Subject: F 紫萱
Kinky King
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Post at 27-2-2021 15:31  Profile P.M. 
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F 紫萱

Date: 16 Feb
Name:  F 紫萱 - 299
Nationality & Language: Mando
Age: early-mid 30's
Face:  3/10, 5/10 when her mouth is closed (filter game is super strong, i'll explain)
Body: 6/10
Height: 165ish
Skill: 6/10
Service: 8/10
GFE: n/a - i'll explaion
Damage: $1500

Putting RA20 just to stop one liner guys from coming in, it's getting annoying.
First report after a long while as all these lockdowns are sucking the life up from us. Girl is still around should you want to try her.

I booked her when she first came, i was literally the first guy as she just checked in a small hotel in Jordan.
Service is actually good as she was just super horny and will try to eat you up (i'm not super good looking or fit, just your average Joe); solid HG service.
Do note that she's pretty old for F stable standard, told the agent after the service. No hard feelings though, i'll still return if some of his younger offerings are back in HK.

Filter game is super strong this time around. I've used F in the past and his photoshop game was acceptable (at least 70% resemblance to the girls, and they're usually pretty young for current HG stable standard).
This time it's the other way around unfortunately. Her teeth structure is really something else, idk how else to explain it but when she smiles it's an extreme turn off for me.
It was extremely hard for me to finish when I can see her face....(as bad as this sounds)
Nothing personal towards the girl as she tried everything to finish me off (which I did in the end through doggy - can't see her face).

If you just wanna shag a horny girl, then sure she may fit your bill. But frankly at that price point there are too many to choose from.

Take care bros!

Recent Ratings
Johnhkhkhkhk   1-3-2021 18:03  Karma  +2   
FarmerJoe   28-2-2021 20:31  Karma  +4   Thanks for the info!
blahblah777   28-2-2021 18:10  Karma  +3   Can only imagine
swan   28-2-2021 11:53  Karma  +8   thanks for toftt
Dukelok   28-2-2021 09:28  Karma  +3   Original - good story. Haha very honest
momozzz   27-2-2021 23:55  Karma  +4   laughed reading tlat your post. thanks mate
Bchung   27-2-2021 22:14  Acceptance  +5   Kind of remind me of the scene from scary movieeee..... Should've brought a paper bag with you

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