Welcome to the forum !
You have now registered in this forum and now, as a newbie, there are only 2 sections
you cannot access - Moderators Only and Restricted Access Reports.
For Moderators Only, you will not be able to access unless you become a mod.
For Restricted Access Reports you will need to a Conqueror or above in order to read this section,
in ordet to become a Conqueror (300 karma/credit points) you will need to post more (1 point for every post)
or if you make a report that other senior bros thinks is good they will rate your report that gives you extra points.
However, some newbies might want to do it the easy way, by go down the list of threads making
something like a 3 or 4 word reply to every thread in order to up their points. This method is not welcomed
in this forum and will be severly delt with.
Hope this answers your question and hope you will take an active interest in this forum !