Subject: 2020 Skebe HG Review
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Post at 18-12-2020 00:13  Profile P.M. 
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2020 Skebe HG Review

I did my year end reviews of the HG here in the English forum back in 2015 and 2016 . It was a lively HG scene back then. 2020 has been a tough year for everyone in every aspect, not least the punting world when the travel restrictions have limited the supply. Nonetheless, I managed a similar tally - 48 sessions this year. I was able to get my girls from a healthy mix of supply (from 11 different stables). This is nothing compared to that from the punting gods ....I have seen log books that counted over 200 sessions. Anyway I will do a summary of my own humble experience.

Best overall experience (looks, body, service and feel)
Gold award: AQ Mi You 米悠 (link to original report)  - Gorgeous look, petite body with pear shaped boobs and nipples proudly pointing upward. Carried herself with an elegant style and responded well during love making. 10/10/8....points deducted from service only because no photo ops for me. She worked only for 3 days, to the dismay of many.

Silver award: AQ Yu Xuan 羽萱 (link to original report) - 9/9/9 Personally I like the looks of Mi You better than Yu Xuan....she joked about her fans were blind  saying her eyes were small, but I secretly agreed. But she definitely knows how to hook men in. She got the body of a goddess, and she really likes her sex and was particular about it....a very engaging sex partner.

Bronze award: QK Nai Lao 奶酪 - 8/9/10 Very young looking, soft D boobs (very nicely done), thin waist...responded extremely well during sex, brought out the animal in men with her submissive attitude. Held on to me tightly during mish like she really wanted my sperm in her.

Sorry I didn't write an English report on her.

Other awards:

Best looks: MM Xinjiang Girl 新疆妹妹 Just gorgeous with her exotic look. Just for looks she is really in her own league.

Didn't write a report as I had some unfortunate accidents in her session (story for another day).

Best body: Sasa Fran (link to original report) Her body is really an artwork of God. Not all Chinese appreciate her beauty, but none contest her boobs and legs. If I had better engaged in her session, she would be among the top 3 overall.

Best service: DG 140. Shower BJ. DFK. 69 DATY. You name it. Photos. Videos - we made our own porn and watched them together. GFF in every way, on bed, off bed. Spoiled me with extras....that's why I kept coming back for more. Good looking with a great body too.

Report 1 Report 2 Report 3

Best teen (<20): F Chu Lian 初戀 (link to original report). The crop that fits the age group is slim this year. Her gorgeous looks beat out contenders like SK 175 (great boobs) and QK Xiao Nai Liang 小奈良 (with her jailbait demeanor).

[ Last edited by  skebe at 18-12-2020 00:29 ]

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Recent Ratings
obe   12-3-2021 17:34  Karma  +10   Nice
Malchus   7-3-2021 13:33  Karma  +3   Damn impressive, pity none of the award winners appear to be active
thailover141   6-1-2021 18:10  Acceptance  +1   Wow! Mighty Impressed!
FarmerJoe   2-1-2021 13:18  Karma  +4   Fun Year!
oriento   31-12-2020 14:30  Karma  +3   Excellent
cknc31   24-12-2020 14:55  Karma  +4   excellent
mcbond1800   24-12-2020 08:25  Karma  +3   
Atomduck   23-12-2020 12:29  Karma  +2   
polomint   22-12-2020 19:25  Karma  +5   Legend!
bohica   22-12-2020 13:01  Karma  +8   Not bad 48 sessions average about once a week during a pandemic.
irishdude012345   21-12-2020 08:27  Karma  +2   
babyrolla   20-12-2020 18:03  Karma  +3   outstanding. i missed out alot on your list :(
MrButtons   19-12-2020 15:45  Karma  +5   Damn, I miss Fran. She had the pazzazz unlike any WG I met before
Johnnyr555   19-12-2020 04:30  Karma  +8   Nice work.
baml2020   18-12-2020 22:26  Karma  +3   what a legend... thanks for sharing!
flappo84   18-12-2020 18:21  Karma  +8   Strong list and lust :)
your_bro_123   18-12-2020 18:05  Karma  +2   what a legend
perriersons08   18-12-2020 17:15  Karma  +8   we have the same taste in WGs, i always look forward to your posts for the ones i haven't tried yet.
Sandwhale   18-12-2020 14:33  Karma  +5   That's a really good list for such a year! Well done!!
lively192   18-12-2020 13:55  Karma  +5   Good stuff
jeffzeke   18-12-2020 13:20  Karma  +10   holy cow, these are some cuties. Good job in a pandemic year!
David.youngson   18-12-2020 12:30  Karma  +3   Best feet?
JackTheBat   18-12-2020 11:17  Karma  +10   Excellent, skebe. Merry Xmas to you and keep us entertained in 2021!
boscitc   18-12-2020 10:28  Karma  +4   Would that I had more Karma to give...
like2bonk   18-12-2020 10:07  Karma  +5   
batman108   18-12-2020 09:27  Karma  +6   awesome and thanks
Dukelok   18-12-2020 07:19  Acceptance  +1   Excellent - good book report. Haha, any experience with English friendly agents
aceinthehole   18-12-2020 04:50  Karma  +5   Great job! I remember Fran. She let me video CIM and still watch that one :)
sammychan89   18-12-2020 00:31  Karma  +2   you MACHINE. thats a lot of fucking! keep up the good work omg dg140's body is to die for
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Post at 18-12-2020 00:24  Profile P.M. 
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This is my log book for could see who were being considered for the above selection.

U 119 / 180
SK 175
Water spa 小靜
QK 奶酪

QK 布丁
QK 海螺妹妹

QK Abby / 丸子妹妹
QK 小柔

QK Abby / 丸子妹妹
QK 雪碧
QK 小婷
QK 小奈良
QK 雯靜妹妹

QK 小子涵
Sasa Fran
Sasa Barbie
Sasa Cristina

Sasa 小泡芙
F Mona
Emma 2h

AQ 安雪
AQ 米悠 2h
MTR 綾敏兒
AQ 星語
E 舒雅
F 南煙
AQ 林夕夢

MM 新疆妹妹
QK 秋小雅
小佳妮 Yummy
DG 140 (2)
AQ 羽萱
F 白雪

DG 140
We Spa 玖月/ SK 175
F 小月仙
F 白雪
MM 詩詩 (2)
NC 小櫻桃

F 洋洋
F Kiki
QK Kiki
Sasa 淘寶model
F 初戀

Recent Ratings
obe   12-3-2021 17:34  Karma  +10   
Mister   18-12-2020 17:54  Karma  +8   You’ve been a f^cking busy boy — or should that be a busy f^cking boy
jeffzeke   18-12-2020 13:21  Karma  +5   interesting approach. A "logbook" - like an airline pilot, LOL!
like2bonk   18-12-2020 10:07  Karma  +5   
aceinthehole   18-12-2020 04:52  Karma  +5   Impressive list! Good luck in 2021 :)
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Post at 18-12-2020 09:27  Profile P.M. 
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Truly a legend...... I am still teying to find someone to fill my emptiness after one of the WG which is also on your list, refuse to see me again, as i got into a fight with her after knowing eachother for  3 years.

Its a long story, but seeing her name drags out the pain.

Recent Ratings
like2bonk   18-12-2020 10:07  Karma  +5   
skebe   18-12-2020 09:58  Karma  +10   Lol mind sharing who would that be?
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Post at 18-12-2020 12:00  Profile P.M. 
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Big bro skebe, i rather not... I am pretty sure you have her wechat, while we cut eachother out.....honestly i think this is the best, the last thing ibwant is aaking u to help me check hows she is doing, i do not want to reach that lvl pathethicness.

These fking lockdowns is really starting to mess with me mentally.   Things wouldve been great if its like the past, i bone her she gets paid or sometimes i get some freebies like a frd with benefits.   

I have been mongering for close to ten fking years, and i cant believe i made the rookie mistake of falling for one of them.  I dont mean i see them as objects with no feelings, there are around a dozen of WGs retired i still keep in touch with, some started a business and some started a family, hell i still chat with them from time to time and a few is actually helping me get over now.     By telling me how she is not wprth it, as i showed them are full arguments.

Long story short, spend too much time with her in sept and oct, shared too much with eachother,  started to know more abt her as a person, her past, her family, etc.   Than quite alot happen, need to overcome the fact that she slps with other men, which i did, but something else happens and finally broke whatever we have had or showed her true side.

When she went missing on late nov, i started a thread to asked for help in underatanding what she was going through, she and her frds got lucky and was released in 3 days.... Hell i even book a few girls from the same agent just so i can ask if she had been arressted.

Anyway regardless, dont want to bore you boys with the details,  but yes i m hunting fir someone else to either drown  myself out of her, or replace her, hence i m pissed off that 初戀 is cancelled.  As she seems to be the one most liklely to make me forget abt her sexually at least.

I think i tried more than a dozen of pther WGs in the last two weeks.    There certainly are some great ones like MMs siu ding dong, cute as hell, but her pussy is way too small, Fkiki is also a honorable mention, a few others from qk was skillful but mechanical, etc.  But so far still picking myself up.

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perriersons08   18-12-2020 17:15  Karma  +2   
jeffzeke   18-12-2020 13:22  Karma  +4   thanks for sharing
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Post at 18-12-2020 16:49  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Bchung at 18-12-2020 12:00
Big bro skebe, i rather not... I am pretty sure you have her wechat, while we cut eachother out.....honestly i think this is the best, the last thing ibwant is aaking u to help me check hows she is do ...

Just don't get too attached bro. They are WG, they are messed up when it comes to handling relationships especially when starting off as customers. Not saying you should treat these girls as objects,  but do remember you paid for a service,that includes the girl friend feel acting. Service, not love.

[ Last edited by  skebe at 18-12-2020 16:52 ]

Recent Ratings
obe   12-3-2021 17:35  Karma  +10   Exactly
Mister   18-12-2020 17:53  Karma  +2   A balanced view. Treat them like human beings, but don’t forget you’re just a customer at the end of the day.
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Post at 18-12-2020 17:14  Profile P.M. 
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damn that's some serious shit above. sorry bros, i just treat them like objects, smash and go, move on to the next. maybe i'm just an asshole!
Kinky King
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Post at 19-12-2020 09:08  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by skebe at 18-12-2020 16:49

Just don't get too attached bro. They are WG, they are messed up when it comes to handling relationships especially when starting off as customers. Not saying you should treat these girls as objects ...

Agreed, perhaps i will start a whats like tondate a WG thread during one of those lockdown christmas nights.

Sorry for hijacking your thread.

Recent Ratings
oriento   31-12-2020 14:29  Karma  +3   giving you some karma in hopes you have a "speedy recovery". cheers

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