lo wu: behind shangrila/cafe de coral area
bros, quick question: have more of you been visiting that area recently? reason i ask is b/c in the last few weeks that i've been in that area visiting the apt warehouse, i notice more expats/gweilos in that area. i've referred a few bros to that warehouse for chicks...the main reason i ask is if a lot of bros are going there, we should pool together our mms's info and should visit these joints...
before, i took the shotgun approach...meaning just go w/ which ever mms tried the hardest...but after exchanging some info w some senior bros, i changed my ways and went to one place exclusively. mainly did this for safety and also to get consistent quality in girls.
once you become a regular w/ a mms, you'll get better service...and if there are safetly issues, they are more up front w/ you (you may still not get the complete truth)...