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Post at 18-8-2016 16:20  Profile P.M. 
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Advice needed from the experts

Hi guys,

I will be alone for a week or so in HK, ths missus is going. I have done a bit of research, on the likes of Kama Spa, Serenity and a few other spots.

What I am wondering is - is it just not better to go hang around in Wanchai Saturday night and pick someone up from there? I have a bit of cash on the side so would like to spoil myself royally, but I am not going to pay 5000HK/hour as like some websites charge. I would rather do 4 good, cheaper sessions then.

I won't mind a place like Serenity although I have never been there, but I just feel that walking around in Wanchai will give you more options on a few more girls/cultures. The downside is that I will be alone, so not really keen on entering clubs and stuff alone and sticking out like a sore finger.

Any suggestions?


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MothToAFlame   18-8-2016 20:59  Acceptance  +3   Do both ! See below.
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Post at 18-8-2016 20:58  Profile P.M. 
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What constitutes "better"? Only you can decide that.

The spas give you the relaxation, showering, bathing, massage, food, chilling out and HE, maybe more.

The Wan chai clubs offer "vibe", alcoholic drinks, a chance to peruse and chat up a wide range of girls, and score some P4P.

Which situation would you enjoy more? And if you're there for a week, why not do both?  Check out reports on the Maid Parade for something unique to Hong Kong!

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UncleDad   18-8-2016 21:58  Acceptance  +3   Totally agree
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Post at 18-8-2016 21:57  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Depends on what you're looking for mate.
What to you constitutes being spoiled royally?
You mentioned that you were going to be alone but then you say the missus is going.... which is it? Cos if you want to be spoiled royally, I'd suggest hopping on over to Macau.

But if you're just staying in HKG, then I totally agree with the moth dood.... all of it.


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MothToAFlame   19-8-2016 22:00  Acceptance  +3   Yup
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Post at 18-8-2016 22:12  Profile P.M. 
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Sorry - that was a bit vague from my side. I meant that the missus is leaving HK, and I will be alone for a week or so.

I am caught between 2 minds. On the one side, I like the variety of WC and the fact that I can choose and decline, on the other hand I don't want to go and walk around at night as I am afraid I would walk into people I know?

The thing with the saunas is that I don't know what to expect there, the quality of the girls etc ec. I would gladly pay some money at Serenity but don't want to be disappointent?

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jake.houston   20-8-2016 11:54  Acceptance  +4   Wan Chai, then Wan Chai, and end up in Wan Chai.
Mister   19-8-2016 18:08  Acceptance  +2   Read recent reports on spas and ask for well-rated girls by name. As in real life, there are no guarantees
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Post at 18-8-2016 22:51  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 nogardja's post

only one advise … mongering is a game … win some, loose some … never any guarantees  
so don't have too much expectations and you will have less disappointments

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Mister   19-8-2016 18:10  Acceptance  +2   Indeed. Sometimes, one is happily surprised ;)
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Post at 26-8-2016 18:40  Profile P.M. 
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Walk-ups? Hotel girls?

Have you considered full spectrum mongering by including walk-ups or hotel girls? Walk ups are my favourite part of the HK experience. Cheap, exciting, and like twiceAweek says, it's a game. If you're worried about running into people you know in wan chai, then head over to the likes of sham shui po where you're less likely to see anyone you know (yeah I'm making assumptions here). Whatever you do. Have fun and be safe.

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