Subject: 2 girls 1 guy same room
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Post at 5-6-2009 09:10  Profile P.M. 
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2 girls 1 guy same room

I have noticed this a couple of times, what is the deal with this in HK?  Are threeways wrong?  Would I get in deep shit for having a couple of girls in my hotel room at the same time?
DArtagnan (unofficial Mayor of the Forum)
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Post at 5-6-2009 10:37  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 CanuckGuy's post

Hong Kong law is designed to protect women from being exploited.  

Prostitution is allowed - a girl DOES have the right to receive money in exchange for sex - but a lot of things are prohibited, including pimping, receiving the proceeds of prostitution, running a vice establishment, and more.  

Part of the rules is that prostitution must take place 1 to 1 in a private place.  2:1 is defined as a vice establishment, which is illegal to operate, though as far as I can tell it is not illegal to be a customer.  

Probably the girls would get into the most trouble.  Especially if they're not HK locals, they'd get into trouble for violating the terms of their visa.  By all accounts you would find it more of a nuisance - having to make a statement, being called as a witness, etc.

Be informed.  Make considered choices.  Have more fun!!  

Disclaimer: I'm not a lawyer and what I just wrote may be different from how the police or a judge would view the facts.

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Post at 6-6-2009 01:10  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 DArtagnan's post

I am not a lawyer also. But I learned from a friend.

I know there is a difference between a girl that go to your hotel, bars, walk up and brothels.

Brothels is not OK. Many girls in one place. Police raid many this places in Mong Kock.

Hotel girls is not OK if you call a papasan. But how can police find out ?

For some reason, which I do not know, you can pay the bar to pay her time and take her
out and then negotiate with her. It seems OK.

Walk up and Hookers on the street seems OK. Police do not care.  I think because single girls.

A few times I also have 2 girls in a Walk Up and also from the street. Why not ?

So I think the only problem is if you are in brothel in Mong Kock or Jordan and the
police is coming there.
And you have 2 girls in a room...

But as a sex buyer you do not commit any crime. But you can end up with a police record.

Anyway !  I still think 141 and 161 is the best that happen since internet.  And Walk Up girls is
the best way to know how they look and if they are same as the photo.

And remember to always say they are beautiful and so sexy.
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Post at 6-6-2009 11:11  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 stikkanx's post

Walkups can be dangerous (ie. illegal) if two girls share the same flat - e.g. for addresses that read sth like Flat A1 or Flat B2.  That indicates a single flat with two bedrooms and a common bathroom.  Those are flagged by police.  

Hookers on the street can be dangerous as far as I understand as that's public solicitation for sex.  Dangerous for both parties.  More senior members (e.g. Twice can clarify that).  

About them not knowing you called Papasam, they can check his call history if they wanted, but I don't think they would waste time doing that.
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Post at 6-6-2009 11:15  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 CanuckGuy's post

Not sure on legal aspect in HK but 141 WG have offered to come to my hotel room with their "friend". One friend was only a couple of rooms away in Fuji building and the offer was definitely NOT on their premises.

Even if illegal it would be difficult to prosecute, who is to say Bro is paying, or even if sex took place?  "Quick, flush the condom!"

Can any locals comment on chances of police banging on your door if you are staying in reasonable up market business/tourist hotel?  Could be PR disaster for the law if they got it wrong. Naturally risk would be higher if Bro is married as IMO that would be the law's biggest stick ... fear of wife finding out.
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Post at 6-6-2009 11:31  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 stikkanx's post

... and as we all know there is a HUGE difference between getting away with something, and doing something that is actually legally allowed.

some people break the speed limit when they drive the car ... some people pay taxes late ... some people try to borrow more money than they qualify for ... some people run fraudulent financial schemes, and get away with it for decades and more ... you can read examples in the news every week.  

But getting away with it is not the same as being safe doing it.  

You make your choices, you handle the consequences.  Just better to do it knowing where the limits are and what the worst-case consequences might be.  Big difference between risking a speeding ticket ($360 and three points) or risking time in the clink for running a ponzi scheme (for example).  

Our Canadian bro asked what the rules are.  The rules are clear: no pimping, no streetwalking, no 3P.  He's checking the depth of the shit before he jumps in it.  

The reality is in spite of the rules there ARE pimps, streetwalkers, brothels, and 3P+ ... some people seem to get away with it ... but that is not the same as being safe doing it ...

... so I'll be looking forward to his reports when he comes!!

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Post at 8-6-2009 11:39  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Froddo at 6-6-2009 11:15
Can any locals comment on chances of police banging on your door   ...

Judging by the number of HGs in the DB, it's gotta be a very remote occurrence ... no way hotels would allow WGs in their premises if they thought they might be raided!!!

When I first came to HK I stayed in a guest house in Jordan for about 6 months - and yes police did come around one night, but it happened only once.  They didn't say what they were looking for, just asked me for ID and what am I doing in HK.  Actually I was illegal at the time: I told them I was setting up a company, which is technically a breach of immigration law.  They said thank you and moved on ...

Just for comparison, the building itself is well populated with 141s, but the guest-house I was staying in was a clean and proper one, no WGs, though it was defo NOT a "hotel" as we would call it.  At the time I wasn't mongering (didn't need to or want to pay ) and my gf wasn't with me, so can't guess how the Q&A might have gone if I'd had one or more girls with me.  

And to keep it in perspective - while I was there the police only came once ... but on another night there was a fire in the building and we had to evacuate on the street ... so on that basis it sounds like you're about as likely to be raided as have a fire alarm!!  

It's a risk.  Manage it, and you'll enjoy yourself.  Just like you make a point of checking the fire escapes when you check in, right?  Don't you ...?

[ Last edited by  DArtagnan at 8-6-2009 11:40 ]

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Post at 8-6-2009 19:20  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by DArtagnan at 8-6-2009 11:39

Judging by the number of HGs in the DB, it's gotta be a very remote occurrence ... no way hotels would allow WGs in their premises if they thought they might be raided!!!  ...

CanuckGuy posed the question of having (two girls) back to HIS hotel room, not in WG's hotel. I usually stay in 5 star ... I probably should not name them (PM me if you want). I've never seen any police on the premises, only inhouse security, which is good, I don't want any gorilla friends of WGs wondering around. The employees who work in these hotels know what your average mongerer are doing and in my experience don't interfere, but I would recommend just being confident, you are the respectable paying guest after all.

I do know a few top end hotels will insist on WGs being escorted by you to your room at any time of the day, however it's more normal for this to only occur in the evening+. How do they tell who is a WG versus a normal guest?  Probably with same radar we use. NB: the WG will not go to reception and ask for you, you will need to manage the hook up.

I was in reasonable upmarket WG's hotel in Jordan recently and only had two HK$500 bills to pay $700 toll (I know take small notes). Anyway, after some confused language and hand symbols she got on phone and a pretty good looking woman came in who I think was not just another WG and gave me change. This thread got me thinking of that scenario, 2 girls, me and WG post coital, WG hotel, and money being exchanged.

I digress, the question is still about two WGs back to your hotel room  .... any takers?
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Post at 8-6-2009 21:56  Profile P.M. 
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I say this again ... and again ... and again ...

More then 2 persons in 1 room applies to walk up premises only !!!

This is because through loopholes in the law, 1 girl 1 room type places are not illegal as long as there is
only the girl and you in the room ...

I hope this is now clear !

Brothels are illegal so it doesn't matter how many girls are with you.
In motels you can have more then 2 people in the room ... but they charge extra.
In hotels it doesn't matter how many people in the room so long as the law can't prove any money transaction.

Happy mongering and don't get caught with an underaged girl !
Also ... don't get caught by your wife, girl friend, relatives, friends, colleagues, acquantances ....

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