Subject: More vetting needed?
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Post at 22-2-2023 14:18  Profile Blog P.M. 
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More vetting needed?

Alright I'm going to vent a bit, and if the moderators deem this as inappropriate, feel free to remove it.

In the past week or some, user Hugeness has been constantly viewing and rating my reviews with just an acceptance of +1. If he was a user that actually read then contributed by writing his own reviews, I wouldn't care. But so far he still has NOT posted any reviews. There must be a better system of catching and filtering out folks like this. On the Mandarin monger forum us151, they require new users to actually post a review and that review has to be vetted by a moderator before he is officially considered a member (I recollection on the approval procedure may be a bit fuzzy as it's been awhile). Don't think I've called out a particular member this publicly before, but I think some vetting measure should be implemented. This is another reason why I've switched to putting RA at 20 or above for my newer posts.

Again, if mods deem this is as inappropriate, feel free to remove it.

[ Last edited by  jkfoodftw at 21-2-2023 22:21 ]

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Susanlixxx   4-3-2023 22:51  Karma  +4   
gg1234   25-2-2023 00:04  Acceptance  +1   He seems harmless to me. I'm more annoyed by low quality, low effort reviews. I guess everyone has their pet peeve.
sam_smith   24-2-2023 22:42  Karma  +8   Wait till you meet batman lol. Enjoy the +1 it's good for your profile.
booby_lover   24-2-2023 14:25  Karma  +5   I don't see an issue. At least he thanks you a bit with the +1. but if your annoyed RA it a bit.
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Post at 22-2-2023 21:16  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 jkfoodftw's post

What you are talking about is what we call "LURKER" or "LEECHER". User Hugeness no longer exist but he isn't the only one. We have at least over a thousand lurker in the forum but because they don't post or rate than do they really exist? They stay quiet and keep to themselves which is good but they also proved nothing in return and just take and take. Is it fair? I personally don't think so but as long as they don't do any harm they are allowed to continue to exist. It is because there are these type of people that we have restricted report forum and RA level to keep them away from the juicy report we deem more private.

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Susanlixxx   4-3-2023 22:52  Karma  +4   
sexyloser   27-2-2023 12:35  Acceptance  +1   
HK_Legend   23-2-2023 19:53  Karma  +8   Agreed, no harm created, so fine with me. Simply many may not feel comfortable ...writing reports.
jkfoodftw   23-2-2023 11:16  Karma  +6   decided to respond to both of your comments in my comment below
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Post at 22-2-2023 22:31  Profile P.M. 
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Agree, all the reports worth viewing are in the restricted forum, mostly because the reports can be trusted far more than in the regular forums.  Not saying that the other reports are bad, but would you rather trust a report by someone who has written two reports or fifty?

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Susanlixxx   4-3-2023 22:52  Karma  +4   
HK_Legend   23-2-2023 19:55  Karma  +8   And extra advantage, in Restricted Access section, the subject line is NOT visible outside.
Jade_moon   23-2-2023 02:00  Acceptance  +8   I agree to that. Also the restricted area got more private photo and not just photo of the ad WG used.
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Post at 23-2-2023 03:31  Profile P.M. 
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I have 3 reviews .. I’m new
I’m still at reading 10… seems hard to get to 20. Sure I can recall stuff I did 6 months ago .. but I’d rather not

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Susanlixxx   4-3-2023 22:53  Karma  +4   
sam_smith   24-2-2023 22:41  Karma  +8   Those are rookie numbers buddy, it takes time to build RA.
obe   23-2-2023 11:37  Karma  +5   Now you are RA 20
Jade_moon   23-2-2023 03:54  Acceptance  +5   Yea I can explain your problem. No photo and direct link to WG photo. I personally skip these report.
kalvinhobbs   23-2-2023 03:45  Karma  +3   Someone mentioned i should attach pics after my first review. maybe it help maybe it didn't, who knows hah
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Post at 23-2-2023 04:02  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 Stpj123's post

I really think people on average if they posted the WG photo along with the report they would get more karma. People would actually bother to read the report instead of just skipping over it if they have photo attached to it because unless the report is in their area and somehow connect to the reader interest they will most likely skip it. I personally don't think it is hard to level up. I have seen some people who move over from AMPReviews and gotten to RA40 in one month and about on average 15ish report. I think normally a good report bring in about 50karma point.

Sidenote I gave/grade report with direct photo of the WG in person way higher than photos of the WG from her online ad that everyone can already see. Nothing special about the photo from ads since they are meant to be spread out to the world.

[ Last edited by  Jade_moon at 23-2-2023 04:05 ]

Recent Ratings
Susanlixxx   4-3-2023 22:53  Karma  +4   
booby_lover   24-2-2023 14:23  Karma  +5   I'd love to post photos but oiften when I have limit time when travelling and want to post details while it's fresh. P ...
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Post at 23-2-2023 11:08  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Reply #2 Jade_moon's post

The restricted forum definitely has it's place. But I think a good portion of posts belong somewhere in the middle, between restricted forum (RA 40 needed) and other forums (RA 0 needed, I think?) On more than one occasion I've wanted to make a post in North American because it's more relevant to readers of that forum rather than the readers of the restricted forum. For example, Susanlixxx recently made a post about Alice of Diana's org in the restricted forum, it would be more beneficial if more local folks could see that post. I think a good compromise would just have everyone start implementing RA 20 for all their posts. This way it's not ridiculously high enough to deter newbies, but rather encourages them to contribute in order to gain the karma needed to reach RA 20. Just my two cents.

In terms of whether people should be posting real/actual pictures of the WGs, that is a double edged sword so to speak. On the one hand I do understand people put more weight on real pictures as do myself. However, in a small community like the Bay Area, it is inevitable words of the pic or even the pic themselves will make their way back to the girl who allowed pics to be taken. This will unsurprisingly lead to the monger who took the picture getting the wrath of the girl and the org, and I wouldn't be surprised if he gets blacklisted. I don't think we need to be pressuring people to capture and post real pics of the WGs (mainly in the Bay Area) in such a public forum. Sharing pics in a more private setting among small groups of trusted guys, I think that's fine. But I just don't feel like we need to be telling newbies that they need to in order to level up.

[ Last edited by  jkfoodftw at 22-2-2023 19:15 ]

Recent Ratings
Susanlixxx   4-3-2023 22:54  Karma  +4   
booby_lover   24-2-2023 14:21  Karma  +5   I agree. I've lways preferred to just post in the most suitable forum and throw a RA10 on it so it's for members.
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Post at 23-2-2023 14:14  Profile P.M. 
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I understand where you're coming from. I recently started posting reviews on TER and was thinking about posting them here as well to gain some RA so I'm able to view the RA20 threads, I didn't know there was a restricted forum just for RA20s. I've only been lurking here and there on this forum, and rated like 2 posts so far. I'm fairly new here, was on AMP Reviews for a bit before founding out about everything migrating here. Honestly, I don't mind people lurking here and there but I really got no say since I'm a newbie here as well.

Now about posting real pictures of the WGs, I don't think that's a good idea on a forum cause if the orgs found out the girl and the person who took the picture can actually get in trouble/blacklisted. Unless the WGs approved of it which I doubt it, then there real pics shouldn't just be online for everyone to see and find, end of the day most of them are doing this privately in the U.S. and I know they wouldn't appreciate it if somehow some day a pic of them was found by someone they knew in their personal lives and they would have to explain it. I know none of us would appreciate it if the orgs shared our pics that we took for them to get verified on a forum for all the other orgs to see.

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obe   24-2-2023 07:09  Karma  +6   Now you are RA 20. Well done.
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Post at 23-2-2023 17:12  Profile P.M. 
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I agree about not posting pictures of the girls unless you have her expressed permission. These girls do this job outside of their home country because it affords them some privacy. Pictures on the internet can spread like wildfire. Over the years I have taken some photos of girls with their permission but I take it without taking their face in the picture of have them wear a lacy face mask. I show them to her after the shoot to make sure she's ok with them. Anything she doesn't like, I delete in front of them.

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HK_Legend   24-2-2023 10:52  Acceptance  +8   "not posting pictures of the girls unless you have her expressed permission." It's in the Guidelines here.
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Post at 24-2-2023 02:40  Profile P.M. 
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for me, I have been a lurker here, since getting banned from x.  Been Injured so have not been able to pertake, but just here to recon until i'm ready to get back into it.
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Post at 24-2-2023 06:28  Profile P.M. 
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Well I’m trying to make a review but I don’t see the “New Thread” option or where or how to do it.  Do I not have enough posts or Karma to create my own review?

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sexyloser   27-2-2023 12:38  Acceptance  +1   Thanks @kalvinhobbs been looking for this question/answer.
kalvinhobbs   24-2-2023 06:44  Acceptance  +5   you can write reviews in newbie section first. then you you get 100karma you can write in North America
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Post at 24-2-2023 08:26  Profile P.M. 
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Got it, thanks Kalvinhobbs I just submitted one over there
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Post at 24-2-2023 19:00  Profile P.M. 
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Taking photos of a girl without her knowledge is the most disrespectful thing you can do. She goes through a lot already to be there for us, we need to foster them and provide a safe place for them to work. We want these girls to be with us for a long time.

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tom-s   2-3-2023 06:42  Acceptance  +1   
sexyloser   27-2-2023 12:38  Acceptance  +1   
quemseja   26-2-2023 01:55  Acceptance  +1   
kalvinhobbs   25-2-2023 23:23  Acceptance  +5   
SJ_Jav   25-2-2023 10:51  Acceptance  +1   Well said!
ImageCreator   24-2-2023 23:15  Karma  +4   Damn fuckin right. Respect is mutually inclusive
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Post at 26-2-2023 01:47  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 jkfoodftw's post

Registered on here after the forced bay area exodus from the other site but have been hesitant to post because of the privacy system in place. It looks like reviews on here are encouraged to be as detailed as possible yet there is nothing stopping anyone from viewing them. On the other boards I've visited there's usually a separation between an undetailed public review and a restricted one where only people with a certain karma can see details like paperwork or acts.
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Post at 26-2-2023 01:54  Profile P.M. 
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Not sure what the point of acceptance plus 1 really is. Quantitatively meaningless. Would be nice if attaching any photos required a 10 point minimum access restriction so the random public can't see it. And that could be paired with increasing the value of acceptance to something not meaningless.

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kalvinhobbs   26-2-2023 15:02  Acceptance  +1   Good for more one liners you can add into ratings instead of replying
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Post at 28-2-2023 08:37  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Speaking of vetting and reading access controls, does North America forum have its own dedicated moderator? Some of us like me make newb mistakes and make reports that are full access which really ought to be Reading 10 (or some org reports probably merit much higher) but can no longer make changes after the 360 minute timer passed (easy to miss overnight). A moderator to fix these can help to avoid unintentionally putting AMP's/girls at undue risk.

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Susanlixxx   28-2-2023 20:30  Acceptance  +4   Great question.
Jade_moon   28-2-2023 14:07  Acceptance  +5   Yes if you need sometime change or edited. Just message the MOD normally they help fix the problem when they get a chanc ...

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