Read around by all means, but for God's sake don't expect balanced good advice here!!! I mean, talk about asking a thief to hold your wallet for a moment ...
seriously, the very fact you're asking here instead of searching MedMD or somewhere serious says what you really want is for someone to tell you "nope, it's all a hoax, you're quite safe really".
The risks are real, and pretty serious. Of the many and varied bugs that make their living inside human genitals Herpes is incurable, and much more common than HIV. Many others, many of them are indeed curable with antibiotics, but none are desirable. Take your pick.
But here's my version of "go ahead"
if you want it:- there are 850 girls in this database. The only way they could possibly be here - especially the long term ones - is if they make an above-average income. The only way they can make enough to justify the risks and the hassles is by servicing several guys a day - I'm guessing in the range 4 to 10 per day, on average. This would make around 5,000 acts of commercial sex per day just through this db alone - say 150,000 per month. If it was THAT easy to catch stuff, you'd be hearing about it a lot more and the whole industry would be shut down quickly.
Like I say, that's my version of the cop-out.
Lots of places on the web that talk about safe sex ... and all of them are more objective! ... heck even adult dating sites these days dish out advice on safety.
And if u can find a virgin GF who f&&ks like a rabbit - thank your lucky stars and keep her fully satisfied!