainly wants you to marry her and hand over your wallet. That's the cultural norm in Philippines btw - the women handle the money - so nothing unusual about that. But in between her expectations and yours there is room for play, she knows she can't hold onto you without giving you what you want first.
She's probably also getting her friends to check up on you every time you go out, to get a feel for how much you play and what you say to other girls.
If you like her, romance her, there's a good chance you could get a lot of free sex. Always remember your own objectives though: watch your wallet, your fertility, your ring finger, and stay safe!