Originally posted by erictsang62 at 28-1-2010 17:03
uh ok - so whats the advice?
Good place to start is to cut out all processed foods.
Focus on organic fresh food.
Cut out refined sugar (that's a tough one these days, it's in everything)
Cut down on oils and fats. Steam instead of fry.
Make sure to eat lots of natural fibre (many vegetables, oatmeal, etc.) as this does lots of good to your digestion including filling it up.
Cut out desserts.
More vegetables.
Heck there's whole books on the subject ... or just search on the web ... Weight Loss is one of the 5 biggest markets in the World, so it would be impossible even to inventory all the sources of information let alone review it all.
Ultimately it's not about how. It's do you have the commitment and can you handle your impulsiveness? Or do your habits control you instead?