When I was in Singapore a couple of weeks ago, I decided to check out the pay-for-play scene. Given Singapore's reputation as an uptight, family-oriented place, I was expecting low quality and high price. I was very pleasantly surprised. I found this service and gave it a go...
The web site shows pictures, statistics, service, price, and duration of appoinment. It also contains a complete review history with with each girls' profile. Making the booking was painless. The girl I saw was a mixed Thai/Chinese girl from northern Thailand going to university in Bangkok. She spoke Thai, a little Mandarin, and good English. She looked just like her pictures -- and was easily as pretty as any WG I've seen in HK (HGs included). Her service was very good (although not quite excellent).
The price? S$140... equivalent to HK$716 for 90 full minutes, two shots standard.
Why can we not get service like this in HK? Restrictive HK laws governing escort services? Monopoly control by the triads? Or just a simple lack of entrepreneurial vision and customer-service orientation on the part of the papasans?