Subject: Entering your world
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Post at 10-6-2009 18:18  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by G-A-R-Y at 10-6-2009 06:05
You'd be surprised how easy it is for women to get an "I'm desperate for sex" vibe off a guy and start running the other way. This would be a non-traumatic way to lose your cherry, and build some confidence and skills.

This is so unbelievably true that unless you're experienced both sides of the equation, you simply cannot appreciate the reality...

When I was young and handsome (a kool_stud in my own mind!), I was hopelessly inept with women.  I was horny and wanted sex, but could never find it.  I'm sure I projected the "I'm desperate" vibe just as surely as pigshit smells.

35 years later, I'm balding, not so handsome, and gradually taking on a rather rounded shape.  But I have confidence and ease with women.  I enjoy women as friends.  I like to talk with them and find out what they're thinking about, what they feel...  I go on dates and focus on getting to know the women.  The reality is that I can just ignore sex, because I know if I bide my time, sex will happen.  By the fourth date, just about any woman is desperate to prove that she is sexually desirable...

Have fun, CGP
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Post at 11-6-2009 00:05  Profile P.M. 
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no questions most of you guys have plenty of experience (especially G-A-R-Y,romina_0385)
and some had similar history like my present.but if you don't mind me asking a question:

Caligynephiliac: i agree with Gary, a sign for "I'm desperate for sex" vibe probably wiill end losing girl
and caligneyphiliac come on, tell me don't you regret even alittle tht you couldn't get girl when you
wanted and went to WG. never the less thanks for advice bro and i'll surely try dating.

From all bro's who replied. Majority suggect i should go to HG and for overnight.
all your advices are great anyhow i can't make my mind maybe it's in my nature,
im in this own world of mine and i had never smoked or drugs, drink once a month so visiting WG would mean entering different world
and on top im worried of losing my virginity to WG, worried if it went public, worried what if the experience didn't went well,
worried i'll get addicted, worried i'll break some important rules of society "the society i hate alot"
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Post at 11-6-2009 00:14  Profile P.M. 
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To everybody that replied to this thread :

see ?  I told you ! .... now look what your all advise have done ... you've created a headless chicken wondering
around hotel lobbies going near the lift doors but not having the nerve to go in !!!

the Stud, like all studs, hear the things he wants to hear !
Marsupial (Saint Marsupial)
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Post at 11-6-2009 00:17  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #22 kool_stud's post

With an attitude towards life like that, it's easy to see why you're still a virgin. You need to grow some balls big guy. Nothing ventured nothing gained as they say.

Look kool_stud (strange username for a guy who's never done it!) the first step in shaking off the paralysis is realizing that no-one, except maybe your mother, gives a shit about you. Other people's opinions don't matter. Think about that - it's very liberating!

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Post at 11-6-2009 00:32  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #22 kool_stud's post

This post is classic!!! Why would you be worried that losing your virginity to a WG would go public?  It's not like she's gonna run out the room and hold some freakin press conference.  Man, get a grip.  
G-A-R-Y (Tight Pussy Hunter)

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Post at 11-6-2009 13:33  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #22 kool_stud's post

Listen to Brother Mars, grow a pair and go for it.


Don't flame me, I swear those insults were supposed to be taken as compliments!
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Post at 11-6-2009 14:00  Profile P.M. 
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i love this forum!

ok i read through the whole thread and I have to say if we werent emotional beings going to pros to loose your virginity would be great cause it beats jerking off. problem is being so young and all your emotions are going to be all messed up and you won't be able to separate love from lust and you will want to SAVE every girl you have sex with. Physically I see nothing wrong with loosing your virginity with a pro Emotionally I see it going to be a NO NO. I know too many people who have gone for pros without having enough experience of real life GF will give up chasing after girls cause paying a pro cuts out alot of the corners to getting laid.

anyway good luck and remember what the bro tell you "a fuck is a fuck. love is something totally different"

also even seasoned pro mongerers sink ship so a young boy like you setting sail the first time could easily become the TITANIC
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Post at 11-6-2009 14:00  Profile P.M. 
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i love this forum!

ok i read through the whole thread and I have to say if we werent emotional beings going to pros to loose your virginity would be great cause it beats jerking off. problem is being so young and all your emotions are going to be all messed up and you won't be able to separate love from lust and you will want to SAVE every girl you have sex with. Physically I see nothing wrong with loosing your virginity with a pro Emotionally I see it going to be a NO NO. I know too many people who have gone for pros without having enough experience of real life GF will give up chasing after girls cause paying a pro cuts out alot of the corners to getting laid.

anyway good luck and remember what the bro tell you "a fuck is a fuck. love is something totally different"

also even seasoned pro mongerers sink ship so a young boy like you setting sail the first time could easily become the TITANIC
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Post at 11-6-2009 16:49  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Marsupial at 11-6-2009 00:17
With an attitude towards life like that, it's easy to see why you're still a virgin. You need to grow some balls big guy. Nothing ventured nothing gained as they say.

Look kool_stud (strange username ...

So very well said, a 22 year old virgin asking advice on an internet forum about how to lose his V plate does sound very ridiculous to me.  Dude I think you are just wasting 141 resources, I mean if you were the nice shy nerdy type then go wait for true love and otherwise just go fuck some one, the first time is way over rated and you wont remember it in 2 years time anyway.
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Post at 11-6-2009 20:39  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #29 Tyral's post

Don't know about not remembering  .. I was so desperate that my first was a big fat chain-smoking foul-mouthed chick I picked up at a nightclub and did in the back of my car ... she pulled off my condom, wound down the window and dropped it on the road.  Such class.  I still get the shivers to this day.  
G-A-R-Y (Tight Pussy Hunter)

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Post at 11-6-2009 22:32  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Thai-delight at 2009/6/11 04:39 AM
Don't know about not remembering  .. I was so desperate that my firstwas a big fat chain-smoking foul-mouthed chick I picked up at anightclub and did in the back of my car ... she pulled off my condom,wound down the window and dropped it on the road.  Such class.  I stillget the shivers to this day.  

Sorry TD... do you remember that movie "aycheck" from a few years ago? Maybe we can hook you up to one of those memory erasing machines and have that one removed!


Don't flame me, I swear those insults were supposed to be taken as compliments!
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Post at 11-6-2009 22:42  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #31 G-A-R-Y's post

Worse thing, and something I never told my non-cyber mates who were bagging me at the time was that I tapped that arse for the next week or two ... at her place of course (filthy bitch she was - cigarette butts in cups, 10-15 pairs of dirty undies on her bedroom floor) post-virgin lust and one way to overcome my shyness
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Post at 11-6-2009 23:00  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #32 Thai-delight's post

looks like once is not enough! how did it end? who stopped contacting who?
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Post at 11-6-2009 23:09  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #33 timarcher's post

Me ... she was getting all clingy and wanted to meet my mum
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Post at 11-6-2009 23:44  Profile P.M. 
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ohh hold on now you guys don't start freaking out i just bought a issue forward which most people face and
you all gotta agree we all will learn something from this discussion like i already did.
and fyi experience's like what happened with TD is the reason i bought this question up
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 12-6-2009 00:17  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #35 kool_stud's post

Kool.........if you lose ur virginity to a WG, ur mindset and attitude towards civi gals will chance.
Don;t go there. Please stay away from this forum.

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Post at 12-6-2009 01:36  Profile P.M. 
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Honestly, because you're asking such questions and worried about such things I think you got your shit together.  First, you have to change your name here and you are not a Kool_Stud.  Then get a pocket full of money and go bang a whore.  If there was something wrong with that it would be illegal, but its in Hong Kong, so all is good.  After you bang the whore, then check that box off and get on with your life.  Don't go to a bar to find a girl, find a nice one that has a similar back ground to you.  Get married to her!  Have children!  Then cross that box off and go back to banging whore on the side.  Good luck.

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