Master Mongerer
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Post at 29-8-2007 23:13  Profile P.M. 
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need help

can someone download

and send it to me?

I cannot access the youtube site

Master Mongerer
Rank: 8Rank: 8

UID 190
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Registered 23-2-2007
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Post at 30-8-2007 22:42  Profile P.M. 
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Youtube is back
The Information and Communications Technology Thursday has lifted the ban on the popular video blog site,

Information and Communications Technology Minister Sitthichai Pookaiyaudom said that Thailand decided to lift up the block on Youtube after it agreed to block people in Thailand from accessing its clips of which the contents violate the Thai laws.

He added that Youtube just finished creating such blocking programme.

He said that the ministry has nothing to do with the apology message to the Thai king and Thai people on Youtube but Youtube has taken care the matter by itself.

The site could be now accessed by Thais after the site was banned early May following posting of video clips seen as insulting His Majesty the King.

The site now has a video clip appeared to be an apology from the person who posted the first clips in mocking of His Majesty.

"I never realise how the Thai king is important to Thai people ... I never mean to hurt Thai King" he said in the video entitled "My Apology to the People and King of Thailand" released May 19.

The Nation


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