Originally posted by simplytheguest at 18-8-2009 08:53
i have a friend who is unable to cum during sex! ...
Holy cow ...
Based on my own experience I thought that one was an old wives' tale. Certainly I wank a LOT
for many many years, and it's in no way reduced or diminshed neither my ability to cum nor my enjoyment of girls. Quite the reverse actually in my own case. What I find it's given me is more control - how to make it faster, how to make it last longer, more stimulating or less. Maybe it's not so much how often you do it, but how you do it?? Certainly I'll rethink - but your unfortunate friend won't make me stop ... a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do
Fumaster - it's OK - you're going to have a LOT of different experiences before you call yourself "old" - some will be unexpectedly wonderful, and some of them will be experiences you don't want. Including not being able to cum, maybe even impotence. But through all of that the more sex you have, the more you enjoy it, the better you get at it, and it can get better and better.
So, don't sweat the occasional disappointment. Move on to the next
Reality is it takes two.
If you're on an off day (got the flu, over tired, drunk, pissed off at someone, etc) you just won't perform.
If she doesn't do it for you (just the wrong shape, wrong face, wrong pussy, said the wrong thing, or whatever) you won't perform.
Only way you know the difference (was it you or was it her?) is by going out and trying a few other girls. When you do that, if you keep having the same problem over and over, it's probably you, and you need to fix yourself. If the next one is fine, well, you found the solution!!