Subject: [USA][CA][San Francisco] NaNa - Watersnake
Kinky King
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Post at 23-3-2023 17:11  Profile P.M. 
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[USA][CA][San Francisco] NaNa - Watersnake

Thread Subject:  NaNa - Watersnake

Date & Time of Session:  March 2023, morning
Location:  Southern San Francisco, there's a university nearby
Name:  NaNa
Nationality & Language: Chinese
Age: 30
Face:  7
Body: 8.5
Height:  5-4
Skill: 8
Service: 7.5
Price & Session Length:  140hhr
Repeat: Maybe, though often you'll take next available and don't have the patience to wait

Checked in early in the day with PO and was told schedule was wide open. Got the coordinates and texted my arrival when I parked and walked to the door. Uncle comes out and lets me in. Mumbles something in Mandarin, maybe take off your shoes(?) and walks me to the rooms to announce my arrival. Don't remember who was on duty that morning but uncle showed me to NaNa's. Took a quick peek at the other room and saw another Chinese girl that looked OK. NaNa is gone now but told me she lives in east coast and comes out for tours. She's maybe 5-4 or 5-5 tall, good body with curves with MM C's that felt nince, but overal body is not toned. Face is round and heavily made up so my age guesstimate could be way off. Hair was dyed blond and carpets did not match the drapes. English was pretty decent to have a conversation. Standard c-org service. Have had mixed results with watersnkane from Japanese cutie (yes repeat!) to a fat buddha (shudda walked)   so I have to be disciplined and try to see ones with at least some reviews. There was a hint of smoke in the room maybe NaNa smokes but there's no doubt uncle outside smokes like a chimney.

Recent Ratings
Burton6999   30-3-2023 05:22  Acceptance  +1   Looks fun!
Evolved   28-3-2023 23:57  Karma  +2   Do they require screening?
thothshand   28-3-2023 12:18  Acceptance  +1   
littlefinger   28-3-2023 07:39  Karma  +3   
JoeM   26-3-2023 12:09  Acceptance  +1   How easy is it to book/verify? Are pictures/listing accurate?
Ezpepino   25-3-2023 13:17  Acceptance  +1   
Baseballer   25-3-2023 04:58  Acceptance  +1   
crypticpixels   24-3-2023 10:45  Acceptance  +1   
Bust-a-nut   24-3-2023 06:26  Karma  +2   
gg1234   24-3-2023 05:16  Karma  +3   
willwill8   24-3-2023 01:27  Acceptance  +1   
sexyloser   24-3-2023 00:33  Karma  +2   
jkfoodftw   23-3-2023 23:45  Karma  +3   
Kinky King
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UID 287912
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Registered 11-2-2023
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Post at 28-3-2023 07:25  Profile P.M. 
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@JoeM- it's a c-org so pictures are not accutate, might be real pictures of somebody but not necessarily the girl you'll see, sometimes it may be the girl. as to ease of booking it's pretty similar to k-orgs. With watersnake, some locations are next available no reservation, but some other locations you make appointment for specific girl like k-org.

Recent Ratings
JoeM   29-3-2023 07:33  Acceptance  +1   Gotcha, so it sounds like you choose someone from the listing and just hope

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