Subject: Entering your world
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Post at 7-6-2009 14:30  Profile P.M. 
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Entering your world

hey guys, been on 141 for long and been in hk for 12 years.
im 22 and virgin and just wanted to lose virginity and have a lot of fun.
this is embarrassing but can anyone recommend a suitable start for me.
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Post at 7-6-2009 15:28  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 kool_stud's post

We have a lot of virgins here in this site !

Your question has been asked previously - many times, and everyone will give you different advise ...
as for my personal advise I would say ... get a life, get a real girlfriend, don't go to WGs until you bet bored
in your relationship(s) !
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Post at 7-6-2009 15:34  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 kool_stud's post

your first start should be with your GF idiot! but if you dont have one yet i assume of you being picky and i can't help you other than giving you way on this WG world... man think of it first before making actions! and in the end if you really want to have a go then do your homework here and read some previous report...
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Post at 7-6-2009 15:46  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 twiceAweek's post

Agreed totally. At age 22, you should get a nice girlfriend in a normal relationship.
Don't start your love life in the vice world.
Don't mix love and lust, as a young man you have a choice and a fresh start, you should you should discover how to love first.
Lust will remains as a close friend through your adult life, discover what is to love an be love first

It is easy to pay for sex and lust, but it is more meaningful if your first experience is with the girl that you like, and she like you too.
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Post at 7-6-2009 16:03  Profile P.M. 
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uh.......I honestly don't think it makes a big difference who you go'll be awkward most likely regardless of the girl. But maybe you should try one of the better known ones? Fian, happy, etc?
just search the forum.
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Post at 7-6-2009 18:25  Profile P.M. 
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ok, guys thanks alot for quick responses but im getting mix answers from you guys just like from my life.
i tried gettin a gf but im not soo good with closure like fuckin go out, partin or bar alone cuz all my buddies are all this innocent
it's would be weird to go alone i kind of got bored of jerkin of and tht's why asked you for WG advice
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Post at 7-6-2009 18:51  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 kool_stud's post

what happened then? did she dump you? find another one then!! hehehe i understand that youre getting older and so just go for a WG then... gain confidence through this process and youll become more comfortable with yourself and later youll realize that youve grown into a man...
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Post at 7-6-2009 19:30  Profile P.M. 
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I would give the same advice that I gave to Fumaster (link here ... master&page=1). Since you are 22, and still relatively young, try having fun with your GF before trying a WG. When you get to 30 or 40, and youare still a virgin, then you should get worried.
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Post at 7-6-2009 19:49  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 kool_stud's post

Are you expecting to hear something that will solve all your problems ?  
Nobody knows your background or situation here
Life is not that easy ... so don't expect any answers you want to hear !
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Post at 7-6-2009 20:01  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 kool_stud's post

lets put your situation easier... i got one question for you and that is are you ready for this? if yes then give it a go! i would not recommend any girls to you as different virgins have different taste!!! well for me i would choose someone whos very pretty so that youll mark her and remember her for the rest of your life and wont regret it afterall. but you have to do your homework first, that is to search for a gfe kinda type and pretty at the same time so you wont end up frustrated like the other guys here do... also you gotta remember that they are not tight but it doesnt need tightness to blow up a virgin like you hahahahahaha you just have to relax and be yourself and so enjoy and good luck!!!
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Post at 7-6-2009 20:03  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 kool_stud's post

Getting a GF is probably the best choice, but if you can't wait and are going to do it anyway, I would suggest an overnighter ... this way you won't feel rushed, and the experience can be a lot more intimate for your first time.  Explain to the WG that you are a virgin and she will take it slowly and try various positions that you feel comfortable with.  Having a rushed 30-min session won't give you enough time to take in the experience.  Oh yes, if you do it, please remember to report.
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Post at 7-6-2009 20:13  Profile P.M. 
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I lost my virginity at 22 as well to a WG...just get it over and done with, you're a dude. Shouldn't matter who/how you loose your virginity. Not me anyways.
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Post at 7-6-2009 20:38  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 kool_stud's post

Sounds like you have difficulty getting GF?  Maybe having a WG teach you a little about sex it may help your confidence to get and make a GF? It would be tragic though if you just do WGs and can't form a real relationship.  Good luck.
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Post at 9-6-2009 23:24  Profile P.M. 
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Thanks for advices, now im much closer to not to go to WG and spend money at clubs/bars try find a gf
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Post at 10-6-2009 03:44  Profile P.M. 
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Some girls at clubs/bars are in fact WG so you may be back at square one.

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Post at 10-6-2009 06:05  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by kool_stud at 2009/6/7 02:25 AM
ok, guys thanks alot for quick responses but im getting mix answers from you guys just like from my life.
i tried gettin a gf but im not soo good with closure like fuckin goout, partin or bar alone cuz all my buddies are all this innocent
it's would be weird to go alone i kind of got bored of jerkin of and tht's why asked you for WG advice

Although I know that Twice will revoke my "Big Brother's of HKG" card for saying this, I think it wouldn't hurt your confidence to just get laid a few times.

You'd be surprised how easy it is for women to get an "I'm desperate for sex" vibe off a guy and start running the other way. This would be a non-traumatic way to lose your cherry, and build some confidence and skills.

I'd recommend picking a HG from one of the better papas, if you can't figure out who the good ones are, then read the reports in the Hong Kong Reports section. Going to a HG is probably easier than any of the walkups, since it's just visiting a hotel, not a questionable apartment building. But maybe I'm wrong and you'd do better at K-Pressure with an experienced teacher.

I'm partial to BTP, if you call him, you can tell him what type of girl you'd like and that it's your first time. I'd like to think he'd arrange a good choice for you.

Not that I have any say in this, but here are some ground rules:
  1. Limit how many HGs you visit to 10 TOTAL until you find REAL girlfriend. Remember this is just practice for you!
  2. Only one time for each girl!
  3. HG and WGs are NOT girlfriends. Don't get attached in any way.
  4. Remember that it's just sex, not love. Just concentrate on learning the ropes. Sex is a skill, you need practice and instruction.
  5. Don't hesitate to ask these girls about technique. They might not know anything, but they have had a LOT of sex. You're there to build skills and confidence
  6. Quit as soon as you get a real girlfriend, you're too young to be screwing around on the side
  7. Try not to be nervious, or too shy , these girls are there for your sexual enjoyment and education.
  8. Don't worry about what they'll think of you. You're never going to see any of these girls again, so don't worry about performance.
  9. ALWAYS USE CONDOMS! safe sex...
Good luck.


[ Last edited by  G-A-R-Y at 9-6-2009 16:42 ]

Don't flame me, I swear those insults were supposed to be taken as compliments!
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Post at 10-6-2009 11:09  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #16 G-A-R-Y's post

yes, good advice. I guess the ten WG limit is to stop KS getting addicted.
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Post at 10-6-2009 11:59  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #16 G-A-R-Y's post

The biggest difference with going to a WG for the first few times is one might get used to it !!!

Its so easy with WGs ... to pay the money and the girl undress immediately, if one is lucky she'd give some GFE,
both naked in a few seconds, shower, maybe a BJ in the shower, maybe some DFK, and she spreads her legs ...
and there you have it ... easy as 1 - 2 - 3 !!!

There is no courting, no chase, no pre intimacy, no intimacy, no genuine foreplay, no thrill of success in getting into a girl's pants ....
when this guy tries to have girl friends he's going to expect them to open their legs easily !
One needs to learn to walk before they run !

And just look at the name of the author of this thread ... he thinks he's already a stud before the fact !  

[ Last edited by  twiceAweek at 10-6-2009 12:55 ]
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Post at 10-6-2009 12:00  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #16 G-A-R-Y's post

BTW ... the card is now revoked !!!  
G-A-R-Y (Tight Pussy Hunter)

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Post at 10-6-2009 12:39  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by twiceAweek at 2009/6/9 08:00 PM
BTW ... the card is now revoked !!!  

SHIT!!! I guess I'll have to cancel that topless junior varsity volleyball tournament, and the senior class Macau tour that I had planned for later this month. There's going to be a whole lot of disappointed kids out there now!


Don't flame me, I swear those insults were supposed to be taken as compliments!

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