There are no brothels in Italy.
90% of the prostitution is inside a private apartments with ads on escort website.
Some cities have street prostituion but this is illegal and can have a high fine for the customer, but you need a car for street hookers.
In some strip club if you do a private lap dance maybe you can have an hj, almost impossible to have more if you are not a regular customer and big big spender.
There are nightclubs where you can have FS inside for a high price but most nightclub are drinking and talking only.
There are Swinger Clubs where sometimes they organize gangbang parties for single men. Check google for Privè Club, Sauna, Gangbang. Best city for this is Milan.
Chinese massage shops expensive and with limited services
Cheaper option is chinese private apartment on bakeca
Plenty more, just use google
Ps: my advice is to save your money, services are too much hit and miss.
Last edited by Dr.A at 5-7-2023 12:56 ]